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cruise wrote:

>Later she cried in my arms
>about a disease she might get,

might get? drama.

>so I took her to my home and
>let her sleep in my bed (for a
>breakfast she had to do)
>because her friends went
>already home. We had sex but
>afterwards she was bitching at
>me like "you are fat, you are
>stupid..." She let her bad
>mood out on me.

Whaaaat? Fuck that shit. Tell her to leave now. That's out right disrespect. She doesn't give a fuck about you and you're her punching bag.

>After the breakfast I kicked
>her out of my house.

You fed her and THEN kicked her out? That's so retarded. OUT NOW. She should lose all privileges with for a good while, and she should lose them immediately. Waiting is like rewarding her.

>cruise: don't need a bitch in
>my house

What do you mean? Then leave your own house, cause guess who's the bitch? YOU bro.

>she: yesterday was not a good
>night, let's forget about it.
>I will come this evening to
>you and will apologize...
>cruise: are you kidding? I
>know 1000 things I would love
>to do instead of meeting you.
>call me @ 4.

That is so retarded. You just kicked her out but then accepted her demand to come back later... clearly you had NOTHING better to do. Stop this lying and bullshitting yourself, her and everyone on this forum. No one is buying it.

>she: Hi I don't want to argue.
>I will put on a nice dress and
>shoes and come to you. After
>we go to that party we're
>gonna have hot peace-sex

I like how she lays down the law... like a MAN.

>cruise: The party sounds good
I want you to have nice
>makeup and bring me my
>favorite zigarettes and come
>at 9.

And how you accept this.. like a GIRL.

>When Iam thinking of it right
>now I see that SHE is giving
>sex to me. But she knows thats
>what I want when she did
>something bad. Isn't she doing
>that for apologizing or is
>there a shit-test running I
>don't see? How would you guys
>have reacted to this?

You even think like a GIRL.. wtf dude. She DISSED you and then you rolled over, on a level that SHE would never let you get away with her.

Call HER fat and stupid..and run the same game she just ran on you... I got 20 bucks it won't work cause she won't let it.

>Thank you for commenting

Read... lots. You're in trouble.

>>Whaaaat? Fuck that shit.
>>Tell her to leave now.
>>out right disrespect. She
>>doesn't give a fuck about
>>and you're her punching
>You are right. I didn't really
>notice she said it not in a
>funny way, so I didn't punish
>her for that.
>But what do you do with her?
>She gave her car to some
>friends and it was too late to
>call them!????

Under those circumstances, make her sleep on the couch. Women like to do that with guys, you can certainly request that with her.

Needless to say you have to break rapport in a serious tone. You tell her straight up that you don't appreciate what she just did and you expect her tomorrow morning to leave promptly at whatever time... the end, no more talking, no more arguing, no more discussion.

Work on framing things in a strong, serious tone without getting worked up.

>I let her make food just for
>me and then got her out.

I would have asked her to leave that morning, no food, nothing. No more "good times". You're basically letting her off the hook for mistreating you, something likely she would not do herself.

>Right. I wanted to give her a
>chance to apologize but she
>didn't deserve it.

No, not on her terms, on YOUR terms bro. She basically laid out the plan for her apology to YOU, and you accepted it. FUCK THAT SHIT. YOU need to tell her to leave, peroid. No more. No future plans, no future discussion, none of this "forget it" business.

You LATER, decide when to have her come by. Her apology should come naturally not contribed by her.

>She came to me in a dress,
>good makeup and my zigarettes
>and it went pretty well
>between us.

She's buying your affection... tooling you. And in a way she's proving that all she needs to do is put on some make-up, buy you cigs, and give you a BJ and you're back to being happy with her. That's TOO easy... and that's the reason she continues to disrespect you.

>She always came to kiss me and
>sit on me so I gave her hand
>job and she did a BJ. All

Why? Why give HER a handjob? You're rewarding her for bad behaviour and then acting apologetic towards you. Basically you've just told her that she can get angry with you, disrespect you, and if SHE wants to get back together with you, all she has to do is dress up, makeup, and pretend to like you.... you will subsequently reward her for tooling you like that.


>good, but then the old bitch
>came back again.

Duh. I would have been $100 on that. The "old bitch" will keep coming back until you next her hard.

