Wolf Howl Hacked...

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Ha Ha Ha!!!! I am refreshing Cutts blog like every 30 seconds I want to see him taken to his fucking knees!!!!!!! I hate fags like him! He's got every fag WM swingingin from his balls and he knows it, its time to deflate some ego's. Good shit, Great shit its about fucking time someone goes postal on these self proclaimed idiots!
no not linkbait it was a real hack. To everyone who thinks "it's cool" well it's not. My bad for not updating wordpress, let's just say amusing or entertaining are not adjectives that leap to mind right now.
that sucks graywolf.
i feel for ya. Its funny on the otherside but on the recieving end that totally blows man. I just updated and made a secondary backup to my daily one just to make double sure. I hope you didn't loose anything.
Ha Ha Ha!!!! I am refreshing Cutts blog like every 30 seconds I want to see him taken to his fucking knees!!!!!!! I hate fags like him! He's got every fag WM swingingin from his balls and he knows it, its time to deflate some ego's. Good shit, Great shit its about fucking time someone goes postal on these self proclaimed idiots!

You may get your wish Jer, his goal is to hack all the "big" SEO sites, blogs.

scumbag-hacker said:
Anyways, I just started the first hacking cruzade… The easy targets (Wordpress blogs with register_globals=on) using a custom PHP script based on this code
The easy ones where blog.v7n.com, Making Money Online - Boogybonbon.com, Stundubl - if you run through enough traffic you're bound to get hit by a car & Graywolf’s SEO Blog.


I don't people like this. Why fuck with other people's hardwork "just because you can"? If every person just went around doing things "just because they could" the world would be in chaos. I'd like to see this guy get chopped down to his knees, just because someone else could. :yin-yang:
I don't people like this. Why fuck with other people's hardwork "just because you can"? If every person just went around doing things "just because they could" the world would be in chaos. I'd like to see this guy get chopped down to his knees, just because someone else could.

That will probably happen in time, Id hate to see an honest hard working person get whacked, but I think there are a few assholes out there that could use the reallity check. Very few, but you know as well as I do they are out there and those people I feel no compasion for.
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