You say you optimise your quality score in adwords to get your click price down. Just wondering what you do to get on Google's good side. Get your CTR up? What else?
Cheers, I'm all :bigear:
That kinda rhymes......
to be honest, i don't have a perfect receipe, as i have only gbegun this arbitrage business 2 month ago.
i have however during that time dealt solely with adwords for my ppc campaigns and this are my findings (keep in mind though that these are based on what I think is empirical backup. others might strongly agree with this pov)
- having multiple adcopies helps to raise the qs
- having sites with more than 5/10 pages (each at least >250 words) helps
- having a keyword density of 3% - 6% helps (this corridor should be held up to 3 word phrases! most people focus on single words, but having a high density woth 3 word phrases and above helps tremendously.)
- not being linked to other sites (at least not sites that do not contain the same keyword patterns) helps (network malus).
- accepting page leaks helps (allowing to browse away to other articles. i found, that if every link on a site is either affiliate or adsense, you can wait forever to get lower ppc on your side).
- consistency and time. the most successfull campaings are those, that i never touched about 4-5 weeks. those were campaigns that had like only 4-5 keywords active out of 1.800 - 1.900 after start and for a couple of weeks. after a month though, from one day to the other, the campaign was having only 4-5 inactive and 1.800 - 1.900 active keywords. another month therafter, those keywords are down to $0.02 (coming from $0.05, as i never ever bid more than that) and even $0.01 in the content network.
maybe time and consistency are the most relevant factors besides having a version 2.0 adsense site.
remember though: my strategy differs from targetting the high-price keywords in that way, that i go for arbitrage in general. i don't care if the ppc is bringing in $0.02 or $2. paying $0.01 and getting $0.02 is 100% profit and i play the game on volume.
if you aim for milking the most profitable keywords for a week only to move on to the next profitable niche and rinse and repeat( a strategy i totally respect, but which i just do not follow) the stuff i describe is not for you, as you will most likely fail to fish for the high paying keywords by only bidding on keywords for 0.05 and below.
i do get occasionally the high price clicks, in the range of 1.80, 2 or even 2.50 but rarely, very rarely. i make profits by getting 500 clicks a day on a 0.10 - 0.20 paying adsense which i paid 0.02 - 0.08 cents for.