Wordpress Permalinks

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My structure now is the default ?p=xxx or %post_id%

Im going for /%catagory%/%postname%/ and it works, but also changes previous posts to /%catagory%/%postname%/. The plug in seems to do nothing.

but also changes previous posts to /%catagory%/%postname%/.

Ok, it is supposed to do that. But what it is suppost to be doing as well is taking all of your old "?p=xxx or %post_id%" urls and automaticly creating 301 redirects in your .htaccess file to the new /%catagory%/%postname%/ urls.

1. What permissions do you have set on .htaccess?

2. If you try going to an old URL with the old structure...does it redirect you to the new URL?

3. Also, are you using in the site listed in your sig?
1) I really dont know what the permission on my .htAccess file are, you I never thought about that one, maybe thats the problem right there, ill check it out

1) I get an error file not found on server

3) Yes that would be the site

Thank you, Jer
Hi Jerxs,

Applying the new permalink setting should not break your blog as the new url will take you to the exact same place in your blog, eg at the moment, http ://www.mediaswim.com/index.php?p=49 works, so when you change to the new permalink structure the new location is going to be http://www.mediaswim.com/category/postname as well as thru http://www.mediaswim.com/post/postid (also accessible via the date).

My guess is the .htaccess is not writable (or just not there). Check this in an ftp program by right clicking and go to file attributes. Change to 666. Now change your permalinks to the desired /%category%/%postname%/. Click update. Verify that the .htaccess is actually written to by right clicking in the ftp program and go to view/edit.

That should be it. All your old links like http ://www.mediaswim.com/index.php?p=49 will take you to the new url http://www.mediaswim.com/videos/drive-by-farting.


Holy crap, I actually got it to work! It was an issue of the .htaccess not being writable!

Thank you, Thank you all:bowdown:
Well hopefull that starts to help my site from an SEO standpoint, im thinking that keywords in a URL are probably just as important as <title> and <hX> tags.....
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