What is wrong with this fucking world...

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$monies = false;
Dec 7, 2006
Wine Cuntry
My bosses' brother in law just died last week.

As a preface, he was mid to late 30s and was gay. He was the first male/male couple to be married in Sonoma County (Wine Country area, California) only a few weeks ago.

He died mid week, his partner came home in the evening to find him on the floor, dead.

My boss, his family, and his friends were planning to have a celebration for him and his life over the weekend. My boss let us all know that apparently, a group, known as the Westboro Baptist Church from Kansas, run by some old piece of shit has his minions file for a permit to assemble outside of the building they were having the party at (The building is owned/operated by the city). They are known for there gay hating attitudes and rallies blaming gay people for many of America's problems. They have gone so far to say shit to gay soldiers in the military including those just coming back from Iraq.

Here is a link to there picketing schedule, its the Healdsburg, CA location where the celebration is to take place... http://www.godhatesfags.com/schedule.html

This entire situation pisses me off, I dont understand how a group of people can completely and utterly hate a group of people based solely on there sexual orientation to the point where you blame them for problems with the entire nation.

The shit these fucking assholes spout off about gay people deserving to get AIDs is dispicable and really makes me think that we havent progressed much as a civilization and that there really isnt much hope for us all...

Fuck these people, there is a special place in hell for these degenerates...


there's a thin line between free speech and trying to antagonize people. I'd say this is crossing the line, try and get the permit revoked/disapproved.

Edit: I've seen this group on TV, all they are is a family of whackos, they have no real followers.
we havent progressed much as a civilization


Think about it... America is considered land of the free, home of the brave. how long ago was it that blacks were openly and legally discriminated against? Oh yeah, less than 50 years ago (and still today). Since when were women allowed to vote? Oh yeah, its been less than a century.

Our culture has advanced a TON in the past 100 years when you consider the situation. However, when you look at the bigger picture... even the supposed life of Jesus - some 2,000 years ago - its still like yesterday in the timeframe of the universe.

Dinosaurs... and cavemen...

How far have we really come since then? Not far enough... obviously.

Look at the War in Iraq. Look at the War in Afghanistan. Look at North Korea. Look at any of the Wars in the 20th century...

What is this a fucking board game of Risk? Is this fucking Monopoly? I mean really, people, we're blowing eachother up for what? We're all still just a bunch of animals only now instead of hunting for food with bows and arrows and marking our territory with piss and shit, we're hunting for territory with atomic bombs and marking our territory with promises to drop atomic bombs if you fuck with us.

Technology has advanced drastically... especially over the last 200 years in my opinion... but technology has FAR outpaced intelligent thought as a culture and people as far as morals and values and beliefs go.

The entire concept of countries and territory and all that jazz is pretty retarded when you think about. I mean really.. really.. think about it. In the bigger picture here. Think about it. In 30,000 years from now - and that is a SHORT period of time in regards to even our little GALAXY - do you think that all these different countries will independently try to improve their little culture at the expense of other countries?

The concept of countries itself will be completely changed. If human life still exists.. we might blow eachother up.. I doubt we'll all be so diabolically in conflict with eachother. Who owns what, what is mine, what is yours, who grows what crops, trade rules, etc... its all bullshit. Its stupid. Our human CULTURE needs to grow the fuck up.

Our idiotic little celebrity obsessed society is producing NOTHING of value. I know that Darwin's theory is right... at least to some degree. I just wish it applied more rapidly, because people like those mentioned in LazyD's post just need to be extinguished from existence.
Yo dood! I agree, we are fucked and in light of the unfortunate times we are now made to exist within I see no end to the disaster our forefathers have created. Jesus is but a myth, I see this religion function more as a control operative than anything - keep the folks in line with fear mongering, which is rampant in all societies. I can only hope that these heartless war pimps suffer in the end. It's a wonder society in general hasn't caught on to the game we are all made to play, will there ever be an official revolt, I think it's time. Well, was time many years ago. I often wonder what sort of mentallity the average american has, do they see the unjustices the ruling polical figres bestow upon the people of america, it's not uncommon in canada to hear very bad things said about the u.s and it's populace. A country driven by glamour and status quo. Canada isn't far off in terms of it's addiction to pop culture, but I guess we got one or two up on the american'ts with out lack of war mongers. These days in this world it's hard for me to see any positive future for the planet. I think we've all ruined it forever.. it's so fucked one can't even begin to reconstruct a nice future. WTF is what I say. Why aren't we blowing up senators and shit, why are'nt people marching it he streets overthrowing these so called govering bodies which in essence rape the land and the people.... holy crapola.. I'm done for now/ this is my second post here. Anyone want to start a revolution?
I realize the group I'm about to mention probably won't be interested in showing up for a homosexual businessman's funeral. However, there's this group of bikers whose name I can't recall, but what they do is show up by the hundreds to the funerals of servicemen. And what they do is form a perimeter around the funeral, wide enough so that any of these Westboro bastards are out of earshot for the attendees of the funeral. I might suggest, if this businessman and his partner were well enough connected, that they call in the big guns in the gay community to show a little support in a similar fashion.

