What the hell is going on?


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
epic/azoogle, copeac, profitkingsmedia and several other networks are going under? clickbooth not paying affiliates?

what the hell is going on???

I know I know profitkingsmedia brokers most of his offers from other networks... but if the big networks are going under what can you expect from smaller/brokered networks like EWA, etc??

I know EWA/Eagle are legit and always pay on time, but if they are brokering a lot of the offers on their network from the big dogs how are they going to survive if a lot of the big boys are going under?

Heres my take on it.

Years ago it was easy to become an affiliate marketer. You put up a site and made a shit ton of money off things like rebills and ringtones. During this time there wasn't many rules and the industry wasn't really on the FTC radar. Because of this, all these networks started popping up and the big boys who were already in the industry (copeac, azoogle, etc) saw a huge explosion in growth and profits. They expanded and hired a shit ton of people and thought skys the limit.

Problem was that a lot of these networks started putting all their eggs in one basket with the rebills and all the other shady offers. Once new rules were put in place, all that money they had made disappeared because it wasn't easy for a monkey to throw up a landing page and make a crap load of money.

I'm guessing a good chuck of their affiliates dropped off the radar once they found out running other offers wasn't as easy as acai. Revenues drop and now they are like the typical 20 year old affiliate marketer who blew through all his money and now was stuck with all kinds of bills they can't afford.

They got cocky and they gambled. Now they are hurting. It's gonna be interesting to see what happens to the smaller networks. A lot of them are parading around like "Oh yea were so bad ass because we are still afloat!". But you gotta be careful with these small networks. They don't have the capital to throw around like the big guys. Which means all it takes is one huge advertiser to say they aren't gonna pay out and it could tip the boat over.

We'll see whats gonna happen in the coming months.
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I'm with erifdekciw on this one, definitely the regulations are to "blame". It's NOT necessarily a bad thing though. Time to clean up the industry "a bit".
I don't see Azoogle going under. Copeac yes.

Most of the idiots on this forum whining about Azoogle are only owed like 3-5k, and they are butthurt they didn't get paid yet, so they think posting negative shit is gonna help their situation. It's almost like they are hoping that Azoogle goes under.

The big guys who are running volume are getting paid, just delayed a month. Oh well, shit happens. They have good offers that are exclusive to them. It's either you go direct with the advertiser, and get paid in a month, or run with Epic and get paid in a month. Take your pick.
I don't see Azoogle going under. Copeac yes.

Most of the idiots on this forum whining about Azoogle are only owed like 3-5k, and they are butthurt they didn't get paid yet, so they think posting negative shit is gonna help their situation. It's almost like they are hoping that Azoogle goes under.

The big guys who are running volume are getting paid, just delayed a month. Oh well, shit happens. They have good offers that are exclusive to them. It's either you go direct with the advertiser, and get paid in a month, or run with Epic and get paid in a month. Take your pick.

Like that's an excuse. Oh we have a couple hundred guys doing 1-5k per month, let's just not pay them.

Dude I don't know where you're living but that's not good business practice and I would never want to work with a company like that.
Azoogle isn't going anywhere. They just had some issues with payments. They're getting it all cleaned up and caught up and will be back to normal soon I hear.

As far as small networks with all brokered offers why would you run there? There's still networks around with 80-90% direct to merchant deals that pay on time always and have been around for 3+ years. Make smart decisions.

Maxbounty, A4D, Neverblue, C2M...
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I don't see Azoogle going under. Copeac yes.

Most of the idiots on this forum whining about Azoogle are only owed like 3-5k, and they are butthurt they didn't get paid yet, so they think posting negative shit is gonna help their situation. It's almost like they are hoping that Azoogle goes under.

The big guys who are running volume are getting paid, just delayed a month. Oh well, shit happens. They have good offers that are exclusive to them. It's either you go direct with the advertiser, and get paid in a month, or run with Epic and get paid in a month. Take your pick.

Fuck you and your thinking. This is one of the most stupid posts I've ever seen. So what, if you "only" make 5k, you should't be paid on time? Fuck you, again. I was put on "weeklies" and it took them 2.5 months to pay me.
Profit Kings Media is NOT closing shop. We still continue to pay weekly, since our launch in 2009. We work with hundreds of advertisers directly. Regardless of what happens to Azoogle, Copeac, and others hurting.. just know we will always protect our affiliates.
Azoogle isn't going anywhere. They just had some issues with payments. They're getting it all cleaned up and caught up and will be back to normal soon I hear.

As far as small networks with all brokered offers why would you run there? There's still networks around with 80-90% direct to merchant deals that pay on time always and have been around for 3+ years. Make smart decisions.

Maxbounty, A4D, Neverblue, C2M...

Agreed. I am going to add Crush Ads to that list. We are direct with 90% + of our campaigns, own some of our own campaigns and pay weekly. Even our monthly pubs get checks cut by the 6th or 7th.

We are newer to the game, but part of a larger 2+ year old company - BMI Elite, which bought Accelerize earlier this year. We have very good cash flow and no debt or loans.

What is up with Clickbooth? I keep hearing about pubs getting moved to Net 30? I know it's their smaller pubs, but still... who pays Net 30? I haven't seen any threads dedicated to this topic. Is it just not that wide spread?
I don't see Azoogle going under. Copeac yes.

Most of the idiots on this forum whining about Azoogle are only owed like 3-5k, and they are butthurt they didn't get paid yet, so they think posting negative shit is gonna help their situation. It's almost like they are hoping that Azoogle goes under.

The big guys who are running volume are getting paid, just delayed a month. Oh well, shit happens. They have good offers that are exclusive to them. It's either you go direct with the advertiser, and get paid in a month, or run with Epic and get paid in a month. Take your pick.

why the fuck you keep defending Epic in all threads?
I'm with erifdekciw on this one, definitely the regulations are to "blame". It's NOT necessarily a bad thing though. Time to clean up the industry "a bit".


Let's not forget the bad debt and optimistically "risky" partnerships that resulted in parties paying affiliates but not getting paid. Or no one getting paid. It's in my opinion simply an economy of scale issue with respect to risk. Years ago we'd all run some campaign on a CJ merchant and if screwed by XYZ trinket manufacturer would lose a few thousand dollars. But we weren't buying the Yahoo homepage or Foxnews or Weather out for 60 days to run this at extremely large scale.

In the past few years affiliates and networks have with riskier and riskier (not just b/c of regulations, b/c of party's involved, physical locations, MANY people in the chain floating with money they didn't have <cash on hand> etc etc etc).

When anything goes wrong in that situation it goes from bad to worse very quickly. Couple this with a bad economy in general and some companies who hired dozens of staff and you have slowing receivables coupled with high burn rates and increasing rates of (large) amounts of bad debt.

Oh, and then credit markets drying up to make it difficult to borrow to sustain the business (especially if a financial institution saw no need for 2/3 of your overhead).

Voila. Problems occur.
Who said anything about Clickbooth going under?

If you are going to call out networks you need to have some proof, don't just throw accusations out there like that.

"Oh they moved me to net 30, they must be having problems like copeac" - guy who makes a couple thousand a month from said network