What the fuck is this?

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Whats worse, a shoemoney/digitalpoint tattoo, or a tattoo obviously done by a novice scratcher?
no... fucking... way...
The Grown Up Geek Bl0g: Would you give your flesh for your favorite website?

worst life decision ever.

He could have used standard ink from a pen then used lip balm (used by women for thicker lips) to outline the outside and make it look swollen like a real tattoo.

If it is real he beter hope shoemoney or DP dont get a rebrand :)
He's not retarded, he's smart.

Good link bait. It's obviously NOT real, but most people will think it is, hence all the controversy and trackbacks.
Haha I left a comment on there about the tattoos I got but guess what the jokes on him because I DIDN'T get a aaa.com tattoo I got a AdSense tattoo.

Actually I don't have any tattoos. I'm considering gettin the classic "Mom" tattoo and maybe the other classic "Rosie". You know, like one of those old sailors back in the 1940s.

Oh yeah and a hula girl on my chest too.
i really hope those are henna tattoos or something, because if that shit is permanent i wanna see where he is in life 10 years from now. Good linkbait, yes... bad life decision, more so.
I bet they are real I've got a few tattoo's, on my arms and just after you get them done you can tell with the red around them and how your skin buldges out slightly around it, those things are a bit harder to fake, unless its hentai tattoo and he just jabbed himself with a needle a few times to make it look real.
They look pretty real to me...

I can't even begin to understand what this guy's life might be like to think this is a good idea. I am not against tattoos at all (I have one), but this is completely retarded.
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