What is your goal?

To be the world's first analytic therapist. An analrapist, if you will.

It is very important to know what your goals are and to not sell yourself short with them. However just as important is waking up every single day and asking yourself "What am I going to do today that will help me achieve my (very ambitious) goals?"

It is very easy to set pie in the sky goals. It is a lot harder to commit yourself every single day to achieving those goals.
In no particular order:

  • To lead a happy fullfilling life
  • To find my equal/better half, both mentally and physically
  • To raise children that are bright, thoughtful, considerate and that look after their parents in their old age
  • To do my best to leave this world a better place than it was when I was born

The older I get, the more I do and see the more I realize that money doesn't matter that much (once you reach a basic standard of living which a lot of people in the west (and especially in Australia) meet).
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Money isn't everything. It's kinda a key - to travel, to do what you love etc. But all really important things are free. Like, they're not actually free in all senses, but they won't cost your a buck.

Oh, and about my goals... Wanna become a rockstar. Ta-daah.

I want to be able to pick my ass for 25 years straight, without worrying about how I'm going to afford to do so. Everything else will fall into place after that.
In no particular order:

  • To lead a happy fullfilling life
  • To find my equal/better half, both mentally and physically
  • To raise children that are bright, thoughtful, considerate and that look after their parents in their old age
  • To do my best to leave this world a better place than it was when I was born

The older I get, the more I do and see the more I realize that money doesn't matter that much (once you reach a basic standard of living which a lot of people in the west (and especially in Australia) meet).

Pretty much this. For me, money's only as important as the options it gives you. At this point in my life, I'm relatively close to where I want to be. Should I get married and/or procreate, my goals would need to be re-evaluated.

Now if we were talking about dreams, I'd like to go back about 13 years and take all the money I spent on school and invest it in gold and Google. I'd could basically retire at this point and go back school now, after most of the partying and pussy chasing was out of my system. I'm sure I'd enjoy the actually learning part of it more now.
Now if we were talking about dreams, I'd like to go back about 13 years and take all the money I spent on school and invest it in gold and Google. I'd could basically retire at this point and go back school now, after most of the partying and pussy chasing was out of my system.
You mean after you die?