What other investments do you all have?

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The best investments tend to be in real estate the challenge is finding the good ones.

I invested in the DInar and some offshore companies.

Wow, what the fuck do you do with your life all day ?! :eek7:

Work. 7 days a week. About 100 hours a week.

It's not even about the money as much as it is about the challenge now. The money is like the prize for completing the challenge, and the challenge is what keeps me interested, entertained, and creative.

I seriously love what I do and can't see myself doing anything else.
Thanks for all the input guys.

The international real estate sounds fun, I have poor family members in Colombia, might be worthwhile to get a place in Bogota and rent it out to them as their house sucks, but I have no idea what the future holds for Colombia.

I think in the short term I'm going to reopen my stocks portfolio and play defensively with a few stocks/options and maybe see if I can get my hands on a place somewhere.

its definitely interesting to know what other online entrepreneurs are doing with their money :)
Dude, tell your mother to shut the fuck up (growing up lesson one). Put approx 5k or 10k into an IRA or even just dump it into a no-load S&P 500 index ( Vanguard is good because it's a non-profit ).

Don't cave and cash out, make this your stable long-term, so keep it low and automatic (direct deposit that 5k out of your account or unemployment cheques every month), even if you do crazy fucking things over the next 20 years ( being young, it happens ), keep at least that one thing constant.

Fast forward 20 years, which is where compound interest really starts to get interesting ( 10 years is good, 20 years is fucking mind blowing ). That 5k per year after 10 years in the S&P 500, will turn into 100k by the time you are 28, by the time you are 38, it'll be 400k !

And that's assuming you only put 5k per year in (ie. your a fuck up for the next 20 years). The beauty in doing this so early is that you'll still actually be able to get a hard on and fuck your trophey wife hard and put her away wet !

If you really have your shit together and you have a house, you could also leverage your equity ( which is usually 20% when you first buy a house ) and take an equity line out and re-invest the funds in the same S&P 500, provided your interest rate is < your rate of return, you'll come out with double your 20% equity in 10 years !
I am late to the IM thing, but have been wholesaling houses and buying distressed bank notes for about 4 years now...Building my war chest to put into Commercial real estate (to get passive).

Also do some hard money lending an syndication with partners who do bigger projects

For those of you who are making bank - I would recommend looking into self directed Roth IRA's - I use one for my real estate, and it is a VERY efficient tax vehicle - and I think that depending on how you structure your businesses/income - you could keep more for yourself.

I use Equity Trust - Entrust is another big one.

PM me if you have any questions and I can tell you what I know or where I found it.
Yeah, if nothing else open a Roth IRA and max it out each year. You can remove the principal at any time if needed without penalty and it grows tax free. You get to invest the money pretty much however you want, stocks, bonds, mutual funds... etc.
Apparently pretty good...

Some of people I know have been talking about selling stuff which is appealing to the mass-market through Co-Registration Method... Apparently you can make absolutely killing once you get it right...
The question is, how strong are property laws in some of those countries?
It is easy enough to buy property there, but will you title to it still be valid 10, 20 years from now? Not as much of an issue in Eastern Europe, but certainly a problem in many parts of South America, where the government isn't too stable.

Would be very interested in hearing some feedback from people who actually bought property abroad.

[LEFT said:
LazyHippy[/LEFT];144651]Property in Eastern Europe is worth considering - Bulgaria, Romania, etc (Romania - predicted 500% rise in property prices over next 10 years). Or maybe Asia or South America. Definitely a better option than the US or Western Europe and even I can get a mortgage for £2000/$4000!

Great point some countries once a certain % has been bought from foreigners get kind of goofy with the laws.

It is almost like oh no we have to many X now time to shut things down and put up some new laws to prevent more X from buying.

Plus you would have to find someone realy trustworthy to make sure the property is properly valued and afterwards how do you take care of your investment?

Things to think about.
I just got my money in ING Direct gettin' good interest (6% PA). :D

I plan to buy some shares soonish though, and when I leave school I'll invest in real estate.
Spend your time focusing on making money instead of trying to beat the market, you'll make more money, and have more money to invest.
Various high and low risk mutual funds
2 Rental Homes in michigan
Home in vegas (bought as foreclosure and market keeps going up)
Adult Ent company
Some of people I know have been talking about selling stuff which is appealing to the mass-market through Co-Registration Method... Apparently you can make absolutely killing once you get it right...

Hey, I can't find any information on this topic, can you explain or send me to a couple of sources of information?
WORD. So many people are happy when they make 5% when the market returns 3%... when the point is to strive for 40%+ return. But you say it's impossible to get 40%+ return. Right. That's why losers focus on stocks, and winners focus on affiliate income. NET INCOME BIATCH! Whassup sluts?!

Spend your time focusing on making money instead of trying to beat the market, you'll make more money, and have more money to invest.
I keep everything in gold and silver hidden at my current location. I'm waiting on "The Great Depression 2.0".
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