WickedFire Premium Section

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I know this is invitation-only, Jon, but I do hope you consider applicants like myself who have developed websites but (I'm embarrassed to say) are making next to nothing with them. In other words, beginners too and not just a club of guys who are already earning pretty well.

Can't wait, i'm probably the newest to this game, and the hungriest to learn. I'll work my ass off for sure, Sleep is over rated.
Can you give me an example what specific subject we're gonna learn ?
I'm interested in learning silo structure theme based sites, low maintenance niche sites and adwords >> affiliate

I hope the premium section provide these :) if else, better spend money + time in somewhere else ;)
Jon said:
The reason I like this format is because if you don't end up following through, you'll know it's your own fault and not mine. Everything will be there for you to use, and the only way you can fail is if you don't know how to follow instructions, or because you didn't give it your all like you were supposed to. This is exactly the way and internet marketing college course should be taught. Unfortunately for most of us there were none until now.

That is beautiful! I've been working on my Bachelors degree online for a little over a year now, and it's very much the same way. If you don't get off your ass and just do it, you lose. I had people tell me beforehand that it was a bad idea because you couldn't get any help or immediate feedback. Well, that may be, but I believe that is actually a positive thing because I have learned more, faster, and I even have the 4.0 to prove it.

Bravo Jon! Please keep us informed as to how the class is doing once you get it started.

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