WickedFire & GoTraffic Hold Hands & Save the Day


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
I know many of you, including myself like to joke around a whole lot and try not to take things very seriously all that often because let's face it, our business is the internet, and serious or not, the drive inside us all to make money never really rests.

Here's something I was eluding to in some previous posts about our marketplace going paid and in general, when I refer to cleaning up a pretty big industry that needs a hell of a lot of cleaning up on its own. This industry is great because its not regulated for one, but then again, with forums, blogs, networks, affiliates, advertisers, useless consultants, and a plethora of service providers and products constantly changing hands there is one thing this industry lacks, big time, that we've been trying to promote up until now. That my friends is something called ACCOUNTABILITY.

Being anonymous on the internet is one thing, but having zero accountability for what you do from an unbiased perspective is completely different. That is why I'm proud to announce here that I have joined the core management team over at GoTraffic.com.

Right now, Gotraffic is a neutral marketplace for buying and selling all things related to traffic. That includes traffic itself, and all sorts of SEO/SEM stuff, offline things like call center generated customers, upsells, newsletter ads, etc. EVERYTHING. Its also still pretty rough around the edges and a bit raw, meaning... The beta launch just began, but there are so many more things to come with it that will make this place fucking awesome.

Consider the fact that I left NYC and moved to fuckin Israel to be part of this crew and work more closely with them. For those of you who know me well enough, you guys should be shocked that I left my apartment on Wall Street for a day, let alone move to the big Jewish country of all places! Yes.. I'm that fucking serious about this project.

Back to the serious mode though..

What GoTraffic has, that no one else has nor will they ever have for a long long time is ACCOUNTABILITY.

The rules of this game are simple. Forget all of the stories that people tell you about why they couldn't pay you this or provide you with that, or the fact that this guy has just run rampant and not paid everyone and his mother or that the other fucker is scamming the industry and no one knows until its too late. Then everyone looks at eachother and says "but how do we stop this??" or "where was our warning about it?" or even worse "I'll sue them and get my money back.. -- but of course you never do".

That's how people get away with so much bullshit in this industry. The lack of ACCOUNTABILITY.

GoTraffic's current report card profile system is pretty basic because the real version launches in 2012 (assuming the world doesn't end in Dec 2012, but we're not holding our breath for that, plus there aren't many Mayans in this industry so we won't be losing many of you). The real deal will make sure as hell that NO ONE gets away with fucking others over. That YOUR REPUTATION IS EVERYTHING in this industry. That BUYING AND SELLING ALL THINGS TRAFFIC IN THIS INDUSTRY makes or breaks who you are and whether or not you should be privy to the traffic that converts versus the crapshoot traffic that doesn't. That GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICES reign supreme. That YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A SHADY MOTHERFUCKER to be a big player.

That's what this is all about. That's the side to WickedFire and GoTraffic that you don't see unless you're behind the scenes.

For now... GoTraffic is a new channel for you to buy and sell through. There is no signup fee. The barrier to entry is pretty low. You do have to buy a bidding package if you're new and want to buy something there, but its pretty fucking cheap and for WickedFire members, they have agreed to issue all of you 20 credits for free (bids required so that someone just doesn't go on a "click the bidding button everywhere like a fuckin lunatic"). For sellers, you're charged a 10% fee and that's it.

There is also a mediation service available right fucking now.. Which mind you, is not an option you can find here on WickedFire, that we saved SPECIFICALLY for GoTraffic only. On top of that goodness, there will also be a CERTIFIED SELLER level that you can only achieve if you are PERSONALLY vouched for by other trusted industry people. So if you're just a blogger with a whole lot of talk going for you and not much action, guess what, you won't hold much weight here. You have to be ACCOMPLISHED and TRUSTED to get access to traffic deals (the currently hidden ones for now -- its a manual process so it goes kinda slow) that will guarantee your offers/campaigns skyrocket. If you're a trusted seller of say, links or seo services, say goodbye to chasing down clients for services or lowballing your prices to stay 'competitive'. If you practice good business as an affiliate but don't have the credit rating score or even cash on hand to compete with the big guys, that's okay, because if you achieve the vouched for ranking you'll still get access to traffic deals that are within your financial budget, but the traffic is guaranteed to be unreal for you.

See, what we are doing here is not trying to revolutionize or force you to be a good businessman/woman. But to REWARD you for it. GoTraffic and WickedFire will forever remain NEUTRAL. We don't want to compete with you. We want to stay completely independent of your businesses. We do however think it is absolutely necessary that SOMEONE step up, and that's what we're doing.

