Why work when I can get £42,000 in benefits a year AND drive a Mercedes?

This is becoming a trend in the US now. I think someone should make a "pushing pregnant woman with her 5th child down the stairs" syndicate. Shit is going out of control. There is this stupid bitch in my neighborhood that does the same shit. She has 6 fucking kids and living off us.
Repulsive fat pasty ass cunt! Fucking infuriating to read that as I load up my checking act. so the taxman can grab all my money tomorrow to feed parasites such as this.
Saw this in a sig in this thread.

kingofsp said:
A wise man once told me that when you have sex with a woman, you take a piece of her heart ...and if you put it in her butt, you take a piece of her soul.

Seems to me the good for nothing Dad should be getting more soul and less heart out of his good for nothing wife. Problem solved.
these people are crazy for wanting to have so many kids and their attitude towards living off the state, but the real one to blame are the liberal / socialist politicians who created these insane laws and the electorate who put them in power. the same is happening in our country, except its getting much worse now that we have what we have up top.
How can fucklibs look at instances like this and still mutter the words "social justice" and "spread the wealth". Just boggles the mind.
Funny thing is that the "sense of entitlement" is spreading to well-off people as well.

We have friends in Germany who are constantly complaining about NOT getting money from the state because they are too fucking rich.