>Maybe I think a little bit
>extreme but she had that
>"don't bother me" attitude
>when i.e. I pulled her hair
>too much, then she boxes me.
>Maybe I am really a bit rough
>to her...

Maybe, maybe not, but frankly, she's deciding that all along. Her response to you pulling too hard on her hair.. SHOULD NOT BE PHYSICALLY ATTACKING YOU. Dude.. common..

>Ok after she really punched me
>on the arm, I punched back.

NO. NO. NO. Don't hit the girl, she's just going twist that around on you. She's going to claim you abuse her (which you kinda are) and conveniently forget she abused you. This is where relationships go down hill very fast.

Stop this shit right now. Get a grip with yourself bro.

>This went on and on, so I said
>Me: "when you punch me again I
>won't care about you anymore
>and let you go"
>She: silence. "The same for

DUH. She's playing you bro. The FIRST time she hit you hard, you should have gotten up, walked to the door, and said, "Time for you to leave."

DONE. You're basically "discussing" the terms with her... not leading, not setting up clear boundaries.. you basically asking her for her permission to behave.... see what I'm saying?

>Me: (I didn't like it that she
>also creates rules in this
>moment) Ok where should I slap

Bad. You're reacting now. When you starter with a senstence like "OK" you're already agreeing with her. This is all fucked. You need to NEXT this one hard and get a grip.

>She: silence.
>Was_that_ok_? I have the
>saying: Never do others what
>you wouldn't like yourself.

Yes and no. Yes, at the moment, NO because it should never have gotten to this moment.

Dude, I have NEVER had a girl behave like that on me, EVER. YOU are subcommunicating that this is OKAY behaviour to treat you this way.. when clearly it's not and its fustrating you and worse, you're then acting out ON HER.. as if she's the one at fault. SHE IS at fault, but you have such weak boundaries that she can't help herself to test them all over the place.

>But in this situation she
>should have just accepted my
>Rule and don't make one
>herself. Please correct me if
>my behaviour was adequate.

Honestly.. she's free to do whatever the FUCK she wants to do. And with you.. clearly she does.

What YOU need to decide, is what is acceptable behaviour around YOU. YOU make that rule, and damn the rest. IF she breaks the rule, you clearly next her. Don't argue, don't try to explain yourself, don't beat her into acceptance, etc.

>The rest of the evening was
>peaceful and we kissed very

She likes drama and the problem is you don't know how to handle it. So it's runaway drama at YOUR expense. Fuck that shit.

>Back at my house I told her
>she couldn't sleep here
>because yesterday she had such
>a bad behaviour.
>She began to cry and said we
>must catch up on today and
>meet tomorrow. I said ok.

Crying is a form outburst, just like yelling. Yelling is not acceptable, neither should be crying. Once you're yelling, or she's crying, communication has stopped happening and it's just an emotionally outlet. So agreeing to anyting when she's balling her tears is BAD NEWS.

>So the next day I went to her

Why? You went to HER? She's been abusing you all week and you're seeking her? Common maaaan... wtf dude?

>and at the beginning it was
>peacefull but then somehow she
>started to bitch again!!

SUPRISE!!! Stop trying to logically understand her, there is no understanding. She's just fucking you with emotionally, and pulling drama to see how much you can take it. STOP. Don't accept this behaviour. DON'T EVEN TELL HER YOUR NOT ACCEPTING OF THIS BEHAVIOUR.. just REMOVE yourself from the situation and NEXT HER.

>This time I kissed her and
>left immediately. I will
>freeze her for 1 or 2 weeks
>now, depends on how much she
>will apologize.

NEXT HER. Fuck her calls, fuck her txt, fuck everything for a good while, until you get your own shit together.

>I have to say that I know her
>for 1 year and never had this
>behaviour before.
>I even would call her good
>girl, but this weekend was
>crazy and I went mad with
>every bagatelle.
>Maybe I am betaized or

You are totally suffering oneitus and she has definitely betaized your ass.. and you keep falling for her lame tricks over and over again.. and the worse part.. the fact that you keep falling for her bullshit.. is the VERY THING THAT'S DRIVING HER CRAZY.

She wants you to be a man.. act like it.

>Thank you for commenting,

Sure man, hope that helps. Keep in mind, been there, done that. It took me a long time to learn this kind of stuff. You'll eventually will too.

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