Wiki Site Links (High Quality) – 1000+ UNIQUE DOMAINS – ONLY $15 (Great Reviews)

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Received my report yesterday. Got well over 1000 wiki links. Delivered fast. It's too early to tell if the results are good, but so far I've been pleased with his service and I'd definitely order again. Thanks


Received report VERY fast, within 24 hrs. All wiki links are there, plus overdelivery.

NOTE- 90% of the links I checked were "nofollow", so I really don't expect much of a rankings increase.

It's only been 2 days, but my ranking for keyword listed for this service dropped down 1 notch from #5 to #6. Still too soon to tell if this does anything. May report back later.
Received my report today, ordered on the 29th January so TAT was 6 days which was within in the stated TAT of 7 days so that's always good.

Report came in an excel spreedsheet with three lindexed links and 1700+ wiki links. Too early to comment on SERP movement as of yet but upon checking most were no-follow, which is okay by me but some people swear by do-follow links.

Only one thing OP could improve of is the footprint, in which the usernames were re-used constantly. Other than that this service is great value for money.

+iTrader coming your way.
Got the report today, order was placed on the 31st, so under 5 days.

Got 1726 total links on my report, out of which found 1,628, as above I also had 3 indexed links in the report (to add to those 1,628).

This is the third time I'm using this service (for different properties) and its consistently over delivery, I'm happy with that.
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