we are going to do a arbi test!

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The point is that the page converts.
What people are missing is an arbi site doesn't need content, in fact the less content the better, it doesn't need to be up for ever, the idea is to stick it up for a few days, milk it and then change the url. the purpose isn't to get ranked in the serps, it's to make as much money as possible then move on.

And from experience the chances of Google booting you for a page like that, at the moment, are about 1billion to 1.
Stick images next to the ads though and the chances increase significantly.

Well... the page doesn't show adsense ads for me but they're still in the source code. I'm guessing he's banned already (or geo targeting)

The point is that the page converts.
What people are missing is an arbi site doesn't need content, in fact the less content the better, it doesn't need to be up for ever, the idea is to stick it up for a few days, milk it and then change the url. the purpose isn't to get ranked in the serps, it's to make as much money as possible then move on.

And from experience the chances of Google booting you for a page like that, at the moment, are about 1billion to 1.
Stick images next to the ads though and the chances increase significantly.

wow +1 to you cause I so did not know that... -_-

all I'm saying is that it's dumb for someone to have ZERO content. I never even meant to say to have A LOT. A 200 word paragraph is all you need.
And from experience the chances of Google booting you for a page like that, at the moment, are about 1billion to 1.
Stick images next to the ads though and the chances increase significantly.

you should play lotto. seems like you got booted by google.
why are we changing the url? cause the ppl clicking on our ads may have low purchase rate with that company's ad the click and that'll affect us?
you should play lotto. seems like you got booted by google.
No I haven't been booted by Google :D

Just love how people can only look at things from the negitive side ... I have been doing stuff like this since the late 90ies :1bluewinky: .

I'm still receptive to other peoples ideas, you never stop learning trying to earn an income from the net. Even then it's hard to keep in front of the pack.
i very much enjoyed reading this thread, as it has lots of valuable information. so i decided to contribute some from my experiences to give back to the community ;)

- take those "high paying keyword list" with a bit of caution. the bid prices given refer to prices you have to pay for "normal" adword campaigns (google search results) and not for the content network (the adsense pool of adverts). so, most likely thse $60 keywords never show up in the content network and hence not on your page. from my experience though, you have pretty good chanced to fish those $3-$4 keywords in the content network.

- optimise your quality score. there is not one niche where i have not managed to get my $0.05 keyword adcopy on the first result page. this is due to my very high quality score in adwords (one benefit when doing your campaigns with google.) this way, i even managed to pay like $0.02 or even $0.01 for some top keywords and am in the top places. also i only get sometimes like $0.03 or $0.04 per click this pretty sums up profits when you get like 100 clicks for $0.01 and convert them into 50 clicks for $0.03 or $0.04. all in all, arbitrage is a volume game.

besides that, you can divert the target-url for those topz-targeted but lowcost keywords to do some nice cpa campaign.

- use the content network, but do only pay $0.01. it brings tons of traffic< and fraud is by far not that bad as people say. at least i do not lose that much when paying $0.01. i definitely doubled my profit this way.

- do "website campaigns" with adwords. you would not believe it, but there are sites that get >100.000 hits a day and accept $0.01 keyword bids (you actually do bids on impressions but i refer to cpc to make things easier). (never accept direct network ads on your site therefore ;). those guys probably don't know that they are actively inviting me to ghet on their site for $0.01 a click and it takes some research to get lucky and find such a site but once you did, you can score up to 500 clicks from a topsite for $5, converting into $10 or even $15.

and thanks to all of you serving those $0.01 per-click-ads as these are probably my ads being shown ;)

thats my 2 cents :)
Hey all,

Awesome thread, been reading on and off for about a week and starting to experiment with some of the stuff people have been talking about.

originally posted by cyberworkspace
optimise your quality score. there is not one niche where i have not managed to get my $0.05 keyword adcopy on the first result page. this is due to my very high quality score in adwords (one benefit when doing your campaigns with google.)
You say you optimise your quality score in adwords to get your click price down. Just wondering what you do to get on Google's good side. Get your CTR up? What else?

Cheers, I'm all :bigear:
That kinda rhymes......
Hey all,

Awesome thread, been reading on and off for about a week and starting to experiment with some of the stuff people have been talking about.

You say you optimise your quality score in adwords to get your click price down. Just wondering what you do to get on Google's good side. Get your CTR up? What else?

Cheers, I'm all :bigear:
That kinda rhymes......

no one really knows 100% to what determines the QS. From what google has told people in their FAQ is that increase in CTR with relevant keywords will help your QS. Having a multi page site helps too I think.
You say you optimise your quality score in adwords to get your click price down. Just wondering what you do to get on Google's good side. Get your CTR up? What else?

