Why Google is Winning, and Why it might be a good thing...

we're not in north korea.
We're also not on BHW, so your whole "I'll copy and paste some shit I saw someplace else without even taking the time to do a find & replace to remove the letters BHW from the text in order to make it seem like I give a shit about this place and I'm not just here trying to open a BST thread" isn't going to work.

You get more red bricks from me tomorrow.

Smarten Up.

LOL, you done goofed bra, you pissed off the Eskimo. Just hope his wife doesn't find this thread too...
How the fuck do you get to see your reputation? I saw it once, and had lots of hate. It was pretty entertaining to see all the butthurt. Searching the CP I can't find it though.
I'm not drinking the Google cool aid. I think they are just protecting their brand. I mean, we can talk about conspiracies in regards to increasing their revenue in turn increasing their stock price. But I think in the end it comes down to Google simply trying to protect their brand, and produce the best results in their SERPs.

Ice don't hit me.
I'm not drinking the Google cool aid. I think they are just protecting their brand. I mean, we can talk about conspiracies in regards to increasing their revenue in turn increasing their stock price. But I think in the end it comes down to Google simply trying to protect their brand, and produce the best results in their SERPs.

Ice don't hit me.

I agree with this statement 100%.

I found this cool article that talks about this stuff too:

I agree with this statement 100%.

I found this cool article that talks about this stuff too:


Ice, honey, don't lose your nerves on this scumbag. He was sent here by Albany Plantation racist owner you were bravely protecting world against. You are my hero Ice.
Albany plantation? Racism? Are you having a stroke?

Please stop abusing me. WF is a place where people try to have constructive discussions. Your behavior is unacceptable here. Have some respect when you talk to the lady.
and it's about over for you piggy...

I dont understand exactly whats going on here. I've been in IM for a few years now and have spent time on a lot of forums. But I have never seen people behaving this way on any of them.

Ice, if I offended your delicate sensibilities because I forgot to remove a line from the OP, then I sincerely apologize.

However, that post from the other forum IS. MY. POST. and I can prove it.

That being said, the behavior of people on this thread is disgusting. I tried to get a debate going like I did on the other thread. This viewpoint is controversial and I wanted to see what other people had to say about it. But did I get that? No. I got called a faggot, an idiot, a liar and (for some ungodly reason) a racist who owns an albany plantation.

With that, unless a Mod would like to intervene in this orgy of insults, I'm going to move on to more productive conversation.

...Cue the "OP IS A FAGGOT" posts to follow shortly...
It does look like OP wrote that fascinating article on another forum, but I'd like to know why he thought we might be interested in reading it?

Also, come back to bed babe, I miss you.
It does look like OP wrote that fascinating article on another forum, but I'd like to know why he thought we might be interested in reading it?

Also, come back to bed babe, I miss you.

Are you inviting me to bed? Make up sex I'm game.
However, that post from the other forum IS. MY. POST. and I can prove it.

No need to prove it, the usernames match.

I don't think your post is particularly insightful or controversial though, if you spent a little time on this board you see that we have had many many discussions regarding big brands and how best to represent them, as well as countless threads of the "Is Your Business Real Or Is You Just Slangin' Berriez? variety.

You will definitely find some worthwhile discussion here, and even debate.

You'll also get called a faggot sometimes.

I'm willing to be called a faggot now and then if that's the price I have to pay to avoid dealing with the unwashed masses of the IM scene on a daily basis, and to get access to some extremely successful and knowledgeable individuals who are willing to offer their opinions on a variety of topics for free.

Are you?

Time will tell I suppose.

I'm going to fix your rep tomorrow, if somebody else doesn't do it first (HINT)

Also, nobody goes to Albany Plantation anymore. It's too crowded.