Warren Buffet On Taxes

This is called an appeal to authority. It is a logical fallacy, usually a sign of a confused or poorly constructed position.

By this argument, only billionaires are allowed to have an opinion on anything tax related. In fact, by having an opinion on Buffet, Von Doobie is engaging in a performative contradiction, as only Buffet (according to EVD) has the intelligence and experience to judge his own experience vis a vis Wickedfire.

I think investing at 11 years old and being an old as fuck billionaire means you have more intelligence/experience than any WF member, unless I missed a big chunk of his bio.



ahh i fuckin lol'd

and lol @ buffet and such being the richest people in the world. these people are middle managers of real wealth. the simple fact that they're publicized as the world's wealthiest means they are most definitely not.
This is called an appeal to authority. It is a logical fallacy, .

Actually no, its called a fact. Warren Buffett has more experience than anyone participating in this thread in two very important things; staying alive the longest on this earth and making and keeping the largest amount of money [facts]. Neither of us inferred that Warren Buffett is the only person capable of having an opinion on tax policy. You read into that and then argued against that position, as you seem to now often be in the habit of doing. Warren Buffett has however paid more in taxes then Wickedfire has (probably collectively), and has been responsible for and successful at managing very large sums of capital. It follows that his thoughts on monetary policies are something that reasonable people might find interesting even if they ultimately disagree. Nothing that I just said is fallacious.
Buffet has always made very down-to-earth comments about investing. But his comments on the downgrade don't ring true. Sounds more like he is trying to pump and dump.

The numbers don't lie - the U.S. can never pay its liabilities without printing more fiat money and totally debasing the currency. Apparently Buffet doesn't care about that. But that has been proven many times to be the road to ruin for nations.
And that, my friend, is no coincidence.

When you stop and think about it, to have a tax system in place that essentially baffles and/or intimidates the majority of its payees (and beneficiaries) is probably the truest and biggest injustice in the United States today.

this is right on the money. And it is that way on purpose...
also why tax education and other important subjects are never taught. It should be mandatory gawddamn it!
Bottom line:

If the very guy who has benefited the most from the loopholes in the US Tax Code is willing to close them, who the FUCK are you to say no?
Bottom line? Here's one: I don't buy for a moment that an 80-year old who's shown zero interest in helping anyone but himself and Berkshire shareholders (and please understand, I have no problem with Warren Buffett ... I'll admit I'm more interested in learning about his success than critiquing/criticizing his politics) is suddenly concerned with the economic welfare of American society at large.

His endorsement of Obama alone is motive enough for these unusual (for WB) political opinion pieces. In the past the only thing anyone wanted to read from Buffett was his shareholder letters, which would move markets.

Interestingly, here's Buffett in Feb 2008, foreseeing the long-term (10 years) decline of the dollar:
Buffett Foresees Dollar's Long-Term Decline, Seeks Acquisitions Overseas - Seeking Alpha

And in May '08 Buffett threw his weight behind Obama, and the only reason he cited was that he believed that an Obama presidency would strengthen the dollar. Got that? If Warren Buffett wants to do Obama a solid, it's gonna sound nice and fiscal.

Yet sprinkled in the public record of Buffett statements both before and after his official endorsement of Obama were sentiments of America achieving "social justice", ie. redistribution of wealth - I can't interpret "social justice" any other way than that. Of course at the press conference, it was about the dollar.

Buffett can make money like no motherfucker on earth, but he's not particularly a political genius. He's a homer for Obama for reasons that are not budgetary in reason

Oh and for what it's worth, here's Buffett in 2009 apologizing to investors for doing stupid things in 2008:
Billion-Dollar Whoops: Buffett Apologizes - ABC News
I love it. Without question, one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet, and some of you guys pass him off as an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Bottom line? Here's one: I don't buy for a moment that an 80-year old who's shown zero interest in helping anyone but himself and Berkshire shareholders (and please understand, I have no problem with Warren Buffett ... I'll admit I'm more interested in learning about his success than critiquing/criticizing his politics) is suddenly concerned with the economic welfare of American society at large.

He gave 80% of his life savings away to charity, mainly the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
I think investing at 11 years old and being an old as fuck billionaire means you have more intelligence/experience than any WF member, unless I missed a big chunk of his bio.

But dude, he makes the internet monies with the SEO so he must know everything. (basically how every wfer thinks when debating on sts)
I love it. Without question, one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet, and some of you guys pass him off as an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

He gave 80% of his life savings away to charity, mainly the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

I'm not calling him an idiot. He knows exactly what he's doing, and it's all for his own benefit, not the poor or the american people.
I don't think that's it at all. Don't forget, he and Bill Gate are giving away their billions to charity. I think Buffet is ready to check out and just wants to give all his wealth away. Problem is, he also wants to give all YOUR wealth away as well.
Warren Buffet is an old guy already, he does not need his billions to stay alive. I think he is in a stage wherein he want to give back to his country or perhaps want to help a country that is in deep debt to the tune of trillions of dollars.
I think investing at 11 years old and being an old as fuck billionaire means you have more intelligence/experience than any WF member, unless I missed a big chunk of his bio.

This is like saying a brain surgeon is obviously very smart, so he should be fine to operate on your colon. It's possible, but I wouldn't want this guy up my ass.
I love it. Without question, one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet, and some of you guys pass him off as an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Thanks but we all got the "Buffett's billions > anyone here" memo.

Just because I question his motives doesn't mean I'm calling him an idiot. What I wrote is as plain as day, you have no basis to say that stuff.