WickedFire lose weight and get ripped thread (2015 edition)

I'm 161lbs, was 220lbs at my heaviest (at all of 5'8").

Goal is to get down to 150lbs, and review then whether it'll be good to try and gain more lean mass or continue cutting a bit further. I'm probably somewhere 16-18% bf at the moment. Looking to reach 150lbs by mid-May, and be a decently lean 12% bf. Thinking I may have to go as far as 145lbs to get there though with my current muscle mass.

Lifts aren't too amazing, 1rm squat at the moment is ~120kg, deadlift ~175kg and bench ~90kg.

I'm doing a 4-day push/pull split in the gym, with focus on the heavy compounds. push/pull/off/push/pull/off/off. I also go bouldering 1-2 times a week.

I keep my diet pretty low carb, and aim for 1500-1600 cals a day most days. I don't religiously track anymore though, as I've gotten pretty good at estimating my expenditure.

What's the point of being the right weight if you are still unfit? People's priorities are skewed.
Being skinny and unmuscular is as shitty as being fat and without muscles in my opinion.

But being a TOTAL fatass with some muscles sucks more than being skinny without muscles. So it makes sense to me to cut first, then develop some muscles with a slight calorie surplus for a few months.

Also, lift while you cut to preserve as much muscle as possible. Why not "get fit" and lose weight at the same time? What i would find interesting is to get keto-adapted. Anyone experienced that before ?
Im in. The bad news is I have already dropped the easy weight. Down a little more than 18 kilo's in the last 4 to 6 months. But ready to double that effort.
Go for a walk, a long walk like 3-5 miles everyday

and eat less sugar

watch how much weight you lose
It is that time of year again. Fatasses in front of computers must lose weight and get ripped.

Anyone up for some friendly competition?

I want to drop 5 kgs in 3 months, not a huge task, but all motivation helps.

Current weight is 96kg and goal weight is 90kg (yes, I'm a big mofo). I'd also like to be able to clean and press 100kg this year. And finding some methods to workout while in the office.

Lets hear the fitness goals of WF. I won't let this thread die, even if that means posting incredibly mundane progress reports.

You have to ask yourself one thing though: Do you even lift bro?
96kg? What's your height mate?

I'm 184 cm and right now I'm around 94 (+/- 2kg). Currently I'm going down to 88kg in next 60 days. I am not fat, my BF is around 16-17% at this moment. Once I'm done it should be around 13-15%.

I will give you my recipe for weight loss here.
BTW, some people are asking me "Andrew why you don't want to eat doughnuts. It's not summer yet? Those doughnuts are soo delicious..."

First of all I never eat doughnuts and all that crap. But they are still asking me like I'm one of them. Don't know but some people just don't want to listen.

Secondly, you are in this special elite 2% group that is clever enough to figure out that going on a weight loss diet when is July is probably a bit too late.

So here it is. Keep in mind it's what is working for me (not only for me of course) and it doesn't have to work for you as well.


Yeah... again this stupid unhealthy high fat rubbish however, you might give it a go.

Here is basic set of rules.

1) You don't count calories. Counting calories on this diet might be counterproductive. In first two three weeks you just eat Ad Libitum and you should not be thinking about stupid calories. Yes, this is not easy taking into account you are indoctrinated to think weight loss=less calories.

2) You eat ONLY and ONLY animal products (there is even an option for you if you are vegetarian or anything of that sort)

3) To get best results you eat only beef, chicken and pork meats. Fat or lean it doesn't matter. And you eat whole eggs (not just whites... that is stupid. Even our modern "natural" bodybuilders eat whole eggs. If you try to eat only lean meat suddenly, you will find yourself eating more fat meats. And that's natural and good for ya and all is going to be fine.

4) You can eat fried, boiled, grilled or smoked meats. It doesn't really matter as long as you try to eat at least half medium rare or rare (sure, if you like blue that's fine). So the in the best case scenario you would eat at least 50% medium fried beef and then all the other meats.

5) For frying and roasting you should use only animal fats like clarified butter (Ghee) or pork fat. If it's a low temperature cooking you can use olive oil as well.

6) If you want to snack you can have some mature cheese (hard and yellow).

7) You supplement with cod liver oil and D3. Also, get yourself a deal of Sodium Ascorbate and eat about 5-10 grams a day to amke sure you are not vitamin C deficient (you should not be but, depending on your meat source mineral and vitamin contents w vary a lot).

8) If you like organ meats eat them! Any will do good for ya.

9) Eggs are the best when cooked gently and with addition of butter (in general you don't want hard boiled eggs. You can eat as many as you like).

10) Bacon is fine, just don't make it too dry.

11) Drink as much mineral water as you wish/

12) Drink green tea. Is good for you also.

While doing this kind of eating try to focus on heavy lifts. No "pink dumbbell exercises" and other funny things. Just proper heavy lifts.

