When was the last time you read a book?

This is an old video I used to watch to motivate my lifestyle of wanting to be a super speed reader™ going through tons of books per month. This guy is really awesome, just loves to read. He says people pay him a lot of money for his knowledge so he takes it to the extreme to completely train his mind and fill it up as much as possible every single day. Quirky dude with a really disciplined process that is admirable and inspiring.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyW9AjplDfY"]A Peek Into My Reading Process - YouTube[/ame]

i'm always reading something...and it's not always marketing/business related. also, i find myself listening to audiobooks much more in the last few yrs, they're great to listen to in bed for an hour or so before falling asleep.
Years of internet addiction has destroyed my ability to focus on anything for more than 10 seconds. Sad but almost true. Good thing I got some reading in before the internet really took off.

That said, still like to read before going to bed. Has to be good literature though, something which is both entertaining but also has some relevance to my life. I recently read Burmese Days by George Orwell for example, which was hilarious because it so accurately described the South East Asia expat experience. Nothing ever changes in history. Round and round it goes.

My suggestion is not to read world literature as such, but literature from your countrymen, of similar opinions, and preferably from before WW2, because after that literature went to shit because of all the socialism.
I lost my passion for reading by reading books I didn't enjoy because they were simply recommended. I made the choice after stomaching my way through Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I found this book to be absolutely awful and one of the worst books I've ever read. I have seen many people crash and burn by trying to convey ideas, simple ones and complex ones. For instance, Elliot Hulse, the Youtube guy who tried to convey ideas of young people could develop healthy qualities and traits. Ironically the more content he puts out, the more personal experience and stories he shares the more and more blurred the message comes to the masses. He eventually came to a point where he no longer wanted to make videos because of all the hatred and flak he gets.

These insights have caused me to shy away almost entirely from mental masturbation books. I read for enjoyment and I enjoy the hell out of it. I read what I like reading and I look forward to it daily. I read for passion, interest and exploration. Currently reading: Shantaram and a Red Hat Certified System Admin training book.
Read something productive...

While I read tons of business books (about an 8:1 ratio) if you truly believe that reading classic literature isn't productive then you've got a lot to learn.

There's more to life than just business. Pick up some Hemingway or Thoreau or Melville sometime.

Or don't and continue to be a soulless prick for the rest of your life.
Why things break. An interesting book by a material scientist who talks about the various engineering aspects in regards to things failing. You dont have to be an engineer to enjoy it.

Also read The Box for history on shipping containers and how it changed the world.
Just finished up Managing Oneself a few days ago. It was okay. Reading physical books is a pain in the ass, because I have to move my notes from the book to my computer multiple times. Once to a mindmap, and another time to Supermemo.

Great read, on Amazon for only $269.46

That book saved my life! So I was swimming across the atlantic ocean, when all of of a sudden I spotted this huge behemoth of floating steel approaching me and it was getting closer and closer. I immediately took out my handy water gun which is always attached to my swimsuit and sprayed in it's direction a few times hoping to scare it away. When that didn't work, I followed the valuable advice in this book which was to move the fuck out of its way. Thanks!
Last year, during the summer months I've read "A song of Ice and Fire" series during the course of 3 months. I read a book here and there if it picks on my interest but I don't have as much time as I used to. I lose my focus very easily (I have a strong imagination) so sometimes i re-read the page 4-5 times before I move on.