Warrior Forum acquired by Freelancer.com for $3.2mm

Jon be like

Unless Allen Says sees something no one else does, which I haven't yet ruled out.


I'm guessing someone has said to him, or he's heard something through the grapevine and he's cutting and running.

Because $3.5M is not what it's worth in terms of pure rev.

I'm guessing at a minimum it's worth $6M and that's giving it away.

I don't operate in MMO/IM niches but that whole Niche is heading for a whack.

I'm guessing that forum is going to get pulled up and a lot of "big name marketers" are gonna get outed.

The fact WF has been taken over I can't help but think those who have relied on that place for income i.e: built there entire web assets on there must be absolutely shitting a brick right now.
BHW was just bought out not to long ago. I don't see it happening, unless Damien is already sick of the shit show over there. Maybe they offer him a price he can't refuse. Seriously though...3.2 mill? I really thought it would go for much more.

You also have to think he is going to have to pay taxes on that money, so in actuality he is only walking with what...roughly 2.5 million? That's not a whole lot of money in this day and age.

Where does he live that he'll only be paying $700k on $3.2 mill?
What shall I say, I used to pull in $10-15k/month revenue from the warrior forum, nowadays the amount of new clients is staggering low. Maybe a few k/month of new business.

Luckily I setup a monthly service so I have nothing to complain but still, it has been stable for a long time now, would be nice to see some growth.

Based on that I think the WF is experiencing a downward trend and the bid is based on that.

Cause honestly I thought the forum would be worth at least 10 million, I did some math back then (just look where your thread is the next day and count the bumps) and that indicated that the forum should make at least $1/million a year.

How can you ever sell that for $3.2mill, even if there's a downward trend, totally amazed.
They paid about $4.5 per user.

If Wickedfire was offered a buyout from Freelancer for the same valuation we'd be worth about $18 per user. Not far off from reality IMO, but we all know Jon would never take such a paltry offer.
He's probably getting to keep a piece of the action on top of the big pay day. That is unless he bought a $4.47 WSO on how to sell your site for millions.
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inb4 wickedfire sold for in diamonds

Inb4 wickedfire sells for zimbabve $..

either way Jon don't need to sell this he's banking so hard he even got time for coaching on the side, he don't need any money.
Does anyone know how that $3.2 mil is paid?

I mean is it ...
$3,150,000 in Freelancer stock
$50,000 in Dogecoins

or something like that?

I have a feeling it is not a pair of suitcases full of hundred dollar bills totaling $3,200,000

Really sounds like
So is it a free and clear "take the money and run" scenario, or is he obligated to continue to run the place for the next year or two as part of the deal? What kind of salary is he going to take down if that's the case? Is there full time staff beyond the mods there? Do they or the long serving mods get anything out of the deal? 3.2 mill seems awfully low for a 17 year old marketing forum with 3/4 of a million members (though how many were actually active?).

So is it a free and clear "take the money and run" scenario, or is he obligated to continue to run the place for the next year or two as part of the deal? What kind of salary is he going to take down if that's the case? Is there full time staff beyond the mods there? Do they or the long serving mods get anything out of the deal? 3.2 mill seems awfully low for a 17 year old marketing forum with 3/4 of a million members (though how many were actually active?).


According to his post he wasn't hired on to stay so it should be just a straight, all cash sale.

I'm not really surprised by the 3x multiple but I was thinking the revenue number would have been higher than that.