Now, if you are on a high carb diet already your strength will suffer a lot. You will need a few weeks to get over it. However, taking into account that you are dieting anyway you should not expect to get your lifts much better even on a carb based diet. That's why you have to chose... or losing fat without compromise or getting stronger. Both can't work together*.

You don't need to worry about losing muscles. Optically you might find yourself smaller but, it's just because glycogen stores will get depleted and water will come out of you.

Initial weight loss will be a result of loosing glycogen and water and some ugly things that are seating in your guts (initially you will get diarrhea probably but, that's normal when switching from carbs to fat and proteins).

Don't worry about your kidneys. It's all just hype and propaganda made by plant eaters.

Also, you don't have to eat organic meat. Just regular grade is ok. Make sure it's fresh and not spoiled in any way.

You may develop constipation so if that happens take your time in the toilet and don't try to rush the process. It will come out, don't worry. If you will get into some serious troubles with it, get some herbs or pills to unblock your pipe.

And that's all to be honest. If you decide to get into it then ask and I will be happy to give you some ropes.

*You can if you use Testosterone Enanthate. It will speed up fat burring and keep your strength and even give you some muscle gains.

P.S You might find out that, in the first weeks, that you are heavier but it will not be caused by fat rather by muscles gains. Unless you have some condition. That's why is always good to make a basic panel before the diet to find out what's up with your body. If your cholesterol and TCG is very bad then you might want to start this diet by slowly reducing carbs and introducing fats. However, most likely rapid change of the diet will give you good results unless you are 50 and over.
Weight and Health... You could read 100 papers on it and get 100 different opinions about what health really is, how to obtain it and how to maintain it.

There are LOTs of fancy diets out there but I saw guys lose 130 pounds in a year while in prison. There were a few reasons but here are the main ones.
1. NO alcohol, it really is a poison to your body - that being said I love the poison, but if you are trying to lose weight then stop it.
2. Restricted caloric input. I had a good friend that gained weight in the year he was in, but that was because he was stressed out and bought all of the shit that they sold in commissary. Truth is there were a lot of carbs in our diet but we had LESS calories. You can lose weight on any type of diet if you consume less calories.
3. We did not drink our calories, all of the drinks were sugar free (lots of conversations about how bad sugar free was for your health), which meant most guys just drank water. Again you could get soda from commissary but those that wanted to lose weight did not get it.
4. My trainer friend called it NEAT....non exercise activity thermogenesis exercises. Everywhere we went we walked, all day, everyday (this was a camp so we had a lot of freedom). When there was down time we walked the track, honestly I put in 5-7 miles walking every day. Hitting the gym for 45 - 60 min a day and spending the rest of the day in front of a computer does not work for changing your metabolism.
5. Meals were served at the same time every day.
6. Here is the big one... Peer pressure/Peer Support. You sit down for diner with your crew and you grabbed those two pieces of bread and 4 patties of margarine and you just gave us something to talk about, and it was you and what a fat slob you were going to become. Grab up that extra desert and you had 5 guys making fun of you. People see you walking the track and doing push ups... you had LOTS of guys patting you on the back. Lose 10 pounds and everyone is commenting on it and telling you what a great job you are doing.
7. You had a crew (or CAR as it was referred to, why it was referred to as a CAR I am unsure) you worked out with. 2-3 other guys and you hit the gym 4-6 days a week. I did not need to lose weight, I was interested in getting strong, plus working out gave you something to do while you were doing time.

I would say that most of you neck beards are in your 20s or early 30s. Your metabolism is still cranking, your testosterone should still be strong. If you have doubts about this then you should get it tested and corrected. It is easy and cheap anymore. Eat less, do more. Those are the big rocks.
Doc, I really like your input. It proves that there are many ways to skin the cat. However, calories in vs calories out are not the right recipe (at least in a way majority of people understand this).

Just look at this Why I Didn't Get Fat From Eating 5,000 Calories A Day Of A High Fat Diet | Smash The Fat Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps . The guy was eating a way more calories then he should according to popular believes and, he still was able to lose fat while gaining weight. True, he is fit and very active but still that is nice n1 experiment showing that calorie counting as we know it can't be a good way to work on fat loss (not in all cases at least).

From the link

If a calorie is just a calorie when it comes to eating food, over the 21 days I should have put on 7.3kg ending up at 92.9kg from my starting weight of 85.6kg. However, after a 56,654 calorie surplus over the 21 days I ended up putting on 1.3kg ending up at 86.9kg, a relatively large discrepancy to say the least to the tune of 6kg. I also measured my waist which started off at 79.5cm and I ended up at 3cm less at 76.5cm. Not exactly congruent with the linear weight gain and waist increase the calorie formula shows in my results graph and photos below.]
Weight and Health... You could read 100 papers on it and get 100 different opinions about what health really is, how to obtain it and how to maintain it.

