Work from home or have an office?

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I think it just depends on the person. If you work well at home, by all means... work from home. But if you find your self more productive in an office environment... the look for a good one.

I worked from home in my office which we built as a part of the home in 2004 when our home was built. That office only had an exterior door, so it wasn't open to the house (we have 2 small childen :)). Then I felt cramped and wanted a wide open office, so in May construction was finished on our office (separate structure) behind our home and it is amazing. Got all the cool gadgets and excercise equipment I wanted...

You can see pics at my blog:
Lee said:
I worked from home in my office which we built as a part of the home in 2004 when our home was built. That office only had an exterior door, so it wasn't open to the house (we have 2 small childen :)). Then I felt cramped and wanted a wide open office, so in May construction was finished on our office (separate structure) behind our home and it is amazing. Got all the cool gadgets and excercise equipment I wanted...

You can see pics at my blog:

Hah Lee, you certainly have a bit more space now anyway...
I have a home office, but I am in the market for something out of the home. I would like to see how it effects my work ethic, compared to home.
I work from home, have our spare bedroom to work as our office. In the future I may look into getting a out of house office, but we'll see.
kyleirwin said:
Very nice working space you've got yourself there. What stops you from walking back to the house and distracting yourself?
I am just driven to do my work and not goof off really. It has never been a problem for me. I enjoy what I do...:)
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