Why Zyzz?

Very true. I had a good roll of the genetics dice. Broad shoulders, insane traps and a pronounced six pack that shows even when im bulking. I think this is enough for me at this point. I'm worried about how I'd look if I hopped on gear. I dont want to explode to a gross size. I'm currently 225lbs and already look like I drive steel and and wrestle alligators.

Once I hit my genetic potential I may give it a try. The only attractive side of steroids is being able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. I'm already an easy gainer. If I hopped on I'd be unrecognizable in 3-4 months.

If you're 225lbs and healthy I'd say don't do a cycle now. If anything wait until you're older, like in your late 30's or 40's when your metabolism starts to slow and maybe consider doing a cycle then to help snap your body back to your youthful glory days ;)

I was about 130lbs all through my teenage years, couldn't gain an ounce. Did one cycle in my early 20's and gained about 30lbs, shit was amazing. It was the only way I was able to put on weight. Lost some of the gains after, but kind of stabilized and am at about 150-160lbs, being in my 30's now. I'm still a skinny guy, but I feel pretty good and am healthy. Had a martial arts injury a number of years ago and mostly just do lower impact exercises like tai chi and qi gong, and things that are easier on my joints now. I gave up on the idea of being big and muscular a long time ago and am just trying to be healthy now.

IMHO, just doing one cycle isn't that bad. A lot of people do things that are far worse for their bodies on a regular basis. Most of the problems people have are when they stay on the juice and abuse it like that idiot Zyzz did. If you're going to use, be responsible about it and remember to stop.

I just shoot synthol into my bi's and tri's. I look so fucking awesome now.






That would mean you care about how people think about you. What their judgement are against you, etc. That's insecurity.

If you are confident enough to do what you what, express yourself in a manner you believe aligns with righteousness, and you wholeheartedly believe in your ability and power... That's alpha.

Alpha is NOT:

Clothing, muscles, talking-loudly, money, the # of women you sleep with, shooting guns, or any of that.

THAT is not real. That's normal shit a man does for pleasure or passion.

It's some bullshit impression men have been born to believe defines YOU.

REAL alpha men trust themselves, know who they are, and believe in themselves.

It's mental. Anyone suggesting otherwise, needs to figure out who they are as both a man and a person.

Now, it DOES often go hand and hand with what we see.

A GREAT businessman is going to look alpha as fuck because he's a great businessman. He's cut-throat, believes in himself 100%, and trusts his ability, confidence and charm to win over what situation is thrown his way. He refuses to back down, because he knows he is a success and will never settle for anything less.

Now people see that kind of guy and think.. BAM! Dude's alpha as fuck bro.

It's a form of respect, mostly envy though.

If you cared, treated, and carried yourself in the same manner, you'd stop dreaming about being in that man's shoes, and make shit happen for yourself.

No one should ever tell you what you have to be.

There is no right, nor wrong. There is only society making constant judgement.

(Not aimed at you btw, just a late night rambling response on the subject)

i agree with most everything you said there. when i said 'absolutely not', it was in reference to your statement "Every man is his own definition of alpha", which assumes every man is already at his own ideal. I'd have agreed if you said "Every man has his own definition of alpha", but there is a huge difference between those 2 statements.
I'm curious how many of you are going to the gym regularly? Even better, how many of you actually used some gear? Sure, we can talk about studies etc. but when it comes to roids it's just not that easy. Of course some potato couch can take in some muscle mass when injected with roids. It's a natural body response to the hormone that is responsible for being a real man.

Additionally taking into account the fact that typical potato couch have low level of testosterone giving him a bit of your alpha sperm would most likely made him bigger. Now, roids aren't magical pill. Magical pills exists only in dictionary of smart marketers and well conditioned market. That's all there is and ever will be.

Actually the opposite is true.

If you take gear and don't know what to do and how to eat and move the iron from place to place, you will make yourself disfavor. most likely you will get fat and bitch tits (this if you are really stupid).

The TRUE is that when taking roids you have to push even stronger than without it, if not you will end up looking like a massive fat stool.

Sure it gives almost immediate rise of power and endurance. But then you have to keep up with it to make most of it. It's not easy and not for idiots. Unless you want to look like crap.

One more thing. Depending on the kind of girl but, the one who like sportish physique don't give a shit if you took roids or not. As long as you look good (not freak), your dick and balls are working properly (and you are not a total dick), she don't give a shit. And even if she know something about adverse effects of usage, if you are knowledgeable enough you will be able to explain to her how it works and that it's not more dangerous than taking Aspirin pill.

BTW, when that shit with Lance Armstrong came out, media and majority of people bushed him for what he did. But on the other hand those same stupid fuckers are wanking watching Olympics, F1, basketball, football, baseball and even listening to singers when they do exactly the same thing.

Watch this movie, it's worth it for many reasons...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWSqNh-DaEs"]BIGGER, STRONGER, FASTER - Part 4 - YouTube[/ame]
One more thing. Depending on the kind of girl but, the one who like sportish physique don't give a shit if you took roids or not. As long as you look good (not freak), your dick and balls are working properly (and you are not a total dick), she don't give a shit. And even if she know something about adverse effects of usage, if you are knowledgeable enough you will be able to explain to her how it works and that it's not more dangerous than taking Aspirin pill.

Also take it from one of the first mass monsters of the modern bodybuilding Dorian Yates himself:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKxF1N-YPEY"]Dorian Yates - Effects of Steroids & Health | London Real - YouTube[/ame]
I've been training for over 17+ years now, bought muscle mags since before the internet was in every home and back when people wore beepers.

I have a very good understanding of bodybuilding culture.

But I don't understand for the life of me why there is this fanatic sub-section of geeks who are in love with Zyzz.

Dude seemed like an insecure, attention-whoring dweeb hiding behind drugs and false bravado. Is that what young guys are like now? Why the crushes? Maybe guys think he's pretty?

Or maybe I'm just an old fart(37)that doesn't "get it"... Meh...

i have some company :)
Also take it from one of the first mass monsters of the modern bodybuilding Dorian Yates himself:

Nice post... I'm a bit older than most of you guys... I had a subscription to M&F back when Dorian, Flex Wheeler and others were in their heyday, so good to see that.
If you're going to admire someone it should be Kane Sumabat. Bloke is 46 years old. Naturally attainable with 20 years of solid training...



His instagram is hilarious. Instagram
If you're going to admire someone it should be Kane Sumabat. Bloke is 46 years old. Naturally attainable with 20 years of solid training...



His instagram is hilarious. Instagram

I did not know about him until I cam across this video.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j2-zIOg9c0"]Kane Sumabat - SHRED TILL DEAD - SimplyShreddedTV - YouTube[/ame]
BTW, when that shit with Lance Armstrong came out, media and majority of people bushed him for what he did. But on the other hand those same stupid fuckers are wanking watching Olympics, F1, basketball, football, baseball and even listening to singers when they do exactly the same thing.


In Matt Rendell's celebrated 2007 book The Death of Marco Pantani, about the Italian Tour de France winner who died (of cocaine use) in 2004, there's an extraordinary account of how riders - presumed to be using EPO - would sleep with heart monitors that would have an alarm in the event their resting heart rate dropped below a dangerous number. They would get up in the middle of the night, jump on their bikes and ride hard, in order to restore their heart rate to a safe level.

''During the day we live to ride, and at night we ride to stay alive,'' was a vivid quote attributed to one rider.

Blood on the handlebars

Let's not forget the seven cyclists who died in 2003-04. | SportsonEarth.com : Gwen Knapp Article