What do these figures evoke in you?

Dec 11, 2008
2,200,000,000 - number of children in the world.

1,000,000,000 - number of children in poverty.

1,300,000,000 - number of people with no access to clean water.

6,000 - number of children who die every day because they don’t have clean water.

$9,000,000,000 (US) - amount of money needed to make clean drinking water and sanitation available to everyone on earth.

$12,000,000,000 (US) - amount spent on perfumes per year in the United States and Europe.

3,000,000,000 - number of people who live on less than two US dollars a day.

31,000 - number of children who die each day due to poverty.

$1,540,000,000,000 (US) - amount of money controlled by the world’s 497 billionaires.

$146,000,000,000 (US) - combined incomes of 582,000,000 people living in the 43 least developed countries.

640,000,000 - number of children without adequate shelter.

200,000,000 - number of children who sleep in the streets each night.

0 - number of homeless children in socialist Cuba.

15,100 - number of people per doctor in Haiti.

470 - number of people per doctor in the United States.

290 - number of people per doctor in socialist Cuba.

93.35 - number of infants under 1-year-old who die per every thousand in Haiti.

7 - number of infants under 1-year-old who die per every thousand born in the United States

5.8 - number of infants under 1-year-old who die per every thousand born in socialist Cuba.

270,000,000 - number of children with no access to health care.

2,200,000 - number of children who die each year because they were not immunized.

100 - percent of children in socialist Cuba with access to absolutely free, quality healthcare.

86 - percent of the world’s goods consumed by 20% of the population of first world industrialized countries.

More than 800,000,000 - number of people who can’t read or sign their name.

121,000,000 - number of children without an education

$6,000,000,000 (US) - amount of money needed to provide a basic education to everyone on earth.

$11,000,000,000 (US) - amount of money spent on ice cream each year in Europe.

$329,000,000,000 (US) - amount of military spending by the United States each year.

250,000,000 - number of children under the age of 15 who have to work to survive.

0% - Success rate of capitalism.

Wow, that would really make a person want to live in Cuba.

...Unless you've been there and seen the true crime, sheer poverty, and danger there.
0% success rate of capitalism? That is absolutely an OPINION, not a fact. I'd go as far as to say that is one of the dumbest fucking things I've seen this week. Are you aware how much those billionaires (Bill Gates alone) give every year away compared to your beloved socialist Cuba? I'm sure its a fuckload more I'll tell you that right now.
I'm not advocating socialism, I'm asking what those figures evoke in you, which so far seems to be a blatent hysterical defense for Capitalism, as opposed to some kind of balanced thought process.

I did quote that 40% of all children on this earth were in poverty by the way.
Okay, its just words and numbers don't get defensive.

I think the reason we are getting defensive is because you said "0% success rate of capitalism" while at the same time trying to say we need to be socialist like Cubans are? LOL @ UUUUUU
it evokes that there's lies, damned lies, and statistics.

not that what you're saying is completely bullshit -- but there's always, ALWAYS more to the story than just "there's 6 billion kids in poverty"
Seeing as I'm going to be the 498th billionaire (or maybe one or two after that), I guarantee you that those figures are going to change drastically. So yeah, I can't say much about the figures other than the fact that they need to change.

If you can't care for your offspring, don't reproduce, that's the biggest issue.

I do agree with this BTW.
I'm not advocating socialism, I'm asking what those figures evoke in you, which so far seems to be a blatent hysterical defense for Capitalism, as opposed to some kind of balanced thought process.

I did quote that 40% of all children on this earth were in poverty by the way.

There is hysterical defense in response to a hysterical figure thrown out by you. "0% success rate of capitalism" is a ridiculous comment to make and is baseless. Now you're telling us we need a balanced thought process? Please explain to me the thought process you went through to arrive at the conclusion capitalism fails 100% of the time. I'd be interested in hearing that.
I think the reason we are getting defensive is because you said "0% success rate of capitalism" while at the same time trying to say we need to be socialist like Cubans are? LOL @ UUUUUU

When did I express a personal preference to Socialism or otherwise?

I'm more interested in the hierarchy you and others have given the specific figures on the list.
I don't dig the socialist diatribe (and I'm not a capitalist by any means) but yeah those numbers would make any human feel physically ill.

Would have been more powerful without the Cuban stuff. I'm sure their health care is good but 0 homeless children? C'mon, you lost me there.
The only problem with capitalism is it creates such an abundance of free time that it allows people to sit around and bitch about how bad it is.

99 Problems but a bitch ain't one.

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