we are going to do a arbi test!

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Mill, good advice will set a campaign that does just that. Part of the test will be if generic terms work better than very specific, again I don't see any write or wrong answers here, everything will be tested unless someone can share specific information that shows something does or does not work.

There are a lot of subniches in real estate. condos, investing, notes, how to's, no money down, new houses, resale houses etc..... and most of those have even smaller subniches state by state or even city by city.
chrislingle said:
Jdog, absofreackinlutely!

That is a fucking wierd looking word. I missed buying a real estate site on DP that was basically an arbitrage site before I knew what an arbitrage site was, I still kick myself for missing it.
chris, how many threads are started with people asking how to do this? also it is the starting point I would like to move it into an aff site as well
I think he was talking about my post. That site was already getting traffic through the engines and he was doing a little arbitrage on it.
I was talking to Jdog, saying he's kicking himself for missing out on a site he wanted to buy. You don't need to buy an arbitrage site.
Still Jdog, SE traffic doesn't matter. I'm sure the site you're talking about was just an MFA site, and not something he/she was doing arbitrage on..
TheChad, I will have something up for you soon I am working on it! sure it does not take much work for this but I have many projects going now!
if you are having trouble maybe post the link to your page and maybe someone will help you optimize the page if possible. do you have alot of leaks etc. you are not making anything on it now so what do you have to loose?
One pointer for starters...make sure you pick a niche that pays decent on the keywords...I've been running an arbi site (in my sig) for a week or so and I've spent 7 bucks for a 3 buck return..Have been using 7search only at this stage to buy traffic which is VERY shallow and about a 1.5% click through.

Although I think I would be at breakeven if I didn't stupidly allow 7 search to bid up to 10c for a day to see if that would boost my traffic. If did but it cost me 3bucks in 12 hours...

I'm going to try to look for more cheper traffic elsewhere but the key takeaway I have from this learning experience is dont select a niche with relatively LOW payouts...lesson learned.

will post update later if traffic increases
TheChad said:
Maybe 300% ROI, but you cannot have 300% CTR!

I am going to have to disagree with this statement. It is possible to have 300% CTR. I have had pages that have 150-200% by accident. How it works is someone visits your site clicks on an ad backs up the broswer to your page again clicks on another ad etc. That only counts as one visitor but as you can see if they back up from ad's clicked on your site twice and click three ad's total that would be 300% CTR.

However, this is not something desirable because soon after this occurs for a while goggle will for sure smart price you. It is apparent that your traffic is not converting well if you have 300% CTR and you are not sending good traffic. Two of the main factors leading to smartpricing.
pearz76 said:
Found another PPC Arbi Landing Page.

Stylemangi, Maybe you can check it out and try to play around with your adsense positioning.


There a couple things worth commenting on the site provided. I would first say taht is a good solid attempt at arbitrage. WIth picture placement in ad boxes etc..

I would say however with the picture choices is where they went in the wrong direction in my opinion. If you notice a majority of the pictures in that page are "sporter" one could go as far to say ricey accord pictures. Keeping tht in mind and the content of the page would a person that those pictures appeal to go to such a page I would say not. The information is quite general and more on the informing side. Even further, there is no performance mentioning in the arbitrage page.

While I think one or two sporter pictures could have been used. I think it was a tad overboard to use a "sporty" accord as the main image. I think the demografic that this page would find intreesting and useful would be an older demo. For exmaple a parent or midaged person. There are a few things to consider when creating a landning page such as this. Of course this is my own opinion. I would say in my experience ith arbitrage you would see a slightly better CTR with better balence on the page.
Stylemangi said:
One pointer for starters...make sure you pick a niche that pays decent on the keywords...I've been running an arbi site (in my sig) for a week or so and I've spent 7 bucks for a 3 buck return..Have been using 7search only at this stage to buy traffic which is VERY shallow and about a 1.5% click through.

Although I think I would be at breakeven if I didn't stupidly allow 7 search to bid up to 10c for a day to see if that would boost my traffic. If did but it cost me 3bucks in 12 hours...

I'm going to try to look for more cheper traffic elsewhere but the key takeaway I have from this learning experience is dont select a niche with relatively LOW payouts...lesson learned.

will post update later if traffic increases

Stick to the 6cents guide.
Try to Improve Your CopyWriting. Don't go into the Bidding War, the Big Dogs always win. If all fail, try other niches, there thousands still out there!
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