What is wrong with this fucking world...

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Those guys are a cult. They live together, have *relations* within the largely related church, and their church is referred to as a "compound"
Here's a hint: If where you live is a compound, and you're not obscenely wealthy, you're in a cult.

And yes, these fuckers are pure evil.

These guys were on 60 Minutes or 20/20 one of those shows and apparently another group follows them around to kick their asses. It was a bunch of huge guys on motorcycles. It was awesome to see. Not sure if it still happens but I really hope they follow them to your friend's event if they have the nerve to go there.
Those guys are a cult. They live together, have *relations* within the largely related church, and their church is referred to as a "compound"
Here's a hint: If where you live is a compound, and you're not obscenely wealthy, you're in a cult.

And yes, these fuckers are pure evil.

I wonder if UberCompound.com is still available. Hhmmm, would you pay $200/month for my sectarian lifestyle secrets?

I'll let you in my SUPER DUPER SERIAL SECRET forum and reveal to you the mysteries of: Marrying a 2 week old wife, building HUGE ORNATE temples for worship then living in quasi-log homes with 1 bathroom ALA-Abe Lincoln, teaching your wimminz how to dress so you'll never be tempted to use your phallus again, and best of all, how to PROFIT from the stupidity of pedophiles, misogynists, and semi-retarded females.

If after 2 months you don't like my "compound" and your 4 day old wife isn't pregnant, you are free to chat on WickedFire about my not giving you a refund and letting you stay in my pedo-riffic forum for FREE.

Shit, am I going to get banned for promoting my forum?
These guys were on 60 Minutes or 20/20 one of those shows and apparently another group follows them around to kick their asses. It was a bunch of huge guys on motorcycles. It was awesome to see. Not sure if it still happens but I really hope they follow them to your friend's event if they have the nerve to go there.

That's the Patriot Guard. Basically a bunch of pissed-off bikers. Who can blame them?

The WBC gets all their money from lawsuits from people who physically attack them or force them to leave (freedom to assemble, etc). What the Patriot Guard does is surround them with their bikes and make a fuckton of noise (rev their engines, sing the national anthem, etc) to drown out their stupidity, thus effectively shutting them out.

Those guys kick ass.
These guys were on 60 Minutes or 20/20 one of those shows and apparently another group follows them around to kick their asses. It was a bunch of huge guys on motorcycles. It was awesome to see. Not sure if it still happens but I really hope they follow them to your friend's event if they have the nerve to go there.

Freedom Riders!

That's the Patriot Guard. Basically a bunch of pissed-off bikers. Who can blame them?

The WBC gets all their money from lawsuits from people who physically attack them or force them to leave (freedom to assemble, etc). What the Patriot Guard does is surround them with their bikes and make a fuckton of noise (rev their engines, sing the national anthem, etc) to drown out their stupidity, thus effectively shutting them out.

Those guys kick ass.

Not so anymore! They lost a lawsuit and are into someone for upwards of $11M
These guys were on 60 Minutes or 20/20 one of those shows and apparently another group follows them around to kick their asses. It was a bunch of huge guys on motorcycles. It was awesome to see. Not sure if it still happens but I really hope they follow them to your friend's event if they have the nerve to go there.

you should get in contact with these guys and invite them over to kick there asses, and then just move your party so you dont have to deal with it.
That's just crazy stuff and you guys can't say it better! Nothing to add, you guys said it all. Have any of you looked up their whois? I wonder how their site is still up ;)
Stuff like this is really depressing. It's completely unnecessary. Sure, they have the right to assemble, but this group goes to far. I've heard about them. They're a disgrace. If you read the Bible it teaches a message of love and not of hate. Whatever gospel they preach is truly a distortion of Christianity.

Wow, that is really messed up.

We should think of way to fight them internet style.

Sorta like what happened to this guy, eh?
I say we all sit in a circle and collectively pray to God that the members of Westboro Baptist Church all die in a car fire :)


We can all dream, can't we.
Why are you all getting worked up about a small sect? It's just marketing they're doing: Taking a negative view to the extreme and getting free publicity.

Because of the lack of central control in Protestantism (and I think in Islam too), a pastor can set himself up and preach what he likes.

Hence extremist views.

In Catholicism, we have central control. If a priest goes 'off message', he is reined in. If he stays basically 'on message', but is behaving in a way likely to displease Christ, we sit back and wait for the implosion.

Implosion. I like that word. That's probably what'll happen to these guys too.

Addendum: Christianity forbids homosexuality. It's one of the fours sins that cry out for vengeance (the others being murder, robbing the poor, and denying a worker his fair wage, if memory serves).

True Christians take the view: "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Not a popular sentiment in these liberal times.

However, if you believe that the ability, through sex, to incarnate a soul is sacred and of God, then sticking yer john-thomas up another Man's jacksy just to pleasure yourself is certainly Satanic.
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