What's the problem with men wearing flip flops?


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
I've never understood why a man wearing flip flops is gay/feminine? They are simple, comfortable and convenient.

What gives?

people who are mad about the fact they cant be as cool as the guys who wear them
Huh? You must not be from somewhere Sunny. Flip-flops are the norm in California, Arizona, Florida and during the Summer in lots of coastal cities.

I wear them constantly and I look cool as shit, and nobody seems to mind. Plus everyone around me is wearing them too unless they are on their way to work.

They definitely are nowhere near as gay as Crocs or Vibrams, Crocs being a 10 and Vibrams a 2, flip-flops would be 0.
I agree that wearing Flip-flops makes MEn look sexy. We here lives in group of gay and usually wears Flip-flops and....
In Palm Beach most of the year. I only wear shoes when I am playing a sport or in a meeting when down here. I spend 90% of my weekends barefoot with sand in front of the driver's seat...

When up north I wear shoes and feel like a woman who hates bras...

Random thought... I HATE driving with shoes or socks... ughhh

PS I also get a pedi every two weeks.... no homo
Not knocking you OP, but why does your brain even spend time contemplating such bullshit? Like what other fags think of your footwear? Just let your inner fag shine through and be happy. Accept yourself brother, we are here for you.