WickedFire & GoTraffic Hold Hands & Save the Day

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I'm not sure what I just joined, but I like the rhetoric. I agree that accountability is sorely lacking in this industry, and too many people hide behind avatars like little bitches, so I for one am very interested to see how this develops.

Bring it on, J-funk.
For someone in the marketing industry I'd thought you would explain your site and how it works a little better.

Like someone else asked above, whats the deal with the bidding? I can understand that its a typical market place but I don't see where the bids come into place or why they are needed. And since your offering free bids im guessing you'll have to pay for bids as well? Why would i do that?

Your main selling point you keep pointing out is ACCOUNTABILITY. So does that mean if someone fucks me over on there your gonna give me my money back? Or are you just gonna ban that guy from your marketplace and write bad things about him on a little reporting card? I don't see how that would stop anyone from ripping someone off. You say reputation is everything, but its so easy to be anonymous online. For example that pace lattin guy is probably one of the most hated guys in our industry yet he still works with a bunch of people. Sure reputation is important, but its easy to hide that reputation and until you guys become like the #1 place to buy and sell traffic, nobody would really care about ripping someone off from you site. They would just go somewhere else.

Personally I think your gonna need a better selling point than that. And making people pay for bidding isn't helping.

I'll just wait for you to come in and explain how it works and what sets you guys apart from anyone else, because as a customer I am totally lost and your explanation on the site didn't really help.
I'm there.

Good luck in Israel Jon, mega-fuckin commitment!

I'd plus rep you, but that be like giving god a bible.
Looks perfect for paid traffic etc and SBT is more suitable for SEO stuff.
I can see the benefits to this type of marketplace, but I'm unclear as to how this is appropriate for me, a content writer. (You included content providers at the end of the post.) I'm not selling traffic, I'm selling articles and web content (and there is no such category anyway). Do I create a listing each time I want someone to buy my content? Like, okay so someone bought my content, now I have to make another listing so someone else sees it and buys? I can't even specify a price in my listing because it varies depending on how many articles the customer needs.

I see how this provides accountability, but unless I'm missing something, I don't see how it provides any more accountability than already exists in the BST section. A person's reputation is reflected in their Itrader, reputation scale, and the reviews in their thread. Of course, a scammer can always make another account and start again after screwing someone over, but I fail to see how they couldn't do the same thing on GoTraffic: just make another account and start over.
This is a great idea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like a penny auction type site geared towards traffic.