What instant messenger do you use

AIM. I think this should be the standard. Whenever I see someone who's providing a service (SEO, design, etc.) and they only have MSN, Yahoo Messenger, or whatever but no AIM, that's usually enough for me not to work with them. Take note, I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Huh? AIM? Really? I'd say skype..
wtf is so special about AIM you guys??

AIM, Skype, MSN, etc. all get in the way of actually doing work. There's a place for instant messaging, but I find having them available during the time I'm trying to get shit done makes for a lot of wasted time.
Pidgin - AIM & MSN. Seems like AIM is really popular in the affiliate space for whatever reason. Almost every affiliate contact I have is on AIM.
AIM. I think this should be the standard. Whenever I see someone who's providing a service (SEO, design, etc.) and they only have MSN, Yahoo Messenger, or whatever but no AIM, that's usually enough for me not to work with them. Take note, I'm not the only one that feels that way.

AIM is pure shit. I vote the entire industry (or the entire world? idc) moves to Skype.
AIM is pure shit. I vote the entire industry (or the entire world? idc) moves to Skype.

You obviously haven't run into the message not sending bug in Skype. If the industry moved to it, business would collapse. It's a terrible application.
You obviously haven't run into the message not sending bug in Skype. If the industry moved to it, business would collapse. It's a terrible application.

LoL. It's a brilliant application. I've used it for years and never heard of or experienced this bug you speak of. I'm going to guess if such a bug existed it's long been squashed. If it was such a terrible application wrought with bugs I doubt 20.9 million people would be logged on using it at this very moment. When was the last time you tried it?

Half the industry is already on it BTW, just some stubborn hold outs are slowing up progress. We conference on it almost daily with a larger number of people from WF, from Europe, and the east coast and west coast of the US, on open mic all at the same time.

Outside of AM, everyone I know in business uses it and have for years. Nothing like popping on your headset and hearing 5 or 6 other people all at the same time, all crystal clear. The Swedes I worked with live on it. The entire dev team at my last place of work was on it constantly talking to their counterparts in other offices in Sweden and Singapore. Its voip capabilities are unrivaled.

Also, none of the other apps mentioned come close to matching Skype's refined interface.
AIM, Skype, MSN, Yahoo and Gtalk. I have used Digsby but I prefer to have all them running separately.
AIM is fine as most people use it, and you need to be available for your clients.

My only gripe with AIM is that it needs to be on its own PC. Or on a little used PC. As popup windows always get in the way. Ever be in email and you're typing something and the AIM window pops up and you've written 3-4 words into AIM? Ever hit ENTER not even realizing it, and you're sending a client "I'll be home for dinner at 5, love you"?


Not saying I did that, just asking.

What's just as bad is when you're talking to your girlfriend, and then a family member IMs you, and you type a sentence and hit enter to the wrong person. Ugh.