WickedFire Premium Section

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Here's a concept I think I'll be using:

I'll let you guys know that the premium section will be more like going to class, rather than just reading an ebook. It will be limited in that there will only be a few spots open each "semester".

Every "class" will be tailored specifically for you, the student. There will be information for everyone to use in a main area, and in the custom areas, depending on the type of person you are (depends on your answers on the questionaire), there will be lessons and step by step methods for you to follow.

It won't be too hard to follow the instructions, but you will be required to do something called work. This isn't the magic cash button where you click on it, and a check is mailed to you. People who apply, and are accepted are going to be of a different caliber than your average joe internet marketer.

I may even include final grades and a certificate after the teaching phase is over. For those that pass, they may continue to use the general information area for a reduced monthly fee, for those that fail, well, better luck next time, and you will be suspended from the system, but you can re-apply when more spots open up.

There will be an NDA and a strict user agreement to sign before you see the members area, so if you are not into doing so, don't bother applying.


I've been mulling over a few different price ranges. I may have a startup fee and then a lower monthly fee for the duration of the class. Not sure what it will be at just yet, because it completely depends on how much time and effort I have to devote to this.


I will make two seperate areas (read above). A general/main student area where all members can gather all sorts of information and use all of the custom tools and scripts there to assist them in their studies and assignments. There will be video and audio tutorials on pretty much everything being taught, so first you'll be required to do some reading and research, and when you pass that, you'll be given a video/audio tutorial so you can see what you've read and studied in action.

The reason I like this format is because if you don't end up following through, you'll know it's your own fault and not mine. Everything will be there for you to use, and the only way you can fail is if you don't know how to follow instructions, or because you didn't give it your all like you were supposed to. This is exactly the way and internet marketing college course should be taught. Unfortunately for most of us there were none until now.

When the rough draft of the program is done, I'll be inviting specific members of this forum to act as Beta testers. DO NOT PM me asking to be a beta tester, and don't even think about kissing my ass on posts either, because that won't score you anything but a kick in the ass. The beta testers will be required to pay for it (a very low price though), and they will also be required to give a ton of feedback.

I'm sure this program isn't for everyone, hell, I'm sure it's not for 95% of the people out there, because most people don't want to work or learn anything, they just want free handouts. But that's fine, because those that do want to learn the ropes will finally have a quick way to do so, but it won't be easy. As long as you do the work, and follow the instructions, you'll do fine, and you'll be able to apply everything you learned to new projects on your own.

That's all for now. Hopefully I'll have a beta program available sometime in September 2006.

stanley said:
Any clue as to how many spots will be available per 'semester' ?

No idea.. maybe 10, maybe 100. Depends on how much time I want to spend on it, and how much info I'll be packing into it too. I may start off slow and small, and if it goes well, pack more into it and charge more, but have more slots open too. We'll see I guess.
Will the applicants need any money (apart from course-costs)? Seeing as not everyone makes a sh!tload of money :p
The only problem is that if places are limited to only a few people then those of us that have day jobs and can't spend all their time waiting for Jon's announcement, or maybe in different time zones may not even know it has launched before all the places are gone.

I guess though, no matter what Jon does, someone is going to miss out.
Jon said:
It won't be too hard to follow the instructions, but you will be required to do something called work. This isn't the magic cash button where you click on it, and a check is mailed to you. People who apply, and are accepted are going to be of a different caliber than your average joe internet marketer.

Absolutely! I think this should be emphasized more than anything else! IMO, to be a reasonably successful internet marketer, you need to be hard working and very persistent.

The myth of easy money spread by some ebook authors needs to be truly smashed to pieces. Admittedly, there are some tricks/hacks that make a lot of money fast but they are few and far between, and when they’re publicly exposed they almost certainly become much less effective or useless.
Sounds cool. I think I have good ideas, can implement them into websites... just not very good at monetizing them :) Plus I'm a noob when it comes to driving traffic.
Ferraristi said:
The only problem is that if places are limited to only a few people then those of us that have day jobs and can't spend all their time waiting for Jon's announcement, or maybe in different time zones may not even know it has launched before all the places are gone.

I guess though, no matter what Jon does, someone is going to miss out.

I think successful applicants will be selected by Jon personally.

Each person wishing to apply will have to fill out a questionnaire, and those that show potential are then handpicked.

... That's what I've gathered from posts about it so far, anywho.
One of the reasons I want to keep it semi-restricted is because when someone usually releases a program like this or an ebook, they aim to attract the masses, and when you do something like that, you are nearly setting yourself up and your clients for failure. There will always be those people who just want to see what's going on and never actually use the information being sold, or they just want to take it and re-sell it which in turn gives you competition based on your ideas and content.

I think doing it with a schooling format is smart because that's really what has been lacking in the industry as far as selling information on how to do something or where to start. I may go as far as to offer seperate courses that cover specific areas in internet marketing as a whole. Maybe a course on SEO (WH), a course on SEO (BH), a course on niche marketing, a course on affiliate marketing, and then just one big course. I dunno.. we'll see.
Jon said:
I may go as far as to offer seperate courses that cover specific areas in internet marketing as a whole. Maybe a course on SEO (WH), a course on SEO (BH), a course on niche marketing, a course on affiliate marketing, and then just one big course. I dunno.. we'll see.
Hell yeah, now that sounds like a good idea. If only you had enough time to develop in-depth courses on all the subjects you mentioned.
revlimiter said:
Interesting concept, Jon. I am more than willing to put the time, money, and effort in for solid results. Can't wait.
I am also willing to put down his money and my effort towards this concept.
I like what I am reading. I think this idea of a course-like program would be more beneficial to true students of the game.
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