Where do YOU split with the good doctor?

Doing this is the RIGHT THING TO DO. It's called Freedom. What we have now is a fake system keeping us all in slavery.

ok whatever but that's not an argument it's a sweeping declaration. and I agree that the current state of affairs can be called slavery but slavery is extraordinarily adaptable. and not at all exclusive to governments or economies of any kind.

As the dollar falls have competing currencies rise. It will balance out because that's precisely what a free market does... It is always self-balancing when you remove regulation.
according to what schedule? pegged against what other currencies or commodities? what will former dollar holders do while this balance magically manifests? what market players even have the wherewithal to make this a reality, and more importantly a reality that improves the overall living standard more efficiently than the system it replaces? can systems that these players introduce even handle the volume of turnover that the world demands? what of the consequences if market forces cannot fill the void and world trade slows to megadeath proportions? how would issuers be stopped from forming a cartel or monopoly and pricing society into a megatyranny?

the questions aren't for you, i'm just putting theme out there. but they are anything but rhetorical for someone like ron paul and i would expect him to be able to answer them confidently without a second's hesitation and back them up with numbers and history.

program and strategy are the coin of the realm for great politicians and i don't look too hard but i don't see much out there to that end from his neck of the woods.

Lots of people are going to die, and there is going to be a lot of unrest regardless.

no offense buzzy but that's a destructive way of organizing your reality and it does nothing for the momentum of human progress. and it also reeks of the worn out rhetoric of demagogues holding sway over their flocks for centuries.
Let me as you this. Do you think abortion is a violent act against another human being?

This is a 6 week old embryo.


Is this a human being?

I don't think so.

I don't think abortions are violent acts against human beings, because I don't think that embryos are human beings.

I think abortions are morally reprehensible, but I can't support any attempt to legislate them.
This is a 6 week old embryo.


Is this a person?

I don't think so.

Yes it is. It's just a very young person.

Don't allow yourself to be constrained by the idea that age begins once you emerge from your mother's vagina.

That's like saying you never existed before the second in which you were free from your mother. Logically that's not correct, because you were alive the second prior, and all the previous months.
Honestly my biggest gripe is what in the fuck is the issue with birthing the child and giving it up for adoption or entering it into the system?

You don't want it, that's fucking fine. But you fucked, accept the natural potential consequence of pregnancy, give it up for adoption and let the child have a chance in his or her life.

Yeah, he/she might end up with foster parents who abuse him/her, but is it for *YOU* the person who engaged in sexual intercourse to decide whether or not that chance should be taken for another life? FUCK YOU.

Let the child decide. If they don't like their life, fine, they'll off themselves on their on will.
I think once you start legislating abortion, you are a stones throw away from legislating other lifestyle choices on behalf of the unborn. Why not mandate prenatal yoga, or natural childbirth? Perhaps the state should require all pregnant women to be drug tested in the interests of protecting the unborn children inside of them.

Children and the unborn are the favorite tools of those who would happily allow government to pry into the private lives of it's citizens to whatever degree it deems necessary.
i'm tempted not to ask but fuck it: how?

Just a few of probably hundreds of reasons

In the wake of the Greek debt crisis, European governments are naturally keen on reining in their deficits. The ECB report looked at the historical episodes where Belgium, Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands, and Finland reduced their budget deficits. Three of the countries saw immediate improvements in economic growth, but all benefited in the long run from tightening government finances.
ECB report

Less spending = less debt = less burden to the tax payer = jobs

Market confidence will be an immediate shot of adrenalin. Our current economy is powered by nothing but hopes and dreams. Saying "our house is back in order" is a great way to exude confidence to consumers and investors the world over. Back to business as usual.
I think once you start legislating abortion, you are a stones throw away from legislating other lifestyle choices on behalf of the unborn. Why not mandate prenatal yoga, or natural childbirth? Perhaps the state should require all pregnant women to be drug tested in the interests of protecting the unborn children inside of them.

Children and the unborn are the favorite tools of those who would happily allow government to pry into the private lives of it's citizens to whatever degree it deems necessary.

