What offers work for you better on FB?

What offers work better for you on FB

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First of all thanks for all gurus who posted very usefull stuff.

Correct approach. I expected such reaction so I'm not surprised. What I have to ask to be welcomed on WF? What is ROI? Dude how can I start advertising on facebook? Or create one more stupid guide how to make 1bn in a single day to give a fuck to everyone who says I'm lurker. Not interested, thanks. Sure I want my own slice, but who doesn't. From your answers I got that some verticals are better as far as you think it's so valuable info and must not be passed even to idiot. so I'm going to lurk further.

-Rep for being proud to be a lurker and not contribute to the community that you want to help you.

I get it: you don't have anything useful to contribute right now, so you don't want to for fear of being told you don't know what you're talking about. Cool, but don't gloat about being a dumbass, say you won't change, and still ask for help.

Oh, and we aren't Guru's. Guru's don't know what they're talking about and push crap information to ignorant people for profit. I'd -Rep you for that again, but I'm feeling generous.

Whooooo Facebook has Adzors

Its a celebration bitches

Can we have a ban on people like this? If you haven't learnt that you shouldn't ask questions like this, you obviously haven't spent enough time on the internet yet, and should get back on DP.

I voted for "Cumputer stuff / Phones"

Dude, the Computer Stuff niche has been BLOWING UP for me right now.

I'm getting 2.50 epcs.
I've made BANK targeting by weight on facebook. Send offers like this at the untapped 350lbs+ market.

huge toilets are the new berries
Personally I stick to dating offers on facebook as it works well for me. I had several tests with games, CC offers and educational office and drop ot as girls photos give me better CPC. Probably I'm just dumb and can't do anything else well. So I'm interested what offers work for you.
You cant ask the simple questions here.You can offer simple solutions but simple questions is a stupid idea.
You see most of the posters cant answer it anyway as it lowers the wicked flame to a greasy handed stinkroom sausage fest!
K I got that there are a lot of hotshots here but give a newbie a break. Did u ever ask a dumb question in your life?

Here's the thing Xornet. you need to research and then test test test etc. Some go to college to make their big money. We go to the college of hard knocks----or maybe some are just freaking gifted. It took me a loooong time to even start learning the ropes.

Follow your passion, the money will follow.

Warrior alert.