what do you guys do for work?

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I sell kitchen cabinets, granite countertops, hardwood flooring, and other household items in the bay area. PM me if you want some deals. =]
CTO, SEO, SEM, business intel for a travel company...it's actually pretty fun and the guys I work with are great. Get to work out of my house and hours are pretty flexible if nothing major is going on.
Free-lance management and compliance consultant (IT Security, Audit, Regulations, etc.). Over 6 years...dot-com bust vet and anti-corporate evangelist.
Though, this think called 'internet-marketing' is very interesting.

Or so I have heard. :yin-yang:
I'm 18 year old high school student from Croatia (we don't have cheerleaders and that shit, we just smoke weed behind the school and insult each other all the time). My parents give me money when I need something and I'm trying to become Web Developer, I do designs on sitepoint and I have problem with motivating myself.
I am a lobster fisherman (sternman), clammer, and general laborer.

Lobsters are over 6.50/lb @ boat price right now - woohoo! as opposed to 3.50/lb in the summer.

Stumbled upon this forum couple months ago, now teaching myself open source, random stuff, i have a dumb website that I use to practice stuff I learn

I am typing this message from a computer in an uninsulated shed behind my trailer, with an extention cord running from my bathroom.

True redneck!
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