Wickedfire got me a job!

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Pheasant Heavy Breathing
Mar 14, 2008
I start tomorrow as an "internet marketing coordinator" for a law firm here in Dallas. I'll be responsible for helping them with SEO and marketing their brand on social networks...as well as writing content for their website and blogs.

90% of what I know came from this forum.

THANKS JON and everybody who helps out here!:)

I'd rather not reveal the name but it's a boutique firm that specializes in medical malpractice and whatnot
I thought you were going to say that you name dropped wf and they knew what that was.

um, this place is so how you can learn to do shit so you don't have to have a 9-5 job... Where the hell did you fuck that up?
Medical malpractice lawyers visit WickedFire?!

Jesus.. what will they come up with next??
Congrats. Did you have any other relevant formal experience when applying?

I'm a college student and i'm not making enough to support myself through aff marketing just yet. So i might have to find a job like you when i graduate in december, even though im very knowledgable in "internet marketing" I have no formal experience working for a company, so i'm interested in your background.

Every day...at multiple times I searched my city's craigslist for the keywords internet market* SEO/SEM. I found a few listings that fit what I was looking for (after about 2 months). I told them what I could do for them to promote their services and find business and they took me.

Note: I did this forthe sole purpose of getting capital to 1. pay rent 2. pay for web hosting and PPC. Trust me, I haven't lost sight of the main goal...
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