Work in Co-Working centers?

^nah man, I like my food fresh off the pan when it's still sizzling! I like my smoothies fresh off the blender. What can I say, I just got used to eating well... people in co-working spaces tend to eat ham sandwiches and go grab a burger from the closest fast-food joints. Not for me.

I dunno. Shared space sounds kind of cool and I like the idea of utilizing it while traveling, but at the end of the day, having your own secure and private space can't be beat. Our apartment was literally a block away from both our offices in Yaletown in Vancouver. It took 5 minutes to walk door to door. If I wanted to go have my own food, smoke a bowl, take a crap, rub one out, I could walk home and do it.

If I wanted to meet people to share ideas, look for investors, or the like all I had to do was show up at the Yaletown Brewpub or the Cactus Club any given night and there would be someone to talk to. When you live in a city like Vancouver, everyone you know is in IT of some sort.
^nah man, I like my food fresh off the pan when it's still sizzling! I like my smoothies fresh off the blender. What can I say, I just got used to eating well... people in co-working spaces tend to eat ham sandwiches and go grab a burger from the closest fast-food joints. Not for me.

Haha I understand. I'm the same way. I'll need to bring my home prepared food in a brown bag. :(
Actually, some of you guys (living in less competitive cities) should think of starting THEIR OWN co-working space, as a side business...

The one I was renting was $250/month all-included 24/7 access, and the entire space (about 5,000 sq feet) was owned by 3 guys who started a web development agency... so with 1 office they run 2 businesses, pretty clever. They work full-time on their web dev stuff, and they have an additional cashflow from about 20 guys like me paying them 250 a month for a freaking desk with a lamp and Internet connection. ($5,000 a month total) That probably covers their rent + utilities right there...
I dunno. Shared space sounds kind of cool and I like the idea of utilizing it while traveling, but at the end of the day, having your own secure and private space can't be beat. Our apartment was literally a block away from both our offices in Yaletown in Vancouver. It took 5 minutes to walk door to door. If I wanted to go have my own food, smoke a bowl, take a crap, rub one out, I could walk home and do it.

If I wanted to meet people to share ideas, look for investors, or the like all I had to do was show up at the Yaletown Brewpub or the Cactus Club any given night and there would be someone to talk to. When you live in a city like Vancouver, everyone you know is in IT of some sort.

This is still exactly the case, except things have mostly moved over to Gastown and Railtown due to the cheaper rents. It's Startupville over there.
Actually, some of you guys (living in less competitive cities) should think of starting THEIR OWN co-working space, as a side business...

The one I was renting was $250/month all-included 24/7 access, and the entire space (about 5,000 sq feet) was owned by 3 guys who started a web development agency... so with 1 office they run 2 businesses, pretty clever. They work full-time on their web dev stuff, and they have an additional cashflow from about 20 guys like me paying them 250 a month for a freaking desk with a lamp and Internet connection. ($5,000 a month total) That probably covers their rent + utilities right there...

Or, you could go all in: Creating Engineered Serendipity | Atlanta Tech Village

Fuck that... I'll stick with my comfortable home office, which even comes with dogs! I need my own space though.
If dogs could talk: "I really wish Matt would keep his pants on - or at least get an office somewhere. Were it not for the special sauce he makes with his snausage I'd bite his nads."


Shared office space is a concession. Some give, some take. Probably the best thing it does is get you to shower (at least deodorant) and put on clean (least dirty) clothes.
Shared office space is a concession. Some give, some take. Probably the best thing it does is get you to shower (at least deodorant) and put on clean (least dirty) clothes.

You'd think so but the developer on the 7th floor here denies this logic every single day.
Speaking of co-working centers..

I wonder how many of you browse WF in these types of places?

And this is why I will probably need to either get a private desk at the place OR browse WickedFire in the bathroom.


I'll just bring my laptop into the bathroom stall.
I feel like this is nothing more than the common man's attempt at copying the start-up culture. I can't imagine a whole lot of work gets done, but galdurnit I bet they feel really cool. My guess is 90% of the renters have thick black rimmed glasses and skinny jeans.