I think whatever gay rights organizations are in the area (and that's a pretty big area, considering the "competition" is coming from KANSAS) should get a corresponding permit and have a nice, peaceful, stationary Gay Pride "parade" surrounding the man's funeral. Maybe throw in some time spent cheering the guy's name. Who knows? Just don't let those under sexed piss ants from Kansas go unchecked.
Ah, another great example set by the church. Come on everybody, take your kids to church every sunday so that maybe when they are all grown up they can be in the KKK!!


Really, I guess I don't have anything against the baptist church, just this specific one and all the others filled with gay haters, racists, and every other form of bigotry.
Inbreeding - That "church" is basically one big fucked up family. Seriously.
They came here to protest at a funeral procession route for a serviceman a couple years ago. Small towns in the South don't take too well to messing around at funerals, especially when they are for young people in the military. If you don't pull over for a funeral procession, there's a pretty good chance someone will jack you up.

What happened was that all the law enforcement around were called in to stand around these people so they wouldn't get hurt; there was a small section roped off for them (about 20 people) at the opening of a drainage ditch about 50 yards away from the actual procession.

The local radio stations (I'm fairly close to an Army base) kept talking about it, telling people to come down there and show support but don't get violent. There were so many people there that if they had not been standing in a sewer, no one would have even noticed. As soon as it was over, they got in their bus and quickly left.
The original Bible was written in a form of Hebrew that had a very limited vocabulary. Words were created to translate it. Who knows what mankind has done to mess up the original message.

To me, it is very simple (like the original language), Jesus came to teach us about love. Religious mankind has perverted that several times over in many different ways.

I've been in situations where I'm in the minority and happy people weren't prejudice against heterosexuals like me!
Anarkist, yes, thats him...

I wasnt entirely aware that these fucked up people from the Westboro church were just a group of family and friends that feel this way but I recall another group, I thought out of Utah perhaps that did some kind of rally or shit like this when Heath Ledger died because he was in Brokeback Mountain...

Im not sure what else to say at this point, its fucking outrageous that in this day and age shit like this still happens...
What I always find so amazing about those bible-thumpin' fucktards is the fact that their actions go 100% against the words of the religion they supposedly live by.

I'm not a bible scholar, but I DO know that one of the most fundamental things to live by is you should not judge others - only God can judge you for who you are.

But interestingly, these asshats are judging gays and lesbians left and right as if that is ok for them to do. If there's a heaven up there - these people are in for a surprise when their own judgement comes. Their holiness is barely skin-deep.

Oh and on a side note...I never understood their problem with lesbians. Ok, so the bible does mention man-on-man action, but there is never a word against hot lesbo chick-on-chick action. Not a word. Yet - here they are preaching lesbianism as a sin. Uh....?!? WTF.
I think it is hilarious that adult people still believe what is written in the bible, still believe in gods, still believe in leprechauns etc. To make matters worse everyone is interpreting it in different ways too. In 200 years people will look back and laugh at the religious nut-jobs of today. The year 999 sent a letter and wants it's religion back.

I think it is hilarious that adult people still believe what is written in the bible, still believe in gods, still believe in leprechauns etc. To make matters worse everyone is interpreting it in different ways too. In 200 years people will look back and laugh at the religious nut-jobs of today. The year 999 sent a letter and wants it's religion back.


<rant> I wish I thought that were true, fact is though that around 85% of Americans are religious. This is just outrageous when you think about it, what could happen to change this that already hasn't had no effect? You get people still denying evolution, saying the world is 8,000 years old etc etc NOTHING is going to stop people like this from being religious. They totally ignore any facts presented to them and just carry on in there own little world. </rant>
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