What the hell is going on?

WTF did you read Clickbooth isn't paying? They pay me every time without delay.
Maybe some affiliates under the radar for BH strategies.
Inb4 A eagle sitting on grave stone

A lot of his workday consists of searching and looking over pictures of eagles. He has a folder on his desktop for these pictures and it contains hundreds of eagle pictures. He has pretty much exhausted Google image search for most eagle keywords and now has to get creative with his image searching. One day there will be no more cool eagle pictures on the internet for him to find and this will be the day he buys an actual bald eagle and sets it up in the office. This eagle will be the downfall of the network as the US Fish and Wildlife service will arrest Ryan and set the eagle free.
Who said anything about Clickbooth going under?

If you are going to call out networks you need to have some proof, don't just throw accusations out there like that.

"Oh they moved me to net 30, they must be having problems like copeac" - guy who makes a couple thousand a month from said network

I never made any comment about Clickbooth going under, so I want to make sure you aren't referring to me. There have definitely been changes going on there, from payment terms to management, etc.

The pubs that have been telling me they were moved to Net 30 are smaller mailers... definitely not BH. I was simply wondering if this is more than a few smaller pubs getting paid Net 30 and what was going on.

I am fine with this, as they are just running more traffic with me. I used to 6 figs a month with CB back in the day when I was on the publishing side. I worked with John before CB was even started. I have respect for them.
What's happening to companies in this industry is no different than what happens in other industries:

- expand too fast during a "bubble" period: suffer serious contraction pains when the bubble bursts, maybe not even survive
- start a new business without a plan or without offering anything unique: fail miserably after the initial honeymoon period that comes from launch
- play fast and loose with the rules: get burned when the authorities come knocking
- operate a business with no risk mitigation plan: get crippled when the risk materializes
- work for the short-term dollar only: inability to adapt to changing business models
- etc.

About a year or so ago, there was an explosion of new networks that popped up due to the low barrier of entry. It's natural that a bunch of them are now failing. That's business.

As an affiliate, you should realize the points I outlined above don't just apply to networks, some of them apply to you as well. If you want to be a successful affiliate for the long term you need to consider those things too.

This is definitely a time of transition in our industry. If you want to survive, you need to do your research, you need to make your plans. Don't just chase the fast money, or you could pay in the long run.
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The problem... was the advertising and the product.

Not the networks. Not the credit arrangements. Not the shady people involved.


Really? Not being able to manage cash flow an pay people is an advertisement and product issue?!?

Getting into negatively structured deals with others out of your jurisdiction or without any cash/assets for the risky but lucrative upside is irrelevant because it's an advert and product issue?

This is like a hedge fund moving into 99% pink sheets and wondering why and or crying when they lose everything.

But I'm sure that would be an ad an prod issue too

Lol bro, lol
What's happening to companies in this industry is no different than what happens in other industries:

- expand too fast during a "bubble" period: suffer serious contraction pains when the bubble bursts, maybe not even survive
- start a new business without a plan or without offering anything unique: fail miserably after the initial honeymoon period that comes from launch
- play fast and loose with the rules: get burned when the authorities come knocking
- operate a business with no risk mitigation plan: get crippled when the risk materializes
- work for the short-term dollar only: inability to adapt to changing business models
- etc.

About a year or so ago, there was an explosion of new networks that popped up due to the low barrier of entry. It's natural that a bunch of them are now failing. That's business.

As an affiliate, you should realize the points I outlined above don't just apply to networks, some of them apply to you as well. If you want to be a successful affiliate for the long term you need to consider those things too.

This is definitely a time of transition in our industry. If you want to survive, you need to do your research, you need to make your plans. Don't just chase the fast money, or you could pay in the long run.

Steve hit it right on the money with his explanation. This industry is just like any other industry and businesses fail all the time. Sometimes when you run into huge financial problems there is no other choice but to close up shop and call it quits.

It's unfortunate for the publishers we didn't get paid from the recent occurrences - it doesn't matter if it was $10 or $10,000 it's still lost revenue.

Like it or not azoogle will not go under.

Azoogle has to be one of the best established CPA sites out there and one of the oldest too.

Yeah they just do not pay on time to most there affiliates, I think your facts are a bit misleading.

However i agree they wont go under, How can they when they keep most there affiliate commissions. They may stay afloat but they are still shit in my eyes regardless if they get back on track or not.

Most affiliates spend money to make money and once you disrupt that flow by being a few months late then regardless of them getting caught up or not they showed their true colors and they would never regain my trust. There is to many networks out there to screw with your affiliates, Never bite the hand that feeds you, You may end up starving to death,