Why all the hate for Newbies?

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Everyone talking about "competition" and "hazing" and "rites of passage" etc. should all burn yourselves alive -- PM me for some tips.

Like most everyone else I used to think of WickedFire and refer to it as being "not newbie friendly." However, over the time that I have been here I have come to realise that in fact WickedFire is the single most friendly place on the Internet for marketing newbs. The wealth of information and the degree to which it is not only freely shared, but expounded and improved upon, is unbelievable. The problems leading to the perception of WF being "not newbie friendly" come from several different directions:

1) People who may or may not be newbs, but who definitely are fucking nitwits who will not only never make a dime online, but will only serve as a permanent suction on the forum's collective energy for as long as they can stand to be here. This would include MLM burnouts looking for a new way to fix, acolytes of assorted and sundry "gurus," nitwits who have nothing better to do and are just trying to make money in IM as a sideline from their online contest/HYIP/"I live on forums because the real world judges me for my weight" lives. These people deserve to be flamed until there's nothing left but the crystalline sparkle of freshly scorched earth.

2) People who simply enjoy being dickheads online because they have no lives, online or off. They see intelligent and successful people like Cakes, Shady etc. getting away with the sort of behaviour not generally tolerated on other business forums, and leech off of the general fun-loving atmosphere by contributing. These people are generally much faster to flame, and less discriminating in their targets. They're good with PhotoShop and a play on words; not so much with split testing or PHP. I'd be suprised if any of them make real money online, and unsuprised if fully 2/3 of them have never even tried but just enjoy hanging out here for the flaming.

3) People who are newbs to some degree or another but who are also total spazzes when it comes to basic "How to Internet" skills. Often sincere and willing to take direction, they unfortunately think nothing of CAPS LOCKing every goddamned thing, of making subject lines like "I never thought I'd ... " for the sake of garnering thread views, of posting every random thought and question that pops into their head like it's a Magic Eight Ball rather than a forum, etc. Most of these can learn with a couple of gentle prods, but because they are so generally annoying they get uber-flamed as well. And because they tend to be on the sensitive side, they'll be over at DP or Warrior or wherever else the next day going on about how unfriendly WickedFire is to newbies.

4) The "ignorant skeptics," my personal least favourite flavour of human after "various ex wives of mine," are the worst but fortunately are in short supply here. These guys genuinely have little interest in or intention to ever attempt to make money, but hang out in forums like this one constantly wanting a detailed, step by step gameplan with pictures, five or six case studies, proof of earnings, and if possible have the whole thing available as a downloadable PDF in at least three languages. They tend to not realise how annoying they are because obviously, if you're making all the money you claim to be, you have nothing to lose by proving it right? These can all drown in a bucket of AIDS as far as I am concerned.

Types 1) 3) and 4) tend to get flamed brutally around here, and with good reason. Type 2) posters contribute to both legitimate and superfluous flaming around here, and get away with the latter because they are often totally fucking "coffee everywhere, yet again" hilarious. Clever shitheads are to Internet forums as 5'10" bisexual large-breasted blonde weed dealing nymphos are to offline social circles -- it doesn't matter what or how they fuck up, they are totally insane fun to have around.

Unfortunately, all of that flaming gets incorrectly lumped into the same category as newbie flaming, which brings me back around to the OP and my take on it: there is next to zero newbie flaming at WickedFire, and what little there is is almost never unprovoked, and always offset by the treasure trove of information which is available.

Next time you're driving around town, watch out for billboards that proclaim that so-and-so is the area's Number One Closer for the last three years running. Take down the number and then call that person on the phone; see if you can get him to share how to close a real estate deal from A to Z with you, plus fax you some pictures of boobies to boot. Repeat this process with car salesmen, contruction companies, douchebags who get elected into office over and over and over. Nobody out there is sharing any secrets like what gets shared around here, and that my friends is why this place is nothing if not newbie friendly.


This pic sums it up:


that's nickycakes on the left

Actually, that's Ditka .... da' Bears!!!
Damn this post for being updated today and me wasting my time reading though it all. But even though its old news..

The reason there's so much hate for noob's is because of the fear of saturation for whatever the person talking shit is doing at the current time of anger, this is quite the competitive biz and is not for the weak and newbs are generally weak by default, but I was strong because I'm a noob and still make a living online ; )

^ That guy is a fucking retard.
kekes:D I was that retard 6 months ago and u answered my questions!:bowdown:

Can i see that post?

i dont' know why though, but most of the times all i see are
"Does copeac pay", "Does ... pay?"

I only saw those on DP but know there's few of'em in this forum too.
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