This is one paper on how to lose weight. I am just telling you what I saw OVER and OVER again during my 18 months stay in federal prison. People consumed less calories, did not drink alcohol, and were more active and they lost weight. LOTS of weight. It was harder to put on muscle with this diet, but when I came out I was ripped because my Body Fat was so low. 53 year old man with a 8 pack, only happens if your BF is WAY low.

Mostly people make it too complicated.
I'm in. I already started about 3 weeks ago. Down 10 pounds already. I'm now 6" 235 pounds. My fighting weight is around 190-200 lbs.

Here is what I am doing.

1) Crossfit 2-3 times per week
2) Basketball or Swimming 2-3 times per week
3) Walking 5-7 miles per day on my treadmill desk
4) Softball 2X per week

1) Cut out bread
2) Cut out processed sugar
3) Cut out most processed food (with a few exceptions).
4) Cutting down on alcohol to 1-2 times per month only

I'm 37 now, so the weight doesn't come off like it used to. Alcohol is my biggest issue. I love finishing up work on a Friday afternoon and slugging down 12-15 lite beers throughout the night. I consider myself in pretty decent shape though, so it's simply a matter of being disciplined.

I'll keep you guys updated.
I've been going since the beginning of February.

I'm 6'1 and started at 220-225lbs. Down to 209lbs as of today. Goal weight is 185lbs.

Doing 45 minutes of cardio @ 75% of max heart rate on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday.

Doing basic full body lifting routine with 10-minute cardio warmup on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Going to switch over to a 4-day split routine in April.

Diet consists of eggs in the morning, quest bar for a snack, chicken/steak and veggies for lunch, protein shake, chicken/steak and veggies for dinner, and raspberries for dessert. Only drinks are water and hot tea.

The diet is going very well so far. I'm satisfied most of the time and just pound water if I get hungry. I've only slipped up once in the past month and had a single cookie. Last night was the first alcoholic drink I've had - 4 beers.

At this point, it's not so much a "diet", but a complete change in lifestyle....and I'm liking it a lot.
Now I'm curious as to what I weigh. I'll go find out tomorrow when I'm out shopping. There's public weigh scales everywhere here for some reason.

I'm guessing around 70kg, so bit of a belly going, but nothing too bad. That will be gone within a month anyway, as I don't really have a choice in the matter. Summer is here, I only allow air-con in the bedroom, and I'm assuming we're in for a hot one this year. It's only beginning of March, and already +38C every day, so I'm assuming by June it'll be around +46C. So either I quickly lose these extra few pounds, or I feel like I'm living in a sauna for 4+ months. I think I'll go with the former.
The diet is going very well so far. I'm satisfied most of the time and just pound water if I get hungry. I've only slipped up once in the past month and had a single cookie. Last night was the first alcoholic drink I've had - 4 beers.

Cheat days actually help you lose weight. Read up on Leptin. One day a week treat yourself. First off it makes it all feel less oppressive, secondly it gives you something to look forward to and lastly it helps keep your leptin levels in check and makes losing weight easier. That being said beer is tough. Better to drink hard liquor as there are fewer non alcohol carbohydrates in it.
This is one paper on how to lose weight. I am just telling you what I saw OVER and OVER again during my 18 months stay in federal prison. People consumed less calories, did not drink alcohol, and were more active and they lost weight. LOTS of weight. It was harder to put on muscle with this diet, but when I came out I was ripped because my Body Fat was so low. 53 year old man with a 8 pack, only happens if your BF is WAY low.

Mostly people make it too complicated.

Can't agree more, these big routines and theories

I started walking almost everyday (sometimes jog instead)

Ate a salad for lunch (often a big salad with dressing and meat on it) almost everyday

Stopped eating sweets mostly ( still have one once in a awhile)

Few months later down from 202 to 180 and I can actually see my abs
From October last year until about the new year I cut 20 lbs. Then I over 2 months I put on 5 lbs.

As of last week 225.2lb ~21% body fat, I'm 6'2".

Goal over the next 2 months is to cut another 10 lbs or so. Started to track all my food starting yesterday as I was going nuts and not eating enough.

Current work out regiment is 3x a week 15 min cardio followed by 45 min of up tempo lifting. Goal is no more than 1 min between sets and at least 25 sets. Lifting splits are chest/back, bicept/tricept, legs/core.
I'd also like to be able to clean and press 100kg this year.
Are you talking about the clean and jerk, or a clean and then a strict press? If strict press, then 100kg is pretty damn respectable. I can't seem to get past 70kg. Only lift that I'm not really progressing in, and it's frustrating. Where you at now?

I need to start cutting down for summer as well, so guess I'm sorta in too. Although Wez and I have been staying in shape due to some intense yoga workouts. See sig.