What do these figures evoke in you?

I'm not advocating socialism, I'm asking what those figures evoke in you, which so far seems to be a blatent hysterical defense for Capitalism, as opposed to some kind of balanced thought process.

If you would like a balanced thought process you have to provide some sort of logical data set. You state capitalism has a 0% success rate but then state 1.5 trillion dollars is amassed in the hands of less than 500 people (all of them ostensibly capitalist). You can't say "the sun sets in the east" then turn around and say "the sun sets in the west" and expect people to put any effort into trying to educate you or explain what they think of those statements.

I did quote that 40% of all children on this earth were in poverty by the way.

And I suppose trolling forums is the most effective way to alleviate that poverty amirite?

I don't dig the socialist diatribe (and I'm not a capitalist by any means) but yeah those numbers would make any human feel physically ill.

Would have been more powerful without the Cuban stuff. I'm sure their health care is good but 0 homeless children? C'mon, you lost me there.

Well it may astound you, but that is statistically correct. I'm merely playing devils advocate however, and I understand that while these figures paint a certain picture, they do not make the gallery.
If you would like a balanced thought process you have to provide some sort of logical data set. You state capitalism has a 0% success rate but then state 1.5 trillion dollars is amassed in the hands of less than 500 people (all of them ostensibly capitalist). You can't say "the sun sets in the east" then turn around and say "the sun sets in the west" and expect people to put any effort into trying to educate you or explain what they think of those statements.

And I suppose trolling forums is the most effective way to alleviate that poverty amirite?

Im not trolling at all, I agree with aspects of what your saying - what I was trying to observe was the immediate hysteria associated with brainwashed puppets, which you amongst others have clearly displayed, thanks.

Like Mark Twain said: There are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics.

Another quote (this one anonymous): Statistics mean that if I eat two chickens and you just look on, each of us has eaten a chicken.

0% - Success rate of capitalism.

Sure. Even China is getting its share of the 0% success. And Cuba. (Let's not talk about the former Soviet Union). The only "real" non-capitalist country in the world today is North Korea. A success rate of 100%! :D

capitalism creates a more equal opportunity... what does socialism create?
Remeber the old saying: Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is just the opposite...:D
Im not trolling at all, I agree with aspects of what your saying - what I was trying to observe was the immediate hysteria associated with brainwashed puppets, which you amongst others have clearly displayed, thanks.

0 - number of homeless children in socialist Cuba.

100 - percent of children in socialist Cuba with access to absolutely free, quality healthcare.

If you believe those two statements, then I aint the only brainwashed one kiddo ;)
This tells me children are subject to the genetic lottery. Odds are 50/50 that they will be born in a shit ass country, live in poverty and deal with the problems you listed.

It also tells me that the world population is out of control. That is something we can work on via birth control.

The part about some having more than others is a fact of life. It’s been this way since the beginning of civilization and a piece of paper like the Communist Manifesto for example isn’t going to change it.
This is old but ....

Despite guarantees, homelessness creeps into Cuba

Despite new housing developments, the shortage of homes is too acute to give many Cubans the shelter they are promised

From Havana Bureau Chief Lucia Newman. CNN. June 6, 2000. Web posted at: 10:13 p.m. EDT (0213 GMT)

HAVANA (CNN) -- For Cubans, decent housing is guaranteed in the constitution. But the state has been unable to cope with a housing shortage that has been building for decades.

On a recent night in a small Havana park, a couple and their toddler prepare to spend their fifth night on the park bench.

"I'm desperate, with a 2-year-old daughter and with no place to sleep, spending the whole night out on the street," Lidia Perez said.

Dianeya Ninterian, from Colon, Matanzas, lost her home in a hurricane two years ago. She tells a similar story.

"I've slept in the bus terminals with my two daughters; at the home of friends one day here, one day there," Ninterian said. "Last week I spent 24 hours sitting with my children at the entrance of the local Communist Party office, waiting for them to give me some kind of solution to my problem."

Though these cases may be the exception rather than the rule, they illustrate a growing breakdown in the Cuban social system.

