WickedFire & GoTraffic Hold Hands & Save the Day

That is all good, but you haven't addressed any of the poignant points raised by erifdekciw.

Why is it a bidding system?
Why do we have to pay for bids?
How are you going to enforce accountability that is different from our very own BST section?
What is stopping someone from simply making a new account and scamming people again?

I kinda agree with this, I mean people can easily create a new account - or use a false name, etc. For example; I think Ive been permanently banned from both ebay and paypal like 1000x. It doesnt mean I scammed anyone, but instead that those corporations are just fucked.

....I think accountability lied in leaving the threads open in the BST. Personally, im not about to go through past threads and do research to see if they fucked up other review orders. Since I order alot here, I went to go leave hate reviews on a few people; yet it was closed (giving others the illusion that the provider is good). But anyhow, tired... ill check out the new site tomorrow.

/just a few thoughts
You had me till 10%. Lets see between paypal fees and your fees and taxes that really doesn't leave fuckall for profit margin space if you still want to have even remotely competitive pricing AND a highquality service. If you want your platform to be even remotely interesting to sellers you need to knock the 0 off that number or flat rate it. If Im going to give someone a 10% share of my revenue they are going to be a VC thats first going to hand me a million or 3 in startup capital not some random over priced marketplace website.
It looks good but the description of the service is not very informative when reading through the services offered. Is there a method of Q&A with someone you might want to purchase with?
I think the new BST thread restrictions went a little in the wrong direction, and I don't see gotraffic going anywhere fast. Just sayin...
welcome to Israel! :)







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