Warrior Forum acquired by Freelancer.com for $3.2mm


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Hi everyone,

I started Warrior Forum back in 1997 with the goal of creating a community of like minded internet marketers to share ideas, learn from each other and build their online empires. In 17 years I am proud to say that our community has grown to over 732,000 members strong, making us the world’s largest internet marketing forum.

Today I am happy to announce that Warrior Forum will become part of the Freelancer.com family. I’ve spent a long time thinking about what the best next step should be and I feel certain that Freelancer.com will be able to provide Warrior Forum with the resources, energy and time required to continue the community and improve it to make it even bigger and better.

Freelancer.com is the world’s largest outsourcing and freelancing marketplace with a community of over 10.8 million skilled professionals from all over the globe. They are growing quickly and have participated in forums just like you and I.

Warrior Forum will remain independent to Freelancer.com and will have a separate dedicated team to better support you. I know they are excited to be joining our great community and will be working alongside us to take Warrior Forum to the next level. You’ll receive an introduction email from Freelancer.com shortly.

I look forward to this exciting new phase of Warrior Forum and hope you can join me in welcoming Freelancer.com!

- Allen Says

It was acquired for 3.2 million USD, http://member.afraccess.com/media?id=CMN://2A793010&filename=20140415/FLN_01509309.pdf

Source: Warrior Forum joins the Freelancer.com Family

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWZAyabqlTQ]Dramatic Steve Wagenheim - YouTube[/ame]
This just in: They're acquiring BHW next.

surprised it went for that low! awesome negotiation from freelancer team I guess.
Worth at least 20 mill. 25k retards online at anyone time who would buy anything. I know several people who made 6 figures just from one wso thread.
It wasn't sold for more because its member base is worth about tree fiddy

Tree fiddy worth of stupid money is worth exactly the same as tree fiddy worth of smart money. And there's an incessant flow of stupid money running through that site. Given that there's no real competition, Freelancer.com is going to make that back and more. Best of all, they'll get to sell WarriorForum to someone else one day and get back most of their investment. It's free money.

Unless Allen Says sees something no one else does, which I haven't yet ruled out.
$3.2M ordinarily is low for that shit hole I agree. But good fucking riddance if you ask me. Or at least I hope that dump crap house buckles.

But that being said.

It's a good deal considering the current Warrior Forum owner most likely senses that the FTC was about to knock on his door any fucking day now...

I'm amazed that it sold for such a small amount of money. There have been businesses started just by leveraging Warrior Forum traffic that are making more than that.
This just in: They're acquiring BHW next.


BHW was just bought out not to long ago. I don't see it happening, unless Damien is already sick of the shit show over there. Maybe they offer him a price he can't refuse. Seriously though...3.2 mill? I really thought it would go for much more.

You also have to think he is going to have to pay taxes on that money, so in actuality he is only walking with what...roughly 2.5 million? That's not a whole lot of money in this day and age.
I'm amazed that it sold for such a small amount of money. There have been businesses started just by leveraging Warrior Forum traffic that are making more than that.

I'm surprised it's that low as well and was thinking the same exact thing.
BHW was just bought out not to long ago. I don't see it happening, unless Damien is already sick of the shit show over there. Maybe they offer him a price he can't refuse. Seriously though...3.2 mill? I really thought it would go for much more.

You also have to think he is going to have to pay taxes on that money, so in actuality he is only walking with what...roughly 2.5 million? That's not a whole lot of money in this day and age.

A 3% return on that 2.5million will get you $75,000 a year, not bad considering.