Why Zyzz?

Also people, if you want to be shredded, don't worship Zyzz, get yourself some high quality anabolic steroids instead.

It's not rocket science. Anabolic steroids are in a league of their own.

Most people don't know what it takes to get into the shape Zyzz was in. He was lying in his vids regarding diet, training and results. Some time ago there was still some old posts online from him describing his gear setups. He wasn't comfortable talking about insides of his transformation, not because he gave a shit about it but, because majority of people don't get the gym and roids. For most roids=evil which is pure bolox. Zyzz was a great guy and best example that anyone can do what one wants, no matter what. That's why people still love him. Additionally, the way he died gives some additional "kick" to his story.
Also people, if you want to be shredded, don't worship Zyzz, get yourself some high quality anabolic steroids instead.

It's not rocket science. Anabolic steroids are in a league of their own.
You still need to put tons of work in with roids, its mot a magic pill.
You still need to put tons of work in with roids, its mot a magic pill.

No you don't.

Don't make me get that study showing that people who don't lift still have higher increase in muscle mass on roids than naturals who lift.

Roids is in another category entirely. 95% of physiques that people refer to as shredded or ripped are impossible to achieve naturally.
Body building is a waste of time. Try some mind building.

Lower the testosterone, raise the DMT.
No you don't.

Don't make me get that study showing that people who don't lift still have higher increase in muscle mass on roids than naturals who lift.

Roids is in another category entirely. 95% of physiques that people refer to as shredded or ripped are impossible to achieve naturally.
You still need to do your gym routine, you still need to do every rep. You still need to eat clean. Steroids are like adderall. The person taking the performance enhancing drug is still cranking out an incredible performance. Every single jacked movie star that you see on screen took roids to look like that, but they were still in the gym 4 days a week working out and avoiding bad food and alcohol.
You still need to do your gym routine, you still need to do every rep. You still need to eat clean. Steroids are like adderall. The person taking the performance enhancing drug is still cranking out an incredible performance. Every single jacked movie star that you see on screen took roids to look like that, but they were still in the gym 4 days a week working out and avoiding bad food and alcohol.
You're actually wrong. Rusvik is right. Steroids are literally a magic pill. I used to say the same thing you're saying too.

There's a study on pubmed that compares 4 groups, people natty doing nothing, people lifting and dieting natty, people taking steroids without lifting or dieting, and people taking steroids while lifting and dieting.

People that just take steroids and sit on the couch, without ever lifting or intentionally changing their diet, put on slightly more muscle mass than people who lifted and dieted without using.

And that's just Test E. It's not any of the other 100 fucking things people have invented and synthesized. It's not including GHs, etc.

I'll pull the link for you.

It literally is a magic pill. And those were the dosages that they were allowed to do in a real study on humans.

Obviously Zyzz pushed himself every rep, etc, etc, etc, no disrespect, I'm mirin, but steroids are indeed magic pills.

EDIT: okay, here you go: MMS: Error

Steroids and doing nothing are a pretty clear winner over working your ass off and dieting for mass gain.

This study used 600mg Test Enanthate. Now let's look at what is presumably a conservative anabolic forum's recommendations for first-time steroid use:

Discuss safe steroid usage and ask questions.
thecycle/examples - steroids < The Basic Bulk

They recommend about 600mg weekly for 12 weeks, and this is conservative for first-time use.
I think we should invite Zyzz to wickedfire. Does anyone have any good penis pics they aren't using at the moment. I want to hear from him, how he's doing. etc...
I think we should invite Zyzz to wickedfire. Does anyone have any good penis pics they aren't using at the moment. I want to hear from him, how he's doing. etc...

Never heard of it. I know a superb Rush song called YYZ though (Toronto Pearson international airport code):

You still need to put tons of work in with roids, its mot a magic pill.

Absolutely true, anybody whose been in the gym a few years knows those guys who are roiding up and still looking like crap.

It takes ton of work, a good diet and you have to actually know what you're taking, what you're takingit to accomplish and how to take it.

I don't care if a guy roids as long as he's not claiming to be natural.

Can't just stick a needle in your butt and get ripped and muscular, that's ridiculous.
Absolutely true, anybody whose been in the gym a few years knows those guys who are roiding up and still looking like crap.

It takes ton of work, a good diet and you have to actually know what you're taking, what you're takingit to accomplish and how to take it.

