World's best pot

I am not talking about hash from Manali. I am talking about world's best hash and that is malana cream from village of malana in Kasual near Manali. Malana, Himachal Pradesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actally Its not even near manali.... Its in kullu valley....

Stop Trolling mate....
Have you ever even been there or tried Manali cream? I go to Manali every year and my personal stash is always Manali cream. This thread is the first time I even heard about a place called "Malana", far less "Malana cream". Sure, it may be good stuff- but Manali is the place with the reputation and by far acknowledged as producing the best hash in the world. An article or two claiming that Malana is the best doesn't necessarily make it so.
alright bros

Straight to the point here.

I'm planning a trip through India and Nepal right now in order to settle this argument.

I don't even like weed but I'm gonna do it for the community

I'm hired half of BST's content writers for 2 weeks as my guides (the other half are actually American using The Best Spinner while masquerading as Indians). Sumit is going to come along in order to provide us bros with good luck.

I will also be on the lookout for Yuckystuff (missing for weeks now), and .Hack (late on child support payments).

If you're going to be near, in, and/or around Chennai, Pondicherry, Kolkata, Kathmandu, Delhi, or anywhere en-route, use your conch.

I don't want any non partiers.

Please if you can't host, or supply the favors then please don't waste my time, I really want to get fucked up and fucked tonight.

inb4 gay webmasters think I'm joking

inb4 I bump this thread in 1 month
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Reactions: GerardWon
Chennai & Calcutta are both shit. Chennai is actually one of the cleaner cities but the culture is very uptight and the food sucks. Calcutta = poverty porn on the streets.

I would advise against even stepping out of the airport in any Indian city except Bangalore- they all suck in every way imaginable and you will get mind fucked with disgust.

Best city for hookers and getting laid for free = Mumbai. Also the filthiest, most overcrowded and most expensive. I live here. Hopefully I won't be around next month but PM me for some phone numbers...

Delhi is nice if you're loaded. Everyone's a baller there and "knows someone" big.

KTM & Pondicherry are nice. You will find a lot of strip clubs and drugs in both these cities.

Nepal is nice. A poor, unpolluted country with a lot of entertainment options.

Here's an itinerary I would recommend:

Land in Mumbai and load up on girls and drugs. Drive to Goa. Then on to Pondicherry with a stop at Bangalore.

Take a plane from Chennai to KTM, Nepal. Replenish partying supplies here. Then re-enter India by land (so that transporting said "supplies" isn't a problem) at the Siliguri border and drive to Sikkim. Once in India you can rent self-drive land cruisers and other SUVs. It's a nice drive. Explore N/E India, then a trip to Kashmir & Himachal. In these states you will find the best weed and hash in the world at incredibly cheap prices ($200 a kilo retail).

Then drive/fly/take a train to Delhi and GTFO. Throw in a few days at Pushkar before that if you will. This is where you'll get to take picutures of nekkid Sadhus etc, it's a nice and trippy place with a strong 420 culture.

Follow this itinerary for a good time....

alright bros

Straight to the point here.

I'm planning a trip through India and Nepal right now in order to settle this argument.

I don't even like weed but I'm gonna do it for the community

I'm hired half of BST's content writers for 2 weeks as my guides (the other half are actually American using The Best Spinner while masquerading as Indians). Sumit is going to come along in order to provide us bros with good luck.

I will also be on the lookout for Yuckystuff (missing for weeks now), and .Hack (late on child support payments).

If you're going to be near, in, and/or around Chennai, Pondicherry, Kolkata, Kathmandu, Delhi, or anywhere en-route, use your conch.

I don't want any non partiers.

Please if you can't host, or supply the favors then please don't waste my time, I really want to get fucked up and fucked tonight.

inb4 gay webmasters think I'm joking

inb4 I bump this thread in 1 month
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Reactions: arpitagarwal82
i'll never understand why someone would take a vacation to india. may as well go to iraq.
alright bros

Straight to the point here.

I'm planning a trip through India and Nepal right now in order to settle this argument.

I don't even like weed but I'm gonna do it for the community

I'm hired half of BST's content writers for 2 weeks as my guides (the other half are actually American using The Best Spinner while masquerading as Indians). Sumit is going to come along in order to provide us bros with good luck.

I will also be on the lookout for Yuckystuff (missing for weeks now), and .Hack (late on child support payments).

If you're going to be near, in, and/or around Chennai, Pondicherry, Kolkata, Kathmandu, Delhi, or anywhere en-route, use your conch.

I don't want any non partiers.

Please if you can't host, or supply the favors then please don't waste my time, I really want to get fucked up and fucked tonight.

inb4 gay webmasters think I'm joking

inb4 I bump this thread in 1 month

Quality post + rep. Fuck that like shit
Are that many people really traveling to far-away land just to get high? Wow...