In Havana, the problem has reached crisis levels. The Cuban capital is home to 2.2 million people, 20 percent of the nation's population on 1 percent of Cuban territory.

"This is a socialist country, where we should receive help, where the state must give us a hand, even if it's to give us the means to build with our own hands," said Miguel, a Havana resident who would not provide his last name.

Until two years ago, more buildings were collapsing from lack of repair and decay than those being built.

And though the government is planning to build 30,000 new homes, 60,000 will have to be demolished because they are beyond repair.

Exacerbating the housing squeeze has been the ongoing trend of people moving to the Cuban capital. According to figures from the Cuban government, during the 1950s, the annual rate of migration to Havana was between 20,000 and 25,000 people. In 1959, when President Fidel Castro came to power, that number increased to 43,000.

Between 1965 and 1990, Cuba managed to regulate the migratory flow towards the capital to about 10,000 people a year.

But the alarm bells began to ring again in the mid-1990s, when the net internal migration rate for the capital went from 13,000 in 1990, to 17,000 in 1994, and reached more than 28,000 in 1996.

Housing authorities admit it is an uphill battle.

"There are many accumulated problems," said Mario Cabello, president of the Cuban Housing Institute. "... In Havana only 53 percent of homes are in good condition; before it was 47 percent, but it's such a discreet improvement that the population doesn't notice it."

The shortage of homes is so daunting authorities keeping statistics of the need. And no matter what the constitution states, the government admits the country does not have nearly enough building materials or manpower to give everyone the home they have been promised.

There will always be some homelessness (due to drugs and mental problems) and unfortunately children get swept up in this too. Out of 11 Million Cubans I'm pretty sure there is at one kid sleeping on the sidewalk.
Im not trolling at all, I agree with aspects of what your saying - what I was trying to observe was the immediate hysteria associated with brainwashed puppets, which you amongst others have clearly displayed, thanks.

Nobody here is a brainwashed puppet that I have seen, you just said something utterly ridiculous, "0% Success rate of capitalism". So I think it is insane to think you would get any logical arguments back with such a crazy statement that was unsupported (or very weakly supported with a bunch of factoids about Cuba).

Have you ever been to Cuba? Last I checked people are trying to sneak over here. I always think it is funny how people talk about how bad the U.S. and how great all these socialized countries are, but funny I don't see them rushing in droves to go over there. People say I want a better life I'm moving to the U.S. They don't say I want a better life I am going to Cuba.

Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth. Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.

Do some reading on "the tragedy of the commons".
"Last week I spent 24 hours sitting with my children at the entrance of the local Communist Party office, waiting for them to give me some kind of solution to my problem."

His first mistake
Wow. You people really are clueless.

Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is just the opposite...

That's the biggest load of BS I've ever heard. Communism is more about exploitation than capitalism. Communism is great until the original guy that started it dies. Then shit hits the fan and you get an totalitarian ruler that has golden faucets while you sleep in the gutter with the rest of the population. I'd rather have a monarchy than communism.

but funny I don't see them rushing in droves to go over there.

That's because other countries aren't stupid like America is. We'll let any bum off the street into our country and let 'em suck off our system. Other countries aren't like that. Hell, it's a bitch to get into Canada as an American! American's really are screwed. They're pretty much stuck in whatever shithole they've got. No one wants to accept an American into their country. The general attitude is that the American is a lazy bum that couldn't make it in America so they're coming over there to suck off the system.
Philosophically and ethically, capitalism it's a pretty flawed system at its core. But in practise, it works pretty damn well compared to other systems.
40% of statistics quoted on the internet are wildly inaccurate. The other 60% are just made up.
Stop thinking about capitalism as a 'system'. It's just a buzzword. Capitalism at it's 'core' is just trade. Any alteration of free trade is the creation of a system. Even 'capitalist societies' are designed to redistribute wealth. Communism takes it to an extreme to the point of leaving people worse off than in a free market society. It is all justified by greed and jealousy.

There is a delicate balance between individualism and collectivism which makes society in general better off.

As far as what as to what those figures evoke in me? Some emotion, but not much.