I've used both Zend and Eclipse PDT. What did you like about NetBeans?Until the last 2 weeks I used eclipse PDT plugin or Zend plugin for PHP development but I have recently switched over to NetBeans 6.5 which so far has me not switching back yet. One of the best PHP editors i have dealt with. Zend has the best Unit testing suite though. I also like the Python editor but it's pretty much tied with pydev.
I've used both Zend and Eclipse PDT. What did you like about NetBeans?
// going to sticky this thread.
Take advantage of full syntax highlighting, code completion, pop-up documentation, and error checking for JavaScript, CSS and PHP. The Editor recognizes JavaScript code in stand-alone JavaScript files as well as in HTML, RHTML, PHP, and JSP files (More about JavaScript...). The visual CSS editor allows you to edit CSS rules and preview the results.
The JavaScript editor provides code completion and integrated documentation for popular Ajax toolkits such as Dojo, YahooUI, Flickr, jQuery, Script.aculo.us, Prototype, etc. Download your favorite JavaScript toolkits, copy the files into your project, and the editor will automatically recognize them.
Won't work in Mac or Linux since its opening IE's activeX control within FF, and also FF/IE isn't everything. Vmware Fusion works better in this case if you need a 'controlled' environment in testing browsers and related software.For webdesign you need:
- IE Tab Firefox plugin, stop opening two windows to test in IE, just use FF
- Adobe Fireworks, I know I'm going to get criticised for this one, but it is better in every single way to photoshop for web design mockups and graphics. I'm still on version 6, latest version is CS4 so I'm basically 6 versions behind and it still gets the job done fast.
I may switch to firebug some day, but for now Dreamweaver and Topstyle Lite is my lethal HTML/CSS duo.
Platform Testing:
Multi IE Installer
i like eclipse/PDT because if i need to work on a rails project, radrails is a button click away and subclipse makes version control a breeze.Until the last 2 weeks I used eclipse PDT plugin or Zend plugin for PHP development but I have recently switched over to NetBeans 6.5 which so far has me not switching back yet. One of the best PHP editors i have dealt with. Zend has the best Unit testing suite though. I also like the Python editor but it's pretty much tied with pydev.
For quick edits I use Notepad++
Currently I typically use the following (was using dreamweaver, but since I stick to codeview 99% of the time I've found alternatives).
YummyFTP - One of the better straight forward FTP clients that will automatically edit with an editor of choice and upload automatically upon saving. Also a fully capable SCP/SFTP client.
Text Wrangler - Free version of BBEdit, a very nice straight forward text editor.
Coda - What I pretty much been using instead of Dreamweaver lately (I'd prefer to use Komodo IDE, but it doesn't have a put/get capability like dreamweaver/coda has) [ Komodo IDE is probably one of the better IDe's I've found, reminds me somewhat of primalscript when I was still on windows, just wish I could put right to the server from it without having to do a 'remote save' ]
Photoshop CS4 - ... I think you get the idea on this one.
Thanks for the Komodo recommendation I have been looking for a good IDE for os x thanks if any one has another fave IDE for mac or any other os x programs that they think are great for web development I would like to here of it.
Thank You
E-Text-Editor (TextMate for Windows)
Won't work in Mac or Linux since its opening IE's activeX control within FF, and also FF/IE isn't everything. Vmware Fusion works better in this case if you need a 'controlled' environment in testing browsers and related software.
Well Fireworks was made for web-image creation, PNG and Gif support is also stronger in it. Though its not a "need". Course being on version 6 you know not of the web integrations they have put into Photoshop since CS2 (of which they dropped image ready after that point). So your opinion of it being better than PS may be somewhat flawed if you're not using a version that most current developers are using.
You don't seem to know what firebug is if you're comparing it to the functionality of dreamweaver/topstyle.
Also since you seem to like the simplicity and speed of notepad, probably doing everything in codeview, and like the project capability of dreamweaver to put/get files via FTP. You might actually like something like primalscript (or Coda if you're on a mac).
Thanks, I'll check out primalscript.
By the way, when I said need, you understand I wasn't serious.![]()
I've used both Zend and Eclipse PDT. What did you like about NetBeans?
// going to sticky this thread.
Prototype/Scriptaculous - This is the first JS framework I used - It is very capable and has a large following. It seems like many Prototype users have jumped ship for jQuery