Cheers, I'm all :bigear:
That kinda rhymes......

to be honest, i don't have a perfect receipe, as i have only gbegun this arbitrage business 2 month ago.

i have however during that time dealt solely with adwords for my ppc campaigns and this are my findings (keep in mind though that these are based on what I think is empirical backup. others might strongly agree with this pov)

- having multiple adcopies helps to raise the qs
- having sites with more than 5/10 pages (each at least >250 words) helps
- having a keyword density of 3% - 6% helps (this corridor should be held up to 3 word phrases! most people focus on single words, but having a high density woth 3 word phrases and above helps tremendously.)
- not being linked to other sites (at least not sites that do not contain the same keyword patterns) helps (network malus).
- accepting page leaks helps (allowing to browse away to other articles. i found, that if every link on a site is either affiliate or adsense, you can wait forever to get lower ppc on your side).
- consistency and time. the most successfull campaings are those, that i never touched about 4-5 weeks. those were campaigns that had like only 4-5 keywords active out of 1.800 - 1.900 after start and for a couple of weeks. after a month though, from one day to the other, the campaign was having only 4-5 inactive and 1.800 - 1.900 active keywords. another month therafter, those keywords are down to $0.02 (coming from $0.05, as i never ever bid more than that) and even $0.01 in the content network.

maybe time and consistency are the most relevant factors besides having a version 2.0 adsense site.

remember though: my strategy differs from targetting the high-price keywords in that way, that i go for arbitrage in general. i don't care if the ppc is bringing in $0.02 or $2. paying $0.01 and getting $0.02 is 100% profit and i play the game on volume.

if you aim for milking the most profitable keywords for a week only to move on to the next profitable niche and rinse and repeat( a strategy i totally respect, but which i just do not follow) the stuff i describe is not for you, as you will most likely fail to fish for the high paying keywords by only bidding on keywords for 0.05 and below.

i do get occasionally the high price clicks, in the range of 1.80, 2 or even 2.50 but rarely, very rarely. i make profits by getting 500 clicks a day on a 0.10 - 0.20 paying adsense which i paid 0.02 - 0.08 cents for.

paying $0.01 and getting $0.02 is 100% profit and i play the game on volume.

you must have a killer landing page with high ctr to want to take that chance. do you mind sharing if you generally stick with one arbi landing page (regardless of niche), not counting split testing?
you must have a killer landing page with high ctr to want to take that chance. do you mind sharing if you generally stick with one arbi landing page (regardless of niche), not counting split testing?

hello jened,

as i had started with this biz a bit over a month ago, i not had a clue about the significance of splittests and tests regarding various landing pages.

so, those of my pages that are converting >50% are plain and simple mfa pages without any fancy stuff other than that they are what i would call "mfa version 2.0". (privacy statement, terms and conditions, links, rss newsfeed and commenting for users). i started buying my first template off of ebay.

so, i basically use a three column set with the ads placed in a skyscraper in the left section and a square in the middle. there is one at the top simulating a navigation bar and on at the very bottom again.

now, i never palyed with changing them but after reading this thread i will start testing on the weekend with modifying these. i can do so at a click of a button, as this is basically a little cms i am using. especially google's heatmap surpises me, as i always thought we would look to the right first and click there. but obviously people tend to click on the left side. makes me wonder though, as newspapers place their ads on the right side. but anyhow, we will see during this test.

i will be using clicktracks for this as i want to take a look at this tool for long now.
For those of you scraping articles from sources other than wikipedia, do you remove the author information and link to the article site? Is there any way you can get in trouble by doing this?

(I realise the chance of somebody noticing it is tiny but I'd rather be safe than sorry)
just wondering chris..i didnt see you posting lately ..how much money do you make a day by doing arbitrage? it's still 600 a day or even better ..?
and another one? what ppc campaign works best..? adwords or 7search?
I was thinking adwords but i here 7search a lot on this thread.
TY Hoping i'll get an answer,
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Seeing how this forum is going right now with bans for lame reasons left and right, I hope this forum dies.

That way, wickedfire wouldn't live past one year and people will consider you, jon as a joke....which is what you are to me...a joke...a pretty funny one too

byebye! and to all who have helped me thanks! Engaged, chrislingle, drusam, conceptual mind. Those who i've had fun with, illusion, saadh, jdog, emp...tata! best of luck!
on topic:

i have run a split test, where i did setup my arbi-sites with a two-column design and only a single adsense column on the left side (the hotspot on the google adsense map).

i have found now after a couple of days that this seems to help tremendously. beforehand i had 3 adsense blocks on each page and i was getting alot of 2-3 cents per click. all those sites began at getting >$1 click but then quickly detoriated.

now, after reducing the number of adsense blocks and re-arranging them, i am at >20 cents a click again and my ctr has increased significantly.

thanks to those pointing out the importance of split-tests, and the google hotspot-map, it has helped me big time.
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