Why Google is Winning, and Why it might be a good thing...

Guys, your behavior in this thread is completely unacceptable. Mekanic, allow me to apologize on their behalf, they usually don't act like this.

Don't bother with mods, they're all corrupt and never do anything productive. If I were you, I'd PM Jon(the owner of WF) directly and alert him to this thread so he can suspend some of these idiots accounts. Just explain what happen here in your PM, he will take care of it.

He actually prefers phone or skype for figuring out these issues, so just ask for his phone number first, that will probably get you further.
If I were you, I'd PM Jon(the owner of WF) directly and alert him to this thread so he can suspend some of these idiots accounts. Just explain what happen here in your PM, he will take care of it.

Guys, your behavior in this thread is completely unacceptable. Mekanic, allow me to apologize on their behalf, they usually don't act like this.

Don't bother with mods, they're all corrupt and never do anything productive. If I were you, I'd PM Jon(the owner of WF) directly and alert him to this thread so he can suspend some of these idiots accounts. Just explain what happen here in your PM, he will take care of it.

He actually prefers phone or skype for figuring out these issues, so just ask for his phone number first, that will probably get you further.
There is so much argument amongst black hatters and SEOs about whether or not googles engineers are succeeding in achieving their goals. A lot of people like to claim that SEO is dead, and at the same time others claim that SEO will never die.

Each time google rolls out a new update new argument will inevitably ensue.

But who is right? And who is wrong? Clearly there must be one correct answer, either Google is achieving their goals and ending our profession, or they are not and we will prevail.

The answer is, both.

Why Google is winning

For many years the practice of "black hat" search engine optimization techniques were prevalent. Google was inundated with spam sites that did not provide the search results that they wanted for their users.

SEO used to be easy, truly any idiot could do it. All you had to do was slap together a site, stick a keyword into it numerous times in the header, in the title, and the body, run xrumor or scrape box software, maybe post some articles, for a couple of weeks… And BAM you got a number one ranking site that pulls in thousands of users every day.

Each time a new Google update came out, the process got more complicated and difficult.

First we had to stop keyword stuffing
Then we had to build more types of links
Then we had to stop reciprocating and paying for links
Then we had to clean up spammy tactics like cloaking
Then we had to build link trees,
Then we had to randomize those link structures,
Then we had to worry about duplicate content on our site,
Then we had to worry about the sandbox,
Then we had to worry about duplicate content on our links,
Then we had to worry about poor quality content on our sites..
and so on...

Google is winning because they are forcing us to play by their rules. We have to build links more white hat. Every service on BHW is "Manual linkbuilding" this and "fresh, unique content" that. We are doing what they always wanted us to do, building high quality, content rich websites that people actually want to visit, and promoting them by branding our pages with things like press releas

SEO will never die. But black hat will...