I don't care if a guy roids as long as he's not claiming to be natural.

Can't just stick a needle in your butt and get ripped and muscular, that's ridiculous.

I don't have anything as such against roiders, except that very few admit to roid except to other roiders. There is nothing to win from their perspective. Most will consider you a cheater, women will think you're a weakling who has poor natural genes, people will gossip.

My problem is purely that roiders are changing the idea of what is a good physique. There is all this talk in the media about how women are manipulated by photoshopped images, but none about how every fitness model is on the juice.

A natural look is worlds apart from the roided look. Consider Eugene Sandow, the grandfather of bodybuilding:


Notice the flat chest, the strong trap and shoulder area and arms dominated by triceps not biceps? (no homo)

That is what is a realistic bodybuilding physique for the natural.

The 3d chest, delts and huge biceps are not naturally attainable for 99% of natural lifters.

A good article on the topic:

The Secret to Gaining Muscle
The plight of the natural is that he can have size and be a little fat or he can be lean and a little skinny. You cannot be ripped and have size as a natural.
absolutely not.

That would mean you care about how people think about you. What their judgement are against you, etc. That's insecurity.

If you are confident enough to do what you what, express yourself in a manner you believe aligns with righteousness, and you wholeheartedly believe in your ability and power... That's alpha.

Alpha is NOT:

Clothing, muscles, talking-loudly, money, the # of women you sleep with, shooting guns, or any of that.

THAT is not real. That's normal shit a man does for pleasure or passion.

It's some bullshit impression men have been born to believe defines YOU.

REAL alpha men trust themselves, know who they are, and believe in themselves.

It's mental. Anyone suggesting otherwise, needs to figure out who they are as both a man and a person.

Now, it DOES often go hand and hand with what we see.

A GREAT businessman is going to look alpha as fuck because he's a great businessman. He's cut-throat, believes in himself 100%, and trusts his ability, confidence and charm to win over what situation is thrown his way. He refuses to back down, because he knows he is a success and will never settle for anything less.

Now people see that kind of guy and think.. BAM! Dude's alpha as fuck bro.

It's a form of respect, mostly envy though.

If you cared, treated, and carried yourself in the same manner, you'd stop dreaming about being in that man's shoes, and make shit happen for yourself.

No one should ever tell you what you have to be.

There is no right, nor wrong. There is only society making constant judgement.

(Not aimed at you btw, just a late night rambling response on the subject)
In progress, the newest iteration of the classic essay:

What is Alpha? or Validating Myself While Invalidating Others: An Exposé on the Insecurity of Neckbeards

I don't have anything as such against roiders, except that very few admit to roid except to other roiders. There is nothing to win from their perspective. Most will consider you a cheater, women will think you're a weakling who has poor natural genes, people will gossip.

My problem is purely that roiders are changing the idea of what is a good physique. There is all this talk in the media about how women are manipulated by photoshopped images, but none about how every fitness model is on the juice.

A natural look is worlds apart from the roided look. Consider Eugene Sandow, the grandfather of bodybuilding:


Notice the flat chest, the strong trap and shoulder area and arms dominated by triceps not biceps? (no homo)

That is what is a realistic bodybuilding physique for the natural.

The 3d chest, delts and huge biceps are not naturally attainable for 99% of natural lifters.

A good article on the topic:

The Secret to Gaining Muscle

Very true. I had a good roll of the genetics dice. Broad shoulders, insane traps and a pronounced six pack that shows even when im bulking. I think this is enough for me at this point. I'm worried about how I'd look if I hopped on gear. I dont want to explode to a gross size. I'm currently 225lbs and already look like I drive steel and and wrestle alligators.

Once I hit my genetic potential I may give it a try. The only attractive side of steroids is being able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. I'm already an easy gainer. If I hopped on I'd be unrecognizable in 3-4 months.
Once I hit my genetic potential I may give it a try. The only attractive side of steroids is being able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. I'm already an easy gainer. If I hopped on I'd be unrecognizable in 3-4 months.
I've always been tempted too, I reached my genetic potential years ago but I'll never take roids, too many health risks.

I started lifting to be physically capable of protecting myself and my family in an emergency, to be healthy and to be attractive to attractive chicks. I did that without drugs, no need to mess up a good thing. Now I'm just maintaining, I love training regardless.