What do these figures evoke in you?

Stop thinking about capitalism as a 'system'. It's just a buzzword. Capitalism at it's 'core' is just trade. Any alteration of free trade is the creation of a system. Even 'capitalist societies' are designed to redistribute wealth. Communism takes it to an extreme to the point of leaving people worse off than in a free market society. It is all justified by greed and jealousy.

There is a delicate balance between individualism and collectivism which makes society in general better off.

As far as what as to what those figures evoke in me? Some emotion, but not much.
This ^

I really think most of the world's problems can and should be pinned on poor decisions made by the groups and individuals who run it. Dogma is largely irrelevant.
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40% of statistics quoted on the internet are wildly inaccurate. The other 60% are just made up.


I call bullshit on the op's numbers. Anyone can make statistics say practically anything they want them to say.

As far as comparing capitalism, communism, and socialism the only ones that will choose communism or socialism is either too stupid to understand how mentally and emotionally crippling to the human spirit those systems are or they are too lazy to do any real work and go out and stake their own claim.

There is no shame in working at McD's, I need someone to ask if I want fries with that.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEOeEWGx7lI"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Pretty sure he's just trolling, but having experienced both socialism and other (varied) applications of "western" capitalism, I'll take the latter, thanks.

My observation is that all humans are greedy. Very greedy. Which makes socialist economies and communist states gimped from the start. You think all the money and power is in the hands of less than 1% in the USA? Broseph, you missed the good old days of the USSR.
You sir are ignorant, that or you're one of those jackasses that just says stupid shit to be different. Take it from a cuban - Cuba isn't a place you want to live. Much less opportunity, less luxuries, live on a shitty farm in a shitty house, theft, poverty, etc.
0 - number of homeless children in socialist Cuba.

290 - number of people per doctor in socialist Cuba.

5.8 - number of infants under 1-year-old who die per every thousand born in socialist Cuba.

100 - percent of children in socialist Cuba with access to absolutely free, quality healthcare.

All these Cuba arguments are laughable to anyone who's ever been to Cuba. Sure, if you want to live in squalor under a tyrannical dictatorship.. never being able to leave the friggin place.. nor have access to any modern amenities.. ya fuck Cuba is amazing. Idiots.

That's not saying I hate my country, I mean hell I still love it, but the country hasn't been a nice place to live in a while.

Hey maybe since you think the place is so nice to live in you should get yourself an office there to take care of your IM. The government will do much more than just steal your keywords/campaigns, far more.
Maitiú you sir, are an idealist. As much as I wish for world peace and happiness, let's be pragmatic. These figures don't mean much. Third world countries ultimately have to dig themselves up from their own shit just like everyone else had to.

USA and EU weren't simply handed all the benefits we enjoy today because someone richer decided to stop spending money on perfumes and give all that cash to us. We created our fortunes through centuries of learning, invention and evolution and along the way, reshaped society as a whole.

Has it been smooth sailing? No, but is it ever?
Did we create new problems when we solved old ones? Yes. It's a never-ending cycle and some of the problems we're facing now will be long forgotten in a few decades.

Try managing a medium-sized organization and you'll see that problems aren't solved simply by reallocating cash. This isn't Sim City.

I think it's commendable you want to inspire change. It's rare and much needed. But if you want to do that, act within your area of influence. Go to Haiti, bring vaccines for kids and teach them how to read. But don't give them half of Europe's ice-cream money. You'll just spoil them.