Why work when I can get £42,000 in benefits a year AND drive a Mercedes?

The UK welfare state was designed to help people get of the gutter not use it as an alternative lifestyle. I would take the kids and put them up for adoption, then get those two out for some real work

The UK welfare state was designed to help people get of the gutter not use it as an alternative lifestyle. I would take the kids and put them up for adoption, then get those two out for some real work

I know in Michigan, to collect any kind of state benefit of that sort you must register for job training, and you must prove that you have sent in applications to least 3 different places per week. And you could lose your benefits if you turn down any job opening.
Ever noticed how the only male child in the family looks like he's beaten to a pulp?

that's actually a skin disorder, if you read the article..

not defending this piece of shit family, just sayin', ain't the kids fault.

i think i threw up in my mouth a little when i saw this, though:

/glad im not a brit, not that it's much better here
LOL 14 children WTF

yah well, somehow people are complaining about we having no european kids anymore but they dont want white trash to produce 8+ kids like it was normal 60 years ago in southern europe

Anyway, the dude should go work to pay for his family.

Being "social" ends at one point IMO. if you dont *want* to work, you should get $0, no matter how many kids you have. If you can't pay for them anymore, the state takes care of it. Because 100 years ago a real man had to take care of his family, now the state bails us out.
We have that kind of thing over here, too. Some people just specialize in getting tons of benefits. Basically, gaming the system in as many ways as possible (a system I'm generally in favour of).

What I really don't understand is why someone would want to do that rather than invest their time and energy into building an actual, useful and non-parasitic skill...
The UK welfare state was designed to help people get of the gutter not use it as an alternative lifestyle. I would take the kids and put them up for adoption, then get those two out for some real work

you make it sound like any other welfare state was designed with this in mind. They may not have been designed for this purpose, but this is what they always turn in to.
Entitled to taxpayers money... fucking spongers, at least they should try to find a job. But as they say "It cost too much to carry on working as we were actually better off unemployed" you can see it's a system that's broken.
So happy I moved from the UK years ago.

To be honest this has been happening in my old area for years. Girls at 16 falling pregnant so that they don't need to work [not many jobs anyway] and also so that they will climb the waiting list for a home provided by the government. Normally would take a few years to get to the top of the list and be offered a shitty home, a single teen mom falling pregnant, straight to the top and the pick of better homes.

Funnily enough, within a year they are normally pregnant again planning the designer clothes, watches etc - only the best for the kids - out of my tax!

Life is just too easy for them.
They mentioned a few times in that article that they have tried working and would work if they could find something to cover their costs of living.
I have family in a similar position (minus the kids) who hate having nothing to do but can't afford to work since they'd earn so much less than benefits shell out. They wouldn't get by if they were working full time around here, its pretty fucked up.
This is why I'm voting Conservative. Behind Cameron's gimmicky image is a party of old school MPs who are most likely to do something about this culture in the UK.

Did anyone see that Panorama programme about fat/unhealthy kids? The scummy parents were blaming it on the government and doctors. Gems like "I fed 'imm 5 fruit and vege a day like the gov-errrr-ment say" but including mountains of mashed potato and unhealthy snacks with a few berries on top which are supposed to magically remove the calories and taking him to school in a wheelchair provided by the NHS.
Amazingly enough the rates of welfare in the US have plummeted since welfare reform was passed in 1996. Now that the program is temporary for the most part and designed as a temporary support structure, it seems to be doing a heck of a better job.

The numbers that I see on wikipedia seem to show people's incomes going up drastically and the child poverty rate dropping. Seems like a win-win.
Although those people are fucking scum with their attitude, you can't blame them - it's the fault of the system.

you make it sound like any other welfare state was designed with this in mind. They may not have been designed for this purpose, but this is what they always turn in to.

I'm sure it works as intended a lot of the time, just not nearly as much as it should.
I know in Michigan, to collect any kind of state benefit of that sort you must register for job training, and you must prove that you have sent in applications to least 3 different places per week. And you could lose your benefits if you turn down any job opening.

There's ways around that

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O6bWb7oEuE]YouTube - Spudgun job interview[/ame]
How can fucklibs look at instances like this and still mutter the words "social justice" and "spread the wealth". Just boggles the mind.

why do many conservatives take everything to extremes? Its like Glen Beck mentality everywhere.

This situation is totally fucked, it doesn't mean there shouldn't be any welfare, but nobody should ever "be better off by not working"