Why all the hate for Newbies?

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New member
May 14, 2008
In alot of the post I see people hating on newbies and I was just wondering why. There are so many things to grasp in the game and it seems to change everyday. I assume that most of you on here were wet behing the ears at some point right?

Let the hate begin

well, I for one have never seen a sign here that says "Free Marketing School". Sure, everyone was a little wet behind the ears at some point, but most of the people that know what they are doing come to a forum like this to have off topic conversations with others in the industry or to look for new opportunities. I'm not here to teach anyone anything, but if you ask an intelligent question and have done your research I might just help you out.

On the other hand, if you're to lazy to do your own research and legwork and expect a bunch of forum users to act like a pro-bono army of outsourced consultants, then you deserve all the hassle and ball busting you are going to get.
cause too many retards don't know how to use the search button first.

I feel what you all are saying about people not researching though. I was just wondering. I am the "retard" who asked the question about using a Squidoo lens as a landing page. I only asked that question because I saw someone doing it and ran a ppc campaign for it and the ad was running for a couple of months and is still running the ad as I type this. That lead me to think that this method must be profitable for him since the ad has been running for so long.
In alot of the post I see people hating on newbies and I was just wondering why. There are so many things to grasp in the game and it seems to change everyday. I assume that most of you on here were wet behing the ears at some point right?

Let the hate begin

People that make money online usually don't talk about how they make money online. And, if they do talk about it, they're either getting paid to do so or they're crazy. Also, any information you get will be "watered" down to the point where it's somewhat useful. That's when you need to do your homework to fill in the blanks. No one here really wants competition. :D
I feel what you all are saying about people not researching though. I was just wondering. I am the "retard" who asked the question about using a Squidoo lens as a landing page. I only asked that question because I saw someone doing it and ran a ppc campaign for it and the ad was running for a couple of months and is still running the ad as I type this. That lead me to think that this method must be profitable for him since the ad has been running for so long.

Ok, so I just went and read your Squidoo post. I'll try to point out where you went wrong and offer some suggestions...

quotes excerpted from Using a Squidoo lens as a landing page

I need some help guys. I have no money for web hosting for a landing page and I have a product(s) that I wanna promote.

You were given some pretty good advice on that thread. If you cant afford a web host you need to come up with a solution to that problem first before you start messing around with squidoo. Hosting is cheap. Hell it can even be free sometimes. Try dreamhost for 9.99 a month (use the coupon code MICKEYCLICKS to get your setup fees waived) or google around and find hosting even cheaper. My first adult freesite was hosted on a $4/month hosting package. You can find hosting its cheap. If you're posting this from your OLPC in the middle of Somalia and you really cannot afford web hosting then find a free host. There are even "no-ad" free hosts that dont put headers or footers on your pages. Google it. I cant remember if WF has a rule about not mentioning other forums, so I;ll just say google the words "free hosting forum" there is a forum you'll find like this, but for operators of freehosts. Solve your hosting problem first.

This is a webmasters forum. If you show up without a website you kind of deserve to get hassled a little bit. You wouldn't show up for a Harley owners rally on your 10-speed schwin, right?

I was thinking about just creating a Squidoo lens about the product and writing some articles linking to the page.

Squidoo is web 2.0 buzzword right now. Half the people using it dont know how to use it at all. Before you even start thinking about squidoo go find a pdf copy of Seth Godin's book "Everyone's an Expert" and atleast read the book in which he lays out his idea for squidoo.

Then maybe I can do some ppc with it later. What do ya'll think
Why would you send PPC traffic to a Squidoo page? There might be a reason for it, but its beyond me. That's the definition of a traffic leak right there. Make a good landing page on your spiffy shiny new hosting account and send your PPC traffic there.

Does that help at all?

Well, maybe there is something there... Squidoo lets you publish ads on the pages and does a revenue split right? is it possible that you can exploit squidoo for arbitrage? I dont know, just an idea...
Even in school, nobody liked people who asked obvious questions. Most of the newbies ask questions where the answer only takes:

1) a few logical steps to answer
2) the answer is in the question
3) a quick search on Google or forum search
Speaking as a stoopid noob, I sometimes don't realize that the question I am asking is actually stoopid. They don't like people who are looking for easy answers, but will cut you slack if your questions are intelligent and you really try. After a while you learn the drill by not asking an explanation for everything you don't know and look for answers yourself.

Teasing n00bs is also fun. It's sort of a trial by fire to see who can make the WF cut.
The reason is because most of us I actually spend our own money to test things out. Maybe the noobies should give that a fucking try?
This pic sums it up:

I've gotten treated reasonably well here (OK, let me get my asbestos suit on) and a few n00bs have been slapped for asking excessively n00bish questions, but the worst treatment has been reserved for spammers. Spammers gonna get raped on this board.

God, do I love that.
Because no one likes potential competition. And lots of newbies have very little going on in their heads.. Like me, i'm pretty dumb actually. Dumber than most people.
Newbie questions are more tolerated in the correct section.
WF has been around awhile, some people get tired of posting the same answer to the same questions repeatedly-search and read and come up with something new to ask.

For those who can't stand the heat, this might not be the place for them, the sooner they find out the better so that they can continue their quest for their place in the world.
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