Moshav in the Himalayas

Dharamkot and Bhagsu have a combined Hindu population of about 1,200. During the season, the Israelis in the area at any one time number about 1,800. Middle-aged parents often join their backpacking children, while some Israelis bring along their whole family, including young children, who happily skip a semester of school to stay in homestays and guesthouses for just $2-$6 a night. It is common to hear more Hebrew than the local Gaddi dialect and the payphone booths have clocks displaying the time in Tel Aviv.

Signs and menus in all shops and guesthouses are written in Hebrew, keyboards in Internet cafes have Hebrew letters, restaurant menus include hummus and Israeli salad, and shopkeepers try to speak in bits of Israeli slang they have picked up from the customers. When not sitting around drinking chai and chatting, many visitors enroll in yoga and meditation retreats, ayurvedic healing, massage courses and a whole range of different spiritual practices.

The Israeli presence is so pervasive that every storefront sports a hand-painted sign in Hebrew. Even rickshaw drivers who probably can’t read their own language know many Hebrew phrases and readily recite the names of Israeli TV stars. A few of the Israelis stay. Some who came here five to 10 years ago have now settled down in these villages, some even marrying locals to extend their stay and run cafés. These Israeli settlers’ supposed interest in Indian spirituality is reflected in conversation among the backpackers, but not in action. When it comes down to it, many of them are lot more interested in trance parties and smoking drugs than in spiritual practices.

In recent years, many families in the village have converted their farming plots into guesthouses for Israelis: A prosperous side business, managed mostly by teenagers. Staffed by Nepalis, restaurants and Internet cafés have also sprung up along the main path where you can even find tattoo and piercing parlors that sell under-the-counter drug paraphernalia. “I’ll stay in India as long as I can, until my visa runs out… I never want to leave here,” said Chavi Chamish, 25, an Israeli backpacker walking along the paddy fields in the village.
I spent like 2 weeks in Nepal, and the guide kept asking us if we wanted to get high on some good shit. Haha. Apparently, a lot of americans go out to the Himalayas to sneak away into the mountains and get blazed.

BUT, have you seen some of the drug laws out there? I wouldn't touch the stuff on foreign soil (especially southeast asia unless hanging is your thing).
I spent like 2 weeks in Nepal, and the guide kept asking us if we wanted to get high on some good shit. Haha. Apparently, a lot of americans go out to the Himalayas to sneak away into the mountains and get blazed.

BUT, have you seen some of the drug laws out there? I wouldn't touch the stuff on foreign soil (especially southeast asia unless hanging is your thing).
There is no law in India or Nepal. Relax :)
Just got back from a couple months in india, its one of my favorite countries to travel in and the hash just makes it that much better. The weed really is shit but if you can get hash from manali or better yet malana its pretty damn good.

Ive actually been to manali and malana a few times so to clear things up...

The kullu and parvati valleys are where you can find the best hash in india and arguably in all of asia. Manali is the biggest hash producing city in the kullu valley and where the majority of the top quality hash comes from. If you're anywhere in india and you ask for 'cream' they are going to assume that you want hash from manali.
If your a bud Connoisseur however then what your really want is malana cream. Its from a little village fairly close to Manali with crazy cast laws (the people there think they are descended from alexander the great and will cleanse with blood any touch to their temples, seriously, google it). From Manali you have to take a bus to the parvati valley, then a jeep farther into the mountains, and then finally hike a couple hours up a mountain until you come to the village. Its a real trip but its definitely worth it. You can get absolutely mind blowing hash for about 3 dollars a gram.

Uncle Tony is right in a way that people in India will laugh at you if you ask for malana cream. Its the best of the best and unless you have really good connections, pay insane amounts, or travel there yourself its pretty much impossible to get.

I'm in California now and honestly the best malana cream hash still isn't as good as the best stuff you can get in the dispensaries here. The indian stuff is a hell of a lot cheaper though...
Uncle Tony is right in a way that people in India will laugh at you if you ask for malana cream. Its the best of the best and unless you have really good connections, pay insane amounts, or travel there yourself its pretty much impossible to get.

Offcourse you need something(s) to get hold of the world's best stuff.
I guess I fall in the 'good connections' category :smokin:
Offcourse you need something(s) to get hold of the world's best stuff.
I guess I fall in the 'good connections' category :smokin:
I won't comment on it till I smoke it (Malana) but say what you want to, Manali has produced top quality hashish for centuries. You should see the production process in action, it's a work of art and takes hours to get a gram of Manali cream.

I'll make the trip to Malana later this year to see what the hype is all about, but for now Manali cream is more than fantastic. I wouldn't trust any "connection" nor pay 50x the price, I get my stash at the source.
I won't comment on it till I smoke it (Malana) but say what you want to, Manali has produced top quality hashish for centuries. You should see the production process in action, it's a work of art and takes hours to get a gram of Manali cream.

I'll make the trip to Malana later this year to see what the hype is all about, but for now Manali cream is more than fantastic. I wouldn't trust any "connection" nor pay 50x the price, I get my stash at the source.

Getting the malana stash at source is an awesome experience. The trip itself will give you a legen'wait for it'dary high....