What's the problem with men wearing flip flops?

Real men are barefoot.

Anyone try the Vibram five fingers? Old news by now, but man, once you get used to them they're awesome for running and especially squats for those here who lift.

Downside is; I'm always stressing what other people are thinking about me.. They must think I'm a total homo.

I honestly find flip flops disgusting. On women, in hot places is the only place I can tolerate them.

Not sure why I hold such hatred for them
When I see men wearing shoes in the 100 degree heat, I find it odd/gay, that is unless they are working.
At this time it's my duty to remind you that is nothing gayer than man who takes note of other men's shoes.

On the topic of flip flops: I don't wear them living in Manhattan because my feet are disgusting enough without subjecting them to the grim and garbage and shit that lines the streets here.

I wear flipflops at the beach only, much like how I wear bathing suits***.

*** FYI, I've found the best way to get noticed at the beach is to drop a potato in the back of my speedo instead of the front like my friends do. I suggest giving it a try.
It's only gay if you got feminine feet...

I used to wear them until one day I had the sudden realization that girls will fuck me more when I appear as though I put some effort into the way I dressed... and it works wonders. Sandals just have that lazy "I don't give a shit" look which doesn't get you laid.

I only wear them to the beach now
I live in the south, nobody gives a fuck. Flipflops and boat shoes during the summer.

I live in the South and at the beach. I don't wear "shoes" 9 months out of the year.

And I take teh gayness further by wearing flops made by a brand called "Rainbow"


Also been alternating these bad boys into the rotation now and then as well. Most comfortable "shoes" (they're not shoes) ever:

In Palm Beach most of the year. I only wear shoes when I am playing a sport or in a meeting when down here. I spend 90% of my weekends barefoot with sand in front of the driver's seat...

When up north I wear shoes and feel like a woman who hates bras...

Random thought... I HATE driving with shoes or socks... ughhh

PS I also get a pedi every two weeks.... no homo

You used to rub me the wrong way. Now I like you. No homo.

There's nothing gay about flip flops. In fact, if you think they are gay, it's probably because you're a closeted homosexual projecting your fears onto others.
I would be very happy if such concerns were part of my life. Where I live, flip flops are only an option a week a year.
I think they might be ok to wear, IF some part of the "flop" was made from Baby Seal Skin.

If you are wearing them, and one of your friends say they look gay... your comeback could be.. hey there made from baby seal skins.... made them my self.

You could take pictures of how you hunted down the baby seal, and took him down for your hard won flops.

Just an idea.
Because you can't kick ass in flip flops. They are for around the house, the beach, and women.