What's the problem with men wearing flip flops?

I can honestly say, I've had multiple nights out drinking that I would be dead if I was wearing flip flops. Never wear flip flops if you're out getting fucked up, never know when you'll need to scrap/run/climb fence etc. dead serious

+1 this, very VERY true.

Barefoot. Because "as a man" you can fight barefoot.

But also, "as a man" you don't have to go around picking fights. And you can easily avoid fights by not being in shitty parts of town and around shitty people.

I'm in my 30s and it's been over 6 years since I even nearly got in a fight or someone even remotely approached me in that manner. And it's probably because I don't put myself in shitty situations. In fact, I know it is.

So basically don't hang around niggers.
Am I the only one here that isn't a 21 year old thug/wanna be tough ass/Affliction t-shirt wearing/ jack off to MMA dickface? Sure feels like it sometimes.

as a man, how the fuck are you supposed to defend yourself in a street fight/concrete in some faggy pair of "rainbows."


Are men wearing flip flops that big of a deal? The only time I've ever heard anyone comment on it was when me and a friend went out for some lunch to an outdoor bar & grill and he ran into some guy he had high school beef with that was in business attire, the douchebag was getting on his case for being a "minimum wage loser" (he grew up SUPER poor and was picked on by guys like this in high school) and saying shit like "you'll never a get a job like mine wearing sandles like those" but all that trash talk stopped when the valet pulled up his aston martin and we bounced.
i would never wear flip flops, and i live on the beach where 80 is the coolest temp of the year

i wear boots or sneakers, unless im sleeping at which point i wear socks. as a man, how the fuck are you supposed to defend yourself in a street fight/concrete in some faggy pair of "rainbows."

So you wear "boots or sneakers" to the beach?
I'm black.

J/K! I'm white. And it's awesome.

Hi, I'm black and it's basically like sex....with tears streaming down your face while clutching the pillow and trying to forget that you're going to be Tyrone's roommate in prison for a very long time.
Hi, I'm black and it's basically like sex....with tears streaming down your face while clutching the pillow and trying to forget that you're going to be Tyrone's roommate in prison for a very long time.

Well good luck with that, bros.