What is wrong with this fucking world...

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Wow, reading this thread almost made me think I stumbled back to one of the 'chans. "You Rage, You Lose" doesn't even begin to cover it.

It's really amazing how intolerant the bible belt, and midwest middle America, can be. Thank god I live in a metropolitan area - everyone keeps their racism and other hatreds safely behind closed doors, where nobody else can see it. *sigh*
Yeah, those peeps at Westboro Baptist Church have too much time in their hand. I say they should pray for jesus and pull another Sun Gate. You know, just for fun.

Ah, another great example set by the church. Come on everybody, take your kids to church every sunday so that maybe when they are all grown up they can be in the KKK!!


Really, I guess I don't have anything against the baptist church, just this specific one and all the others filled with gay haters, racists, and every other form of bigotry.

They are NOT a church.
Come on guys. Let's not make this an anti-religion thread.

These fucking evil assholes are the exact opposite of everything Jesus stood for and you know it.

But I do see where you are coming from. If there's one thing people are good for it's twisting and fucking things up. Some are just more extreme than others.

I'm diggin the new sig Matt :D
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Wow, that is really messed up.

We should think of way to fight them internet style.

I know some of you guys have some free botnets laying? :)
At least that's better than some dickface adding a pedobear to your avatar and instantly turning you into "that pedophile guy from Wickedfire. :)
They have shown up at funerals here in Georgia for serviceman. It has been on the TV a few times.

They should respect the seviceman and families and allow them to have there funeral without interuption and rude people.
At least that's better than some dickface adding a pedobear to your avatar and instantly turning you into "that pedophile guy from Wickedfire. :)

You were "that pedophile guy from WF" ever since you contributed to the Skittles thread. Pedo Bear just makes you look like a baby bear lover.
It's really amazing how intolerant the bible belt, and midwest middle America, can be. Thank god I live in a metropolitan area - everyone keeps their racism and other hatreds safely behind closed doors, where nobody else can see it. *sigh*

Please don't think that is your typical southern view. I wouldn't trade living in the bible belt for anything but I do not share any ideals close to what these people portray. When it comes down to it CRAZY IS CRAZY. It doesn't matter where you are from or what city you live in.
I've been to Healdsburg, that's an exclusive area. Those douchebags are gonna stick out like a sore thumb. They'll be staying at the closest Motel 6 and driving cheap ass rental cars. Game them at the motel so they don't make the show.
Our idiotic little celebrity obsessed society is producing NOTHING of value. I know that Darwin's theory is right... at least to some degree. I just wish it applied more rapidly, because people like those mentioned in LazyD's post just need to be extinguished from existence.
Your entire post was great. But I quoted this because I wanted to add:

Survival of the fittest no longer applies. If you walk down the street you will see it in everything you look at. The average human would not survive 1000 years ago. They would starve to death. Modern society has created havens for idiots and douches but being so advanced.

It's sad to think we could accomplish amazing things, but try to put a gay guy on a spaceshuttle that is going to colonize another planet and LOOK OUT for the crazies.
I think you guys need to remember that the Westboro Baptist "Church" isn't really a church. It's just a bunch of lunatics, most of whom are the extended family of the "pastor", who are less about God, more about protesting and being attention whores.
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