To me, if there's significant science that protects the well-being of a child from conception to delivery, I'm all for those government mandates. We're talking about human life here.

Natural childbirth for instance. The US has a terrible mother/infant death rate % compared to the rest of the world.

Why? Because of over-medicine. The average c-section rate in the US is 34%. LOL!!!!! 34 FUCKING PERCENT OF WOMEN WHO ENTER A HOSPITAL WILL DELIVER THEIR BABY VIA "getting their stomach's cut in half" (many times cutting the baby in the process), and always making it difficult for the baby to breathe, since the natural process of squeezing their lungs from the pressure of vaginal birth is negated. My wife as an RN saw this many times, these ridiculous scheduled c-sections.

My wife is pregnant now with our 2nd child, and the new midwife we've hired who'll do our homebirth has birth'd over 1,000 babies with only 6 c-sections, and not 1 mother or infant has died.

Do I feel safe birthing our child at home and not in a hospital? Fuck yes.
To me, if there's significant science that protects the well-being of a child from conception to delivery, I'm all for those government mandates. We're talking about human life here.

Should the government mandate vaccination? There's "significant science" which indicates that vaccines do save human lives.

The US has a terrible mother/infant death rate % compared to the rest of the world.

Premature Births Fuel Infant Death Rates in U.S., Report Says - NYTimes.com
I agree with it.

I had a feeling you might, I do as well. I have to admit though, I find it curious that many people who have no issue with the concept of natural selection in nature have such a difficult time when the same principles are applied to governments, economies, and human beings. Isn't abortion a form of natural selection?
Should the government mandate vaccination? There's "significant science" which indicates that vaccines do save human lives.

No, there's not significant science that indicates vaccines save human lives. There's a lot that point to the opposite at this stage.

What I was referring to when I said that was the evidence that clearly indicates that pain medications, pitocin etc.. have absolutely no positive benefits (and usually likely negative outcomes) to babies during deliveries.

I'll have my wife refer to this tmw as she's more the expert and i'm tired as fuck ;)
Maybe anyone who cant cut his legislation cravings get the fuck out of this thread?

RP is about de-regulation, not re-regulation. Thats a conceptual difference. If you want some douche to realign laws slightly differently so that they fit your personal needs better, there are abut a dozen different candidates to choose from. Pick yours.

So vaccines dont save human life. Ever heard of smallpox, diphtheria, half a dozen childrens diseases, tetanus? Maybe the imaginary swine flu wasnt necessary to get vaccinated. A couple dozen deadly diseases are. Most of those dont really exist anymore because widespread vaccination got rid of them. There is no reasonable science that could ever claim that vaccinations reduce ones expected lifespan and im not brainwashed by some government for believing that. If you want to give it a try, perform some real hardcore oldschool science, wait for your tetanus injection to wear off (10 years) and then try to infect yourself with it. Is a long and painful death. Enjoy.
Maybe anyone who cant cut his legislation cravings get the fuck out of this thread?

RP is about de-regulation, not re-regulation. Thats a conceptual difference. If you want some douche to realign laws slightly differently so that they fit your personal needs better, there are abut a dozen different candidates to choose from. Pick yours.

So vaccines dont save human life. Ever heard of smallpox, diphtheria, half a dozen childrens diseases, tetanus? Maybe the imaginary swine flu wasnt necessary to get vaccinated. A couple dozen deadly diseases are. Most of those dont really exist anymore because widespread vaccination got rid of them. There is no reasonable science that could ever claim that vaccinations reduce ones expected lifespan and im not brainwashed by some government for believing that. If you want to give it a try, perform some real hardcore oldschool science, wait for your tetanus injection to wear off (10 years) and then try to infect yourself with it. Is a long and painful death. Enjoy.

couldn't help myself but to check this thread one last time via phone before I went to sleep..

Ill just say this, keep injecting all those metals/chemicals into your body. Ill practice good hygiene and continue my 4+ yr streak of only getting sick once.

oh noes, I might get the flu! or my child might get chicken pox lols. its a moneygrab bra.