I stepped up personally, with WickedFire five years ago and changed the game for affiliates, networks, and media alone in this industry. Now GoTraffic, with Itay Adam, one of the most respected and feared people in the behind the scenes realm of business dealings that you might not have heard or seen his name mentioned until right this moment, we are stepping up and giving the industry a new view and also an actual PLACE and VOICE.

I dare anyone to fuck with us.

If you are planning on scamming someone here on WickedFire, you know how tough we are about that. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE and we also make sure everyone knows. With GoTraffic.com's approach, same deal, except that if you think fucking people over is a good idea, you are about to get your ass handed to you, but on the flip side, if you just want to do good business and make money without being a creep about it, do it through GoTraffic, and you will be rewarded for it.

The people we encounter ask us... "do you have to use GoTraffic to buy and sell traffic?" -- No. You do not have to. Just like you don't have to use WF or any forum or any platform. But you should. Because I'm not doing mediation shit on here anymore and unless you do a deal through GoTraffic, they will have your back and make sure you get paid or get what you came there to do business about!

PLUS its in your absolute best interest to get in there NOW and to get in there early, because once the real shit starts on there, you're going to have a really tough time building up your street cred. With a partnership with PayPal and one other major processor that I can't name until the Jan 2012 launch, not only will both WickedFire and GoTraffic hold you accountable, but guess what to those who plan to pull a scam and run, so will some big bad financial institutions.

Accountability. That's where the scamming and fraud bullshit stops and where the real cash begins. I'm on the GoTraffic team and you should be too.

This service is for:

Affiliates, Networks, Traffic Sellers, Traffic Buyers, Offer owners/advertisers, Brokers, Wheeler Dealer types, Call Centers, Processors/ISO's, Small Biz Owners, Medium Biz Owners, Media Buyers, Media Sellers, SEO service providers, Content Providers, Domainers, Forums, Site Owners, Bloggers, Lawyers, Consultants, Mobile guys, Mormon Mafia friends, Mailers, PPC'ers, PPI'ers, BH SEO'ers, Arbitragers, etc.

Anyone and everyone that calls THE INTERNET MARKETING INDUSTRY their home base, we want to let you know... welcome, we are your lord and fucking saviors and the day of frauders and scammers in this industry are fucking limited.

That's the plan. That's what I'm doing for the next few years. WickedFire, GoTraffic and one other project I'm not mentioning until later next year.

We are all our own leaders, now grow up, and be one. From the wise words of General George S. Patton.... "Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader."

Its decision time. Go make it.
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Wow I'm pretty stoked on the mobile traffic sources, been hard to find any good ones in this category. Hopefully lots of people jumps on this so I can start spending some money (to make more money where I can spend even more money).

Oh forgot, how do we get the free 20 credits??
HAHA, thats the first time I've heard of someone making Aliyah from the Diaspora for an Internet gig. :D
Wow I'm pretty stoked on the mobile traffic sources, been hard to find any good ones in this category. Hopefully lots of people jumps on this so I can start spending some money (to make more money where I can spend even more money).

Oh forgot, how do we get the free 20 credits??

Nevermind, I found out how I can get the free 20 credits. It was a welcome gift purchase. Awesome! bidding already.
I hate to make this my 2000th post, but I have a bunch of questions:

Will BST cease to exist once GoTraffic launches?

What about software as a serivce that has their billing that integrates with their software (such as DripFeedBlasts or SerpIQ)? Are you expecting them to recode their entire backend to integrate with GoTraffic? If not, how will it integrate?

Also, unless you get scammed over 10% of the time won't you lose more money in fees than you will save in accountability?
Just tried to add 1,300,000 impressions, when I sign up it sends me a confirmation e-mail but no link to actually click.

Whole e-mail below:


[Message clipped] View entire message

View entire message is linked, but it throws up an error message.
So we have to pay to purchase and pay to sell? And it's a bidding system so no stable pricing? I'm lost. Hopefully the 2013 launch will make a little more sense in terms of the BST section. I'm down to support this kind of marketplace, but a Fiverr clone where you can set a static price for the gig would work better for your crowd here, I feel.
I checked it out.

Looks like Fiverr, only more expensive. And for IM.

But that's good for me. Fiverr sorta too cheap sometimes. I'm going to have to play around with it, talk with my marketing guy, see what angles he wants to play.