Where the fuck is all my investing ass home slice's at?

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Kind of controversial promotion, but nice. So, Whose duplicate account is this? Jon's or NickyCakes'. Maybe Mr. Cakes', he seems so excited these days, His Avatar says it all!

Don't think it's a dupe account for anoyone- google the aim username, too much info that matches for it to be anyone on here, think it's actually a guy that thinks he can make this work - which is what makes it so sad and yet so funny too.

dont ban him, this is the best thing that happened to me today.
I wanna learn how to talk all gangster an shit
The next business proposal I write is most certainly going to start with "To all my nigga's ..."

As Ruck said, he will be banned but it's been along time since we had a good roasting around here and wf is hungry.
We can't remove that image either. It appears to be some sort of "attachment" which means it attached itself to the forum, probably forever. It's like a new limb, once its there you might as well start using it.
"Michael discovered he could get serious with his beatboxing so he decided to perform with celebrity's and perform all over. Michael Anderson has been featured on the front page of myspace and other really famous websites."

So he decided to perform with celebrities, and perform all over (and shit)... and he's been on some really famous websites (and shit).

Here's one for you son; learn how to fucking speak and write the English language. If I were you, I might start with capitalization, punctuation, and the words your and you're (and celebrities).

Oh, and give Bill Cosby's "Pound Cake" speech a listen while you're at it because you're an embarrassment.
This guy IM'd me yesterday saying he needed $8,000 to start his online business and launch a line of clothing. I told him to post on WF to see if anybody was interested in investing.

I was kinda expecting a well-written business plea, not homey g slice dollaz yo yo yo.

Sorry man, that's not how you get investment dollars.
Pitched by the same dude.

Who the fuck is going to loan you money when you approach them and say "Holla at a nigga ASAP before I fuckin drop kick your mama."
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