What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand??

Making a person "illegal" based on their current geographical location is funny to me. People should be able to freely visit and maintain residence in any location without the threat of violence from a group of individuals (thugs) known as the state.

It's like tonight, when I entered a BP to buy a 6 pack. They asked for my license, I gave it to them, and they wouldn't sell it to me because my license expired a few weeks ago. It has my birth date of 7/12/1983, and I look exactly like my picture in the license, but nope! The license "expired". In other words, I haven't paid enough to my overlord masters by renewing my license.

I know enough to not get pissed off at the BP employee, they're just doing their job, which is dictated by the higher powers that be.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meeeeeh to this multiculturalist thought. Our country wouldn't be in the position its in given we didn't cared so much about foreign peoples and lands. Gas prices wouldn't be what they are. The supply would still be there, but the demand would be much less. Immigration and the desire to be the "worlds police and doctors" is destroying our nation. It only takes common sense to see this.
Gas prices wouldn't be what they are. The supply would still be there, but the demand would be much less.

You kind of get that the oil market is a global one and that it doesnt matter much whether the consumer is this or that side of the fence, right?

Maybe youre really just that simple-minded. Go buy some more ammo.
I really don't understand the debate about legalizing immigrants.
Yes, they go illegally to the US, which is not a good thing of course but, you americans, are getting cheap labour. It's not that mexicans (or any other minorities) are stealing jobs from US citizens. I've yet to know a case where an employer has been forced to hire mexicans instead of americans. If you don't want mexicans in the US, don't hire them. This double moral is just a case of hypocrisy from either greedy employers or ignorant citizens.

I'm not justifying illegal immigration, just telling the other side of the story.
If the majority of illegal immigrants were Europeans, this would not be a problem. However, they are mostly coming from Mexico and Central America. For the most part, they are peasants. Every city they amass in turns to crap. Sad but true.

Most liberals/lefties who love the illegal invaders live nowhere near them or move away as quickly as they can when given the chance. Studies show that when whites move, they tend to move to whiter areas. As someone once said, the benefit of a liberal education is acquiring the proper attitudes towards minorities and the means to live far away from them.

Germans create Germanies and Mexicans create Mexicos. This is the problem. They are creating little Mexicos all over the US. Another thing is that they are not easily assimilable. Even if they learn the language, their skin pigmentation prevents them from fully assimilating. This is not just a problem for Mexicans but for Asians, and of course blacks.

They intuitively understand this, which explains why every non-pigmentally assimilable minority in the US has their own pro-ethnic organizations. Sure they claim we're all one race but they throw that out the window when they don't see enough of their race in certain positions, gov't, etc. (This problem would exist in reverse if huge numbers of Europeans invaded China, too.)

In any case, the more multicultural a country is, the more social/racial/economic strife there is. One last thing. Non-Westerners always yap that the US is not multicultural enough. But what about non-white countries? Why is China not whiter? Or India? Or Mexico? Or Africa? Why is it only Western countries that must become more multicultural?
I kind of understand allowing kids to stay if they were brought here and living here is all they know. Although if they've ever committed a crime their asses should be gone in my opinion. If you're dumb enough to commit a crime while you're not a citizen then you deserve to be deported.
I don't blame the Mexicans. They want work and they're willing to work their asses off. Don't like it? Look at your fellow Americans who are too god damn "good" to do the jobs.

Or, if they will do the jobs they wanna start unions and act like fucking idiots.


I have communicated the good news to all the brown people I could.

They're celebrating right now, here's an exclusive video broadcast.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xl4WN4La18"]Drunk Mexican Dance - YouTube[/ame]
As a successful capitalist, who dislikes capitalism, I like immigrants.

As a capitalist, cheap labor.
As whatever else I may be, people first, and we should be able to come and go as we damn well please.
Shortage of jobs? lol.

There's no shortage of jobs. However, there IS a shortage of people willing to do them because they are too busy sucking the government's dick and collecting their welfare payments. Why work if you don't have to? Your uncle will provide. It's the american way.

Welfare, lazyness, and entitlement is ruining this country, not people who want to come here and work for their money.

I welcome all these immigrants in with open arms if it means we could export all the lazy, welfare collecting retards doing nothing except costing tax payers money. I think a stipulation of collecting welfare should be voluntary sterilization so we don't have to pay for future generations of lazyness and we weed out all the bottom feeders.
I have been to Berlin several times.
I saw lots of Turks there (non-white)
I saw lots of homosexuals there
I saw lots of people not judging others because of slight differences.

I saw a gay turkish couple making out on a street corner, surrounded by people not giving a single fuck, enjoying their bottles of Becks on the streets.

Germany sure has changed. Good for them. Bad for idiots.Dresden is a traitor to German values. He'll never be a true modern European.
Shortage of jobs? lol.

There's no shortage of jobs. However, there IS a shortage of people willing to do them because they are too busy sucking the government's dick and collecting their welfare payments. Why work if you don't have to? Your uncle will provide. It's the american way.

Welfare, lazyness, and entitlement is ruining this country, not people who want to come here and work for their money.

Fucking THIS. I know someone who currently is drawing unemployment. He was offered a job in his skillset but he turned it down. Why? Cause he's making more sitting on his ass in his girlfriends house. Pisses me off how entitled people have become. I'm from a huge family - oldest of 13 kids. My dad qualified for every assistance program under the sun, the sent people to the house to try and get us to sign up for them. My dad wasn't having any of it - while it would have made our life easier there was no point in taking Gov money when he was fully capable of providing for us. What happened to pride in the fact you took care of yourself and your family? Ugh...
If the majority of illegal immigrants were Europeans, this would not be a problem. However, they are mostly coming from Mexico and Central America. For the most part, they are peasants. Every city they amass in turns to crap. Sad but true.

Most liberals/lefties who love the illegal invaders live nowhere near them or move away as quickly as they can when given the chance. Studies show that when whites move, they tend to move to whiter areas. As someone once said, the benefit of a liberal education is acquiring the proper attitudes towards minorities and the means to live far away from them.

Germans create Germanies and Mexicans create Mexicos. This is the problem. They are creating little Mexicos all over the US. Another thing is that they are not easily assimilable. Even if they learn the language, their skin pigmentation prevents them from fully assimilating. This is not just a problem for Mexicans but for Asians, and of course blacks.

They intuitively understand this, which explains why every non-pigmentally assimilable minority in the US has their own pro-ethnic organizations. Sure they claim we're all one race but they throw that out the window when they don't see enough of their race in certain positions, gov't, etc. (This problem would exist in reverse if huge numbers of Europeans invaded China, too.)

In any case, the more multicultural a country is, the more social/racial/economic strife there is. One last thing. Non-Westerners always yap that the US is not multicultural enough. But what about non-white countries? Why is China not whiter? Or India? Or Mexico? Or Africa? Why is it only Western countries that must become more multicultural?

Looks like your american and western ego blindfolded you. Do you even know about Asia before commenting that asian countries ain't multicultural. Singapore where i Live has 3 major nationalities, chinese, malaysians and indians. Then there are several filipinos, indonesians, bangladeshis and so on...

Malaysia also has chinese and malays. India is multiracial as well. Its just not the western countries being raided by others. In fact, the fucked up immigration laws encourage people from other countries to seek asylum in counties like UK (absolutely fucked up laws), US and the likes.

Ask your government to give death penalty to non-immigrants, see how many of them stick around? If you don't have balls to implement rules, don't talk about multiracial issues.