Work from home or have an office?

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Karl Evans

New member
Jun 25, 2006
Liverpool, UK
I know a few people who have their own offices for their online work, which are away from their home. A few people I know say it helps them get away from the monotomy from working and living in the same four walls every day.

Do you work from home or do you have an office somewhere?

I personally work from home, I'm only 17 and I'm still a student. Will be moving into offices one I'm through University and I start my business up properly.


Home, set up in my living room so my wife and 2 kids can remember what Daddy looks like instead of being sucked into a room upstairs somewhere.
Home office for me as well. I made sure there were no other distractions in the room (TV, phones, etc.).
I'd like to work out of home... but for some reason I really like the idea of working out of a small office with some friends... I can just reallllllly see a lot getting done.
In 2003 and 2004 had two different office suits - one near the Galleria in Houston - It was an open design and had a couple of web geeks a couple of doors down and they kept on walking by my desk and taking a peek at what was on the monitor - and I'll be damned if it wasn't on their monitor when wallking to breakroom. - I hate bottom feeders.

Moved to another office suite (closer to home) after lease was up - and my next door neighbor cold called all day long and did presentations as well - the noise from the talking through the wall drove me crazy - so both were a big waste of money - except for the tax write off.

Home office now - in spare bedroom - with a laptop next to the bed and one on the bar in the kitchen. Don't know what I was thinking about being more productive going to an office - it was a disaster every time I went in..
I have an office-like room in my house, but am still using it for other purposes. I do hope to achieve the "this is an office now, a place for working, so no fooling around" atmosphere once I decorate it properly.
MisterX said:
I have an office-like room in my house, but am still using it for other purposes. I do hope to achieve the "this is an office now, a place for working, so no fooling around" atmosphere once I decorate it properly.
Do you plan on having a tv in there? I think i'll do the same once I go back to strictly working at home again. I just know i won't be able to manage working out of my room like i was before. It's funny how it sounds so nice 'n easy to "work from home" but how much self-dicipline it actually takes.
I work from home in a converted spare bedroom that serves as my office. There's no TV or any other distractions in the office, just my desk and computer. I also have a wireless laptop that I sometimes drag to other rooms or to the back porch to keep up with things. Most real work is done in the office. I set aside 8-5 on weekdays as work time, and don't let anything else get in the way during that time.

This has worked out great so far, but I'm not sure how well it will work in a few months when my first kid arrives!
Home, I thought about an office but it just doesn't make sense right now. If you outsource any work you don't do yourself and have no clients, why have an office?
I still hold down a full time job so work from the office. Have an extra bedroom at home that I work from but I probably get more done at the actual office.

Although this month I've been distracted by world cup coverage :p
Ack said:
I work from home in a converted spare bedroom that serves as my office. There's no TV or any other distractions in the office, just my desk and computer. I also have a wireless laptop that I sometimes drag to other rooms or to the back porch to keep up with things. Most real work is done in the office. I set aside 8-5 on weekdays as work time, and don't let anything else get in the way during that time.

This has worked out great so far, but I'm not sure how well it will work in a few months when my first kid arrives!
congradulations, I'm expecting too... and planning to move back to working at home to raise my daughter. I can't wait, just hope i can be more self-diciplined this time around.
jonjon said:
In 2003 and 2004 had two different office suits - one near the Galleria in Houston - It was an open design and had a couple of web geeks a couple of doors down and they kept on walking by my desk and taking a peek at what was on the monitor - and I'll be damned if it wasn't on their monitor when wallking to breakroom. - I hate bottom feeders.

Moved to another office suite (closer to home) after lease was up - and my next door neighbor cold called all day long and did presentations as well - the noise from the talking through the wall drove me crazy - so both were a big waste of money - except for the tax write off.

Home office now - in spare bedroom - with a laptop next to the bed and one on the bar in the kitchen. Don't know what I was thinking about being more productive going to an office - it was a disaster every time I went in..
Hearing experiences like that makes me want to